View Full Version : Master Level Info

Marianna is Somebodylittle
03-31-2004, 03:32 PM
HI all! :wave:

Just wanted to let you know that I've just started a few threads on the TFO site regarding Master Levels, based on a request we had for it during the recent meeting. I figured since we're trying to test both forums out to see which better suits our needs, I'll get something going that people can use as a test. In any case, I have a thread for each ML...hoping people will post questions/suggestions/etc. about each one.

If we stick with the TFO site, but we'd rather have those topics in another forum (maybe just for ToA instead of the Alliance) we can move em. Or if we use OoD's site for Alliance purposes and people want the info there, maybe we can cut and paste into new threads or work something out.

Let me know what ya' think...and feel free to post info you'd like to share. I know you all are ML masters and I'd love to get a peak at what you've found works best on each.

http://www.thefirstorder.com/forum/viewfor...e77cb1b95e5e4a6 (http://www.thefirstorder.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=18&sid=b6c62f2dbff0b1aa7e77cb1b95e5e4a6)

THANKS in advance! :thumbs: