View Full Version : What Happened

Seriously Deadly
03-29-2004, 05:36 AM
What ever happened to it??? :WTF:

03-29-2004, 06:28 AM
I dunno :/

Seriously Deadly
03-30-2004, 01:55 AM
then plz dont post :oooo:

Asian Invasian
03-30-2004, 01:59 AM
:rofl: hes just saying and i dunno either i heard of it and never saw either :(

03-30-2004, 04:13 PM
Too much job for Sal, since everyone is using aliases. :lol:

Asian Invasian
03-30-2004, 09:52 PM
:rofl: thats true :P

03-30-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by <Asian - Invasian>@Mar 31 2004, 12:52 AM
:rofl: thats true :P
:oooo: :angel: :shifty:

03-30-2004, 11:00 PM
It will probably make its way back as the new crop of FPS games come out this year. I want to beef it up a bit before I bring it back. Also, it wouldn&#39;t be part of GameMecca as it fits better the new site that is coming out...

Don&#39;t worry, you&#39;ll know when its back.