View Full Version : This is just sick..

::: DARK PSI :::
03-31-2004, 03:24 PM
Why in the hell did we save these people? What century are they living in?

http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news/?...=&c=news_photos (http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news/?p=Fallujah&ei=UTF-8&=&c=news_photos)

I know all the people are not like that.. but this is just sick.

Burn the Witch
03-31-2004, 03:29 PM
You answered your own question in the second sentence.

03-31-2004, 03:30 PM
Ridiculous, we're helping them!
Do they want Saddam back so he can take all their money and take control over their lives agaiN?

03-31-2004, 03:58 PM
Our goal was to remove saddam and his minions, search and destroy weapons of mass destruction ( not that there really were any).

It's time we bring our men back and let Iraqis kill each other.

Maybe they are not all like that, but I sure as hell don't see any of them putting a stop to it. Sorry, but if I saw one of my neighbors burning someone, I'd kick his ass! These people are not our problem! Personally, I think our governement needs a overhaul :down:

03-31-2004, 04:02 PM
its just the mentality of the region. you either have to beat the
hell out of them all the time like saddam did or deal with their
"fight the power" attitude.
we are just wasting our time there.

03-31-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Mar 31 2004, 11:02 AM
we are just wasting our time there.
No, we're wasting the lives of our people there :(

just for money at this point :(

::: DARK PSI :::
03-31-2004, 04:40 PM
The sad thing is that the whole mentality of the people follow the common notion of "Don't blame the kids, blame the parents". By that I mean how can you blame the people when the government and society enstilled in their minds violence and hate are common reactions to most problems.

I do not see violence ending in that region for many generations unfortunately.

03-31-2004, 05:08 PM
we should just pack up and leave...BUT we will be there proly for decades to come...GOD knows the United States is the police of the world... :mad:

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-31-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by :: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Mar 31 2004, 11:40 AM
By that I mean how can you blame the people when the government and society enstilled in their minds violence and hate are common reactions to most problems.
I think that you should be careful here. I think that you have to keep in mind the fact that many countries believe in violence as a reaction to many problems. This includes America.

If you look at the recent Operation Iraqi Freedom, one wonders if sending in troops and killing many of their troops and citizens was a correct response, after seeing some "Biochemical Weapons of Mass Destruction"(which were never found). So there is one example of a country using violence to solve problems. If you go a little further back into history, one can look at the United States' treament of Native Americans. They occupied "our land", so they had to be eliminated, like they were some kind of disease. So America slaughters thousands and thousands of Native Americans and feels as if it was the right thing to do.

So the reason I bring this up is essentially this: do not make sweeping generalizations about a country, and espically do not act like "they" have been instilled with violence as a common reaction, because it happens with everyone. I think you should take a step back and realize that they are fighting violence with violence. If a country came over to America and started to devastate not only our military, but civilians with carpet bombs, would you fight back and be enraged? I know I would be.

If you would like to know my opinion as to who the culprit is for all of this violence and problems with the Middle East, I would blame it on the American media. American media has a vice grip on the Middle East's airwaves and televisions, because the American corporations sell their television programs at an extremely cheap price to the Middle East's broadcasting companies, and the Middle East's citizens love it, which is evident in the ratings. Another market that has been dominated by America is the movie industry. Virtually all movies that you can see around the Middle East are American. These two facts are significant because in the majority of these movies, the hero is a man with a gun. The hero is the violent character; he is the one who shoots people and feels that killing is justified. So, many Middle East citizens, espically their youth, see these programs and start to feel essentially the same way, that killing is justified; after all, "isn't that what is accepted in America"(as one Egyptian waiter put it).

Not only is the violence a major issue, but the fact that their culture is being "Americanized" is a major source of envy/hate/violence. Wherever they look, there is a McDonalds, and Coke, blue jeans, and Die Hard. Although some enjoy these commodities, others feel trapped by it, and choose to rebel agaisnt the source. The source is of course America.

So those are my reasons why I feel that the Iraqi/Middle East's government is not to blame for all of the "hate" that some Middle East citizens feel agaisnt America. By the way, if you want to read a great book on this subject, than I reccommend: Why Do People Hate America? by Sardar and Davies.

Caged Anger
03-31-2004, 05:18 PM
I've been questioning the reason we did it too. Seems like none really likes us anywhere. I do believe though, that seeing as we did start the war, we owe it to them to stick this out. We can't jus pull out and say "oh, well, he's gone now you do whatever you wnat" It jus wouldn't be right. Maybe they do that because they can't handle the freedom yet. Kinda like a high school grad going to college and getting wasted. lol

03-31-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by PJ'l_Master@Mar 31 2004, 12:08 PM
we should just pack up and leave...BUT we will be there proly for decades to come...GOD knows the United States is the police of the world... :mad:
Continually sticking our nose where it either doesn't belong or isn't wanted... :dry: Well, like DL said, they are not all loyal to Saddam and there are many Iraqis who are happy Saddam is gone. This just happens to be a city that remains very loyal to Saddam... Just a shame that we can't get it under control... Methinks Mr. President overestimated the gratitude and support the US would get for this "war" :oooo:

03-31-2004, 05:41 PM
damn, i hate how when they invented the tv, they also invented war,
rape and violence. these things never existed before that evil tv and
media took over.... :wacko:

03-31-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Thundarr+Mar 31 2004, 12:21 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Thundarr @ Mar 31 2004, 12:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PJ&#39;l_Master@Mar 31 2004, 12:08 PM
we should just pack up and leave...BUT we will be there proly for decades to come...GOD knows the United States is the police of the world... :mad:
Continually sticking our nose where it either doesn&#39;t belong or isn&#39;t wanted... :dry: Well, like DL said, they are not all loyal to Saddam and there are many Iraqis who are happy Saddam is gone. This just happens to be a city that remains very loyal to Saddam... Just a shame that we can&#39;t get it under control... Methinks Mr. President overestimated the gratitude and support the US would get for this "war" :oooo: [/b][/quote]
unfortunately that will probably be the way the US does things forever...maybe i should become prez so that we dont go doin so much stupid stuff... :rofl:

03-31-2004, 05:47 PM
I think that we were at one time on the right track. I personally think that Saddam should have been captured during the Gulf War. The fact that we let him sit around, doing his thing for 10 years is absolutely awful. I&#39;m glad Bush finally had the guts to go in and remove him, because he was only doing harm to his citizens and everyone else. I firmly support the fact that we went to war and did something a year ago. I do question why we are still there, though. Our men and women are dying (i have a friend stationed right in Tekrit), for seemingly nothing now. I think it&#39;s time to let Iraq deal with Iraq, we&#39;ve helped free the people from Tyranny, it&#39;s up to them to do it from here.

As far as the US being the world&#39;s police, I think that has to be. If you were the 200 pound giant on the playground, and you saw some little kid getting beat up, maybe you&#39;re not related, maybe your interests aren&#39;t involved, but would you just stand there and allow this little kid to get beat up when you have the power to stop it? If you would, you&#39;re a heartless b@&#036;tard. The U.S. is in the same position. If we do nothing, when we&#39;re so powerful, we seem heartless. If we stop the problem, we&#39;re attacked for butting in, but at least we&#39;ve done the right thing and helped the little innocent guy. Turn the other cheek - perhaps the little guy isn&#39;t gonna show the gratitude that we deserve, but the best way to get the message across is to continue to show mercy anyways.

Just my 2 cents.

03-31-2004, 05:52 PM
so far it seems that we havent seen any gratitude from the Iraqis anyways, so what was the point of being the protector?

solid snake295
03-31-2004, 07:25 PM
i think you should just go in there an clean house :devil:

::: DARK PSI :::
03-31-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32+Mar 31 2004, 01:14 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (9.99repeating^32 &#064; Mar 31 2004, 01:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-:: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Mar 31 2004, 11:40 AM
By that I mean how can you blame the people when the government and society enstilled in their minds violence and hate are common reactions to most problems.
I think that you should be careful here. I think that you have to keep in mind the fact that many countries believe in violence as a reaction to many problems. This includes America.

If you look at the recent Operation Iraqi Freedom, one wonders if sending in troops and killing many of their troops and citizens was a correct response, after seeing some "Biochemical Weapons of Mass Destruction"(which were never found). So there is one example of a country using violence to solve problems. If you go a little further back into history, one can look at the United States&#39; treament of Native Americans. They occupied "our land", so they had to be eliminated, like they were some kind of disease. So America slaughters thousands and thousands of Native Americans and feels as if it was the right thing to do.

So the reason I bring this up is essentially this: do not make sweeping generalizations about a country, and espically do not act like "they" have been instilled with violence as a common reaction, because it happens with everyone. I think you should take a step back and realize that they are fighting violence with violence. If a country came over to America and started to devastate not only our military, but civilians with carpet bombs, would you fight back and be enraged? I know I would be.

If you would like to know my opinion as to who the culprit is for all of this violence and problems with the Middle East, I would blame it on the American media. American media has a vice grip on the Middle East&#39;s airwaves and televisions, because the American corporations sell their television programs at an extremely cheap price to the Middle East&#39;s broadcasting companies, and the Middle East&#39;s citizens love it, which is evident in the ratings. Another market that has been dominated by America is the movie industry. Virtually all movies that you can see around the Middle East are American. These two facts are significant because in the majority of these movies, the hero is a man with a gun. The hero is the violent character; he is the one who shoots people and feels that killing is justified. So, many Middle East citizens, espically their youth, see these programs and start to feel essentially the same way, that killing is justified; after all, "isn&#39;t that what is accepted in America"(as one Egyptian waiter put it).

Not only is the violence a major issue, but the fact that their culture is being "Americanized" is a major source of envy/hate/violence. Wherever they look, there is a McDonalds, and Coke, blue jeans, and Die Hard. Although some enjoy these commodities, others feel trapped by it, and choose to rebel agaisnt the source. The source is of course America.

So those are my reasons why I feel that the Iraqi/Middle East&#39;s government is not to blame for all of the "hate" that some Middle East citizens feel agaisnt America. By the way, if you want to read a great book on this subject, than I reccommend: Why Do People Hate America? by Sardar and Davies. [/b][/quote]
In no way did I say America is not guilty of the sins it has caused mankind. We, I should say this country, are just as evil as any other entity.

The one thing that is left out from your point is that currently in our "civilized" society I do not see it right to burn the innocent and hang them from bridges while an enraged mob mutilates a body. In this country and others, that would be considered a crime with harsh consequences.

As far as the government not to blame. How can you state they are not. Last time I checked the ousted regime in Iraq performed grostesque actions towards their people that can be considered on the same line as Hitler.

The unfortunate thing for the Middle East is the majority of the innocent people are trapped in a harsh, controlling society brewed by outlaw regimes and fundamentalism. Though those groups are the few, they maintain the power.

03-31-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by solid snake295@Mar 31 2004, 03:25 PM
i think you should just go in there an clean house :devil:
:unsure: :lol: UR BAD&#33;

03-31-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32@Mar 31 2004, 09:14 AM
Wherever they look, there is a McDonalds, and Coke, blue jeans, and Die Hard.*
Are you talking about those lan party pics the Villains posted? Die Hard is a nice guy&#33; Leave him out of this&#33; :P

Seriously, it is sad that people anywhere would ever celebrate death and violence. The Middle East is an incredibly complicated place today and there is plenty of blame to go around for politicians all over the world.

04-01-2004, 04:05 AM
I think we need to retire as the world&#39;s police force and get our troops out of there before this war destroys the whole nation of Iraq.
It is good that we removed Saddam Hussein from power and are now holding him prisoner, but on the bad side we let in all these terrorists that are striking the Coalition forces and the Iraqi civilian population without remorse, and in God&#39;s name&#33; :bawling: If there is one negative the Iraqis did not have under Saddam&#39;s regime was terrorists coming into the country and setting off bombs at random. If you ask me, President Bush wanted very badly to start a war in the country that he would say anything, including all this flap about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction. On one hand I want this war over right now. But if we pull out too soon then Iraq may get caught in a civil war. But I am leaning more towards the opinion that we should pull out. It is ridiculous that more fatalities are occuring as a result of guerrilla ops than there were during the initial major combat operations. We should have been out when Mr. Bush said major combat was over.

As Thundarr said, not all Iraqis supported the Ba&#39;ath Party though. There were even people from Saddam Hussein&#39;s family who betrayed him to the authorities. Right now it seems though that every Iraqi in Fallujah is trying to get the regime back in power.
Bottom line, what started as a war has turned into a guerrilla war and then into a genocide. I say we should get out&#33;


04-01-2004, 07:37 AM
hmmm, i just woke up and this is the first thread i see.

sorry if i offend people here on this on my view "and i said my view" of this situation.

i get called a nazi by some for my views or just some radical freak. i am a person who looks at the big picture and timetaken for american spilled blood. i have said it before and will die saying what i believe in. some may always here me shooting off kill kill kill but for once i wish someone would actually here what i am saying.

here we go :blink:

as far as iraq goes i support the war only if we were taking it over and running it. i could care less if we kill every dirtbag in that country. if they do not comply then death should be issued. it is disgusting watching the news these days hearing the political crap between democrats and republicans fight over this and that while we are at war and nothing is getting done. these people make a situation worste. this should have been over with with the reality of belief "there will never" and i said this before "never" be peace in the middle east. you can not trust any mideastern country. if you feel that is prejudice, i say go scratch. how anyone can think they can go into one section of the world and try to change their way of living and beliefs when you have all the other countries that are the same way.
for instance...

you clean iraq(never going to happend)
but what about...
saudia arabia
etc etc.

these countries are all the same and teach hate. where do you think bin laden is from and gets most of there money from. it&#39;s all hidden and why this country refuses to admit it is beyond me. here is the only way for a resolve as bush puts it except this one would actually work

first, americans need to be brought out of the mid east region. 2nd america needs to get off there high horse and brace itself for what will be world war3. americans need stop thinking life is some citcom and think the world owes them (actually it does but it will never happend) (yes your country owes america france germany-isreal-everyone)(or you would all have blonde hair blue eyes or maybe slanted eyes)

2nd-we need to design (which should already be done already) or prepare the country for an alternative fuel. oil should not be used anymore or as much as coal.

3rd--leave the un (should have done this already when we saw all the non supporing countries that went against us.) we americans pay more than any other country to the united nations in which all nations are against or the majority is. face it people, we are hated by most because of our leadership.

4th--send out warning to all nations (in the process we use our finest engineers to continue to design the most effective weapons.) that america will not tolerate anything against america or our allies. any country with terrorist groups will be held responsible for any action taken.

5th--if a country refuses to comply, then an example that japan has learned when they attacked america should be casted destroying all that live in that country. (i know this seems boohoo to you but how long do you think countries would play around after a few are wiped out?) i would have weapons pointed and tankers prepared to launch on the second at all these countries that feel we are there enemy.

6th--give isreal the right or get off there back on any action they take when dealing with the attacks on their country. (actually i respect isreals approach to terrorism. they only make the mistake on not completing what would help them in a long run. example... after they kill a palestine schmcuk leader, they should be prepared for the next launch when all the supporters are marching in the street screaming death to isreal and america. when they are all together .....BAM kill them all. after a few of these gathering death tolls, sooner or later someone has to give. even if it&#39;s to the last man standing.

7th--start spending money on our own country to help education for the children and start rebuilding what was once strong in this country, "patriotism".

i remember 9/11 how the people were to eachother. nation wide america stood together. you could not here the liberals. america was prepared to fight and was ready to kick ass. we all white, black, asian, all americans were ready and prepared to do what we had to do. i was proud to be american those few months because the people, we americans showed the world we would stick together but now, america shows everyone that we forget too easy.

also who ever says that there were no weapons of mass destruction should really think about that and there statement. i ersonally believe there are still weapons but have moved to anothe country. do you really discount the possiblility of such weapons from such people?

death to the mideast and all there siblings :thumbs: burn them with their oil.

04-01-2004, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Mar 31 2004, 03:58 PM
Our goal was to remove saddam and his minions, search and destroy weapons of mass destruction ( not that there really were any).

It&#39;s time we bring our men back and let Iraqis kill each other.

