View Full Version : Known locations for ML10 portal

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-30-2004, 03:59 PM

Atum 22k 53k, 46k 17k, 20k 54k. 15k 5k,

Stygia no loc but next to haven and east of mau camp

Boreal 43k 13k,

Hesp 6k 50k, 21k 30k, 5k 34k, 12k 45k, 60k 50k, 12k 55k,

Anatole 49k 42k, 6k 12k, , 22k 12k

Meso 23k 62k, 51.5k 50.5k , 29.5k 32.4k, 38k 33k, 7k 59k,

Typhons Reach 22k 53k,

Ashen Isle 41k/30k, 4k/40k, 16k 10k,

Notos 50k 12.5k,

Green Glades 30k 37k,

Arbor Glen 22k 23k, 21k 9k, 12k 16k,

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-30-2004, 04:07 PM
Here is what it looks like.

Link (http://www3.telus.net/cmdomain/sshot098.jpg)

03-30-2004, 04:58 PM
Thats for ML10 LOL i see that thing all the time, never knew what it was.

03-30-2004, 04:59 PM
Oh and every time I saw it, it was in stygia

03-30-2004, 05:03 PM
Seen one right outside Aerus once

03-30-2004, 05:54 PM
I couldn't ever click on it, so I thought it was a bug in the game or something :rofl: