View Full Version : The Second Far Cry Thread

Burn the Witch
03-29-2004, 01:13 PM
Well, I just beat Far Cry, I heartily recommend everyone to get this game, its about double the length of Halo, with far superior design. On medium mode it took me about 20 hours to beat.

Bottom Line: Best Single Player FPS experience since Half Life, and its better than Half Life too. :devil:

03-29-2004, 07:58 PM
Well it prolly wont be better than Half Life Two! :P

Burn the Witch
03-30-2004, 01:24 AM
LOL, bear in mind when you mean Half Life...you dont mean Day of Defeat, CS or any of the other stuff that never existed when HL first came out. Buy Far Cry and judge it uber :)