View Full Version : I need some help here

Caged Anger
03-29-2004, 02:28 AM
i just bought Q3A, and now I'm gettin the same problem i've gotten with other games. I play once, close it, then try to play again and it crashes, complete, utter, freeze/crash. The only way i can play again is if i restart the computer. I know i shouldn't have to do that and My Radeon 9000 was just bought last august. I'm pretty sure i'm usin the latest drivers for the card too so, what's goin on? :bandhead: :WTF:

(note:i haven't been able to DL the 1.32 patch yet as it takes 2 hrs, 25 minutes :wacko: to get it.)

I'm thinking it might be an open GL problem because it only happens in games that start by having a box with start up info pop up. Like in Q3A. if anyone can help, i'd be most gracious and try to make it up to them. (I could make a really good sig.)

03-31-2004, 11:30 AM
That use to happen to me with some games too. I put more memory in my computer which fixed the problem. I would assume you probably have ample memory, so that's kind of odd. :WTF:

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-31-2004, 01:11 PM
Update your sound drivers as well. Also try different versions of video drivers. Might want to update directX as well even though Q3 uses openGL.

Caged Anger
04-01-2004, 05:08 PM
ok, i got the latest version and found out that the problem was it constantly tried to dial up a connection which made it freeze. Now I'm having trouble jus playing multiplayer. It won't let me join any servers. Asks me for my CD key then says I need to get updated Punkbuster drivers. That and for some odd reason, the check for updates feature won't connect.

04-01-2004, 05:52 PM
Hey Caged have a look at this LINK (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15144), get that file and let Punkbusters update and we'll take it from there if you are still having problems

04-01-2004, 08:27 PM
he have PR 1.31, so no punk buster needed

Caged Anger
04-02-2004, 05:23 PM
the punk thing updated, had to find a .exe. Now if i can just figure out how to get PR .31 installed, i&#39;ll be all set, but from what multi I&#39;ve played so far, i lag down something awful. I thought it would be better than sam, but maybe not.

04-09-2004, 03:02 AM
Caged A
PM me your addy and ill sent you my Q3 DVD with tons of Q3 Stuff.(4.7 gig worth)
oh you will need a dvd player :wacko:

OT Hybird and Gimmy I didnt forget you :oooo: I need more blanks :rolleyes: