View Full Version : Half of a memory stick disappeared?

03-29-2004, 12:09 PM
I have had 2 sticks of 256MB each for 2 years, and they've always read as 512MB. Today my computer froze, and ever since I rebooted windows has only shown 384MB of ram. I found out which stick was only being read as half of what it should be, and it does that in all 3 of my motherboard's memory slots. The memory is made by Crucial if that matters.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get all of the memory to be detected again?


Things I've tried:
Cleaning it
Cleaning the slot it was in
Moving it around to the other slots on my computer(The slots read my other 256MB stick fine, but it reads this one as 128MB for some reason)

03-29-2004, 01:53 PM
the bios will scan the memory for errors and only register as much as passes.
it is time to look at the warranty...