View Full Version : New level God Arena

03-26-2004, 10:13 AM
I have no shots yet, but I do have features:

Originally posted by Features:

*- A lil pond thing, where its cold water underneath, and a hole with a uneven scale that has access to it, with ice on top, and reflective enough to use a mirror...

*- A arena where a bull is released in the arena at a wall, where the music changes from Land of the Damned, to Compound music, and the bull see like a normal human does...

+=- Electric coming from clouds touching on destroyable recievers, with a switch that has a 3 minute delay and shocks all players(Does 99 damage), which makes all the players(Even the user) with 1 health if possible, of which the whole machine can be destroyed to stop it(If you get annoyed, its perfect to kill, so n00bs dont rule the match)

*- No cannons

*- No n00b powerups

+- Snow outside

*=- Some trees

*- Snowmen

*- Land of the Damned Song

*- 100% Deathmatch which is not for n00bs
The ='s mean theres a problem, and I need something to fix...
The +'s mean stuff is halfway/almost done
The *'s mean stuff is done.
And there will be more coming up soon, started working on it 24 hours ago from this post...

Please comment...

Add: I cant seem to find a snowy tree model anywhere in the gro file, and need a tree, if anyone can help me out, also, I need help on snow, and contant lightning...

Caged Anger
03-26-2004, 12:35 PM
wow!!! That sound really cool. But will any servers be running it? I mean, when yur done.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-26-2004, 12:43 PM
Sounds interesting man, I can't wait to try it out!

03-26-2004, 05:15 PM
I dont know when its out, and if its going to be on any servers, I have a few problems making it, I already did the music, it works well, as theres no powerups, or anything in the level, still working on the stuff I said in features, I dont know how to make lightning contantly stay at a location, and I dont know how to make snow, but those will be in the map, the level is set in a twilight look setup, and I will make this my best map, so Im trying 3 things I never made, Snow, Reflections(Already works), and lightning, Ill be looking for someone to host it, or if I cant, Ill send a copy to seriously, and a copy to more places, I wont place many words on it, as I do my other maps, but Ill try to make it good, but its play area is kinda small(A bit smaller than yoddeller), but its worth it...

Edit: This is only place I will post shots, and stuff at, and maybe seriously, if anyone wants a shot, email me(Dethcall74@yahoo.com), theres no a's in deth, I thought itd beunique to do it, as I cant post a gif, or targa, cause Im on a real diff comp, and MGI Photosuite 6 is not on this one...

03-29-2004, 06:38 PM
I have done some stuff to the level, and put entities in, it may be the first release soon...
I have been working on it for a estimate of 50 hours, and its looking like a arena in a forest now, and the models are working...

Now I would need someone to host it on 1.07 for me...