Maybe they are not all like that, but I sure as hell don&#39;t see any of them putting a stop to it. Sorry, but if I saw one of my neighbors burning someone, I&#39;d kick his ass&#33; These people are not our problem&#33; Personally, I think our governement needs a overhaul :down:
pure i have to agree with you. as far as kepping our soldiers there and letting them get killed while the citizens of iraq do nothing i say is stupid. our men should be getting the oil out of iraq for the money we spent on this war and thats it.

83 billion plus for this piece of crap. for this i would vote for anyone but bush for being so dumb regardless of how dumb the other is.

04-01-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Mar 31 2004, 04:02 PM
its just the mentality of the region. you either have to beat the
hell out of them all the time like saddam did or deal with their
"fight the power" attitude.
we are just wasting our time there.

perfectly said---"the mentality of the region"

04-01-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by :: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Mar 31 2004, 04:40 PM
The sad thing is that the whole mentality of the people follow the common notion of "Don&#39;t blame the kids, blame the parents". By that I mean how can you blame the people when the government and society enstilled in their minds violence and hate are common reactions to most problems.

I do not see violence ending in that region for many generations unfortunately.
if i was there as a soldier, i would be shooting anyone from men to woman to the kids running around in the street. a baby rat grows to be another big rat.

04-01-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32+Mar 31 2004, 05:14 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (9.99repeating^32 @ Mar 31 2004, 05:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-:: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Mar 31 2004, 11:40 AM
By that I mean how can you blame the people when the government and society enstilled in their minds violence and hate are common reactions to most problems.
I think that you should be careful here. I think that you have to keep in mind the fact that many countries believe in violence as a reaction to many problems. This includes America.

If you look at the recent Operation Iraqi Freedom, one wonders if sending in troops and killing many of their troops and citizens was a correct response, after seeing some "Biochemical Weapons of Mass Destruction"(which were never found). So there is one example of a country using violence to solve problems. If you go a little further back into history, one can look at the United States&#39; treament of Native Americans. They occupied "our land", so they had to be eliminated, like they were some kind of disease. So America slaughters thousands and thousands of Native Americans and feels as if it was the right thing to do.

So the reason I bring this up is essentially this: do not make sweeping generalizations about a country, and espically do not act like "they" have been instilled with violence as a common reaction, because it happens with everyone. I think you should take a step back and realize that they are fighting violence with violence. If a country came over to America and started to devastate not only our military, but civilians with carpet bombs, would you fight back and be enraged? I know I would be.

If you would like to know my opinion as to who the culprit is for all of this violence and problems with the Middle East, I would blame it on the American media. American media has a vice grip on the Middle East&#39;s airwaves and televisions, because the American corporations sell their television programs at an extremely cheap price to the Middle East&#39;s broadcasting companies, and the Middle East&#39;s citizens love it, which is evident in the ratings. Another market that has been dominated by America is the movie industry. Virtually all movies that you can see around the Middle East are American. These two facts are significant because in the majority of these movies, the hero is a man with a gun. The hero is the violent character; he is the one who shoots people and feels that killing is justified. So, many Middle East citizens, espically their youth, see these programs and start to feel essentially the same way, that killing is justified; after all, "isn&#39;t that what is accepted in America"(as one Egyptian waiter put it).

Not only is the violence a major issue, but the fact that their culture is being "Americanized" is a major source of envy/hate/violence. Wherever they look, there is a McDonalds, and Coke, blue jeans, and Die Hard. Although some enjoy these commodities, others feel trapped by it, and choose to rebel agaisnt the source. The source is of course America.

So those are my reasons why I feel that the Iraqi/Middle East&#39;s government is not to blame for all of the "hate" that some Middle East citizens feel agaisnt America. By the way, if you want to read a great book on this subject, than I reccommend: Why Do People Hate America? by Sardar and Davies. [/b][/quote]
give me and us a break form the liberal bs. how dare you use us as an example to these countries. i am sure what their response is that these countries are based on hate as they are taught it in school. you bring up the indians as some sort of meaning but if i remeber correctly, my family got here and were irish immigrants. the world forgets about the irish and never realize what they had to go through there in ireland under british rule and what theyw went through here in america which was far worst than slavery. if you want to discuss history i would go toe to toe with ya. and another thing, america today was created from the revolution. it&#39;s too bad that people forgot what that was about. my ancestors never killed any indians and sur ethe hell didnt own any slaves so i wish i would not have to hear about that bs unless they bring up every nationalities experience upon arrival of america.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-01-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Apr 1 2004, 02:56 AM
how dare you use us as an example to these countries. i am sure what their response is that these countries are based on hate as they are taught it in school.
Even though I know that Bigg will not even pay attention to anyone else&#39;s opinion, I&#39;m going to respond anyway because his post in response to mine clearly shows that he misinterprated what I was saying.

First of all, in these lines that I have quoted you(although I&#39;m not 100% sure what you are saying), I would love to see any evidence that any school in the Middle East actually teaches its students to hate Americans. How can you be "sure" when you have no evidence?

My post had absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity, it had to do with nationality. I do not think that anyone can deny the fact that America believes that violence solves problems, whether you talk about the past or present day. That was my central point in my first two paragraphs(you even mention the American Revolution, which was yet another example of America using violence as a solution).

04-01-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32+Apr 1 2004, 07:01 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (9.99repeating^32 &#064; Apr 1 2004, 07:01 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ME BIGGD01@Apr 1 2004, 02:56 AM
how dare you use us as an example to these countries.* i am sure what their response is that these countries are based on hate as they are taught it in school.
Even though I know that Bigg will not even pay attention to anyone else&#39;s opinion, I&#39;m going to respond anyway because his post in response to mine clearly shows that he misinterprated what I was saying.

First of all, in these lines that I have quoted you(although I&#39;m not 100% sure what you are saying), I would love to see any evidence that any school in the Middle East actually teaches its students to hate Americans. How can you be "sure" when you have no evidence?

My post had absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity, it had to do with nationality. I do not think that anyone can deny the fact that America believes that violence solves problems, whether you talk about the past or present day. That was my central point in my first two paragraphs(you even mention the American Revolution, which was yet another example of America using violence as a solution). [/b][/quote]
Even if they don&#39;t teach it in school, it&#39;s taught in the familly :bandhead: They bread hate&#33; Remember when the towers fell, and in Pakistan, they had people dancing in the streets, throwing candy to the children in celebration? They&#39;ve got one real f-ed up gene pool over there :down:

Even though I know that Bigg will not even pay attention to anyone else&#39;s opinion,

If he bothered to read it, obviously he paid attention.

one can look at the United States&#39; treament of Native Americans. They occupied "our land", so they had to be eliminated, like they were some kind of disease. So America slaughters thousands and thousands of Native Americans and feels as if it was the right thing to do.

That&#39;s nice :thumbs: bring up what was done hundreds of years. I hate to break this to you, but hind sight is 20/20, if we could change history to make things better, we would, would the people who burned Americans yesterday? I hate to tell you, but last time I was at my nearest resevation (huge casino) I wasn&#39;t kicking out Native Americans and taking their hotel.

I do not think that anyone can deny the fact that America believes that violence solves problems, whether you talk about the past or present day.

That&#39;s pretty general, as a last resort, sometimes it must be done, but we dicked around with Saddam for a long time before we went in, and the people of Iraq did nothing about him. It&#39;s impossible to say what "last resort" is since once you act, there is always someone who will second guess you. And as far as violence as a response to 9/11, do you think if Afganistan and Pakistan rounded up Bin Ladden and his network and turned him over, we would&#39;ve sent in our millitary?? I hate to break this to you, but if the world cleaned up after itself and our military stayed home, most America would be quite pleased.

One last point my friend, look at this pic, think of that burned man as your father or brother, because I&#39;m sure that somewhere in the USA, that what that corpse is to someone :( And that&#39;s not even a soldier, probably never killed a Iraq citizen, yet there he is. See all the happy faces in that pick? Feel any anger yet?

04-01-2004, 12:54 PM
2nd-we need to design (which should already be done already) or prepare the country for an alternative fuel. oil should not be used anymore or as much as coal.

3rd--leave the un (should have done this already when we saw all the non supporing countries that went against us.) we americans pay more than any other country to the united nations in which all nations are against or the majority is. face it people, we are hated by most because of our leadership.

4th--send out warning to all nations (in the process we use our finest engineers to continue to design the most effective weapons.) that america will not tolerate anything against america or our allies. any country with terrorist groups will be held responsible for any action taken.

5th--if a country refuses to comply, then an example that japan has learned when they attacked america should be casted destroying all that live in that country. (i know this seems boohoo to you but how long do you think countries would play around after a few are wiped out?) i would have weapons pointed and tankers prepared to launch on the second at all these countries that feel we are there enemy.

6th--give isreal the right or get off there back on any action they take when dealing with the attacks on their country. (actually i respect isreals approach to terrorism. they only make the mistake on not completing what would help them in a long run. example... after they kill a palestine schmcuk leader, they should be prepared for the next launch when all the supporters are marching in the street screaming death to isreal and america. when they are all together .....BAM kill them all. after a few of these gathering death tolls, sooner or later someone has to give. even if it&#39;s to the last man standing.

7th--start spending money on our own country to help education for the children and start rebuilding what was once strong in this country, "patriotism".

I got to say, about 80% of that I have to agree with. 2 & 4 I have to say :thumbs: I still say we should&#39;ve rolled over Pakistan and Afganistan with the forces we wasted in Iraq, but only if they didn&#39;t cough up Bin Ladden and his minions. On Sept 13, we should&#39;ve lined up the troops and said "you have 1 week to give them up, or we&#39;re taking them" It would&#39;ve been a big wake up call. Instead we were nice, and the problem is still there. :(

04-01-2004, 12:57 PM
lots of long posts :wacko:

i do agree with most of what was said i firmly believe that we should just COMPLETELY leave the middle east to its own demise, and when they all blow the he&#33;&#33; out of each other we can swoop in and take the oil from the smoking craters that used to be Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, etc, etc :devil:

04-01-2004, 02:02 PM
Yeah, leave the region and let the whole Middle East turn itself into a big smoking crater in the side of the earth. Or we can stay and do it for them. :bandhead: Do we end the violence with more violence, or do we leave and let the violence grow?


04-01-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32+Apr 1 2004, 12:01 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (9.99repeating^32 &#064; Apr 1 2004, 12:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ME BIGGD01@Apr 1 2004, 02:56 AM
how dare you use us as an example to these countries.* i am sure what their response is that these countries are based on hate as they are taught it in school.
Even though I know that Bigg will not even pay attention to anyone else&#39;s opinion, I&#39;m going to respond anyway because his post in response to mine clearly shows that he misinterprated what I was saying.

First of all, in these lines that I have quoted you(although I&#39;m not 100% sure what you are saying), I would love to see any evidence that any school in the Middle East actually teaches its students to hate Americans. How can you be "sure" when you have no evidence?

My post had absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity, it had to do with nationality. I do not think that anyone can deny the fact that America believes that violence solves problems, whether you talk about the past or present day. That was my central point in my first two paragraphs(you even mention the American Revolution, which was yet another example of America using violence as a solution). [/b][/quote]
i was in no way trying to offend you but taking a few of the sentences out and commenting on them. i used those sentences because it is brought up in many debates in the world not just by you but by others even on the news. i was not against you or your oppinion but against the bias reasoning or politically correct stuff. it&#39;s a pet peeve of mine of for instance a minority complaining that the white man keeps them down when all in all it is themself and they are using minority status as a crutch. my point--there is no such thing as a minority if you do not say we are all minorities.

i would also like to comment on the violence stuff. we america goto war for reason. war is ugly and people die. america has gone through many wars and americans have died. wars are fought with violence and this has been the case before america was ever created. this is why america needs to be a bully once in awhile which liberals feel that you shouldnt fight with violence. like the kid who gets picked on in school. if he doesnt fight back, he will always be picked on. i do not make the rules but that&#39;s the way they are. i really didnt understand your point as you did not understand mine but i hope this clears it up and take no offence to anthing based on your oppinion. yes i may get uptight about it but i have the ability to post back to interject as i did. i also like when someone who accuses me of not reading and just replying to atleast except these are all oppinions and not just say that i wont except anyones.
