View Full Version : The staggering power of the President!

04-02-2004, 03:02 PM
Inspiring Americas Youth ! (http://www.local6.com/slideshow/news/2967995/detail.html?qs=1&s=1&dm=ss&p=news)

This is priceless!

and yes, I stole this from the Gummi forum, I had too :P :rofl:

Props to GreenGoo[GummiBear] :thumbs: :jammin:

04-02-2004, 05:42 PM
:rofl: Nice job kid!

04-02-2004, 05:45 PM
:rofl: Funny stuff. Thanks for the link Pure.

04-02-2004, 06:34 PM
He could care less about what the President has to say. Pffff at his age all he is concerned with is what game is fixing to come out on Playstation and the fact that school can't let out fast enough. :rolleyes:

04-02-2004, 06:35 PM
That great!!! :oooo: :thumbs: :rofl:

04-02-2004, 06:44 PM
Shows how America's youth really feels about our president. :rofl: This is what he is actually thinking:

"Would I like to get Doom III more when that comes out, or Serious Sam II?"


04-02-2004, 07:08 PM
Last time I checked America's youths couldn't vote so ........... I wonder why that is

04-02-2004, 07:22 PM
this was edited just let you all know. in fact cnn had to apologize along with cbs's night show. it's more and more attacks on the president rather the country getting together and sloving it's true problems.

link (http://www.local6.com/news/2968435/detail.html)

04-02-2004, 07:23 PM
At age 18 they can. Last I heard a bill was being considered that would make voting legal at age 16. How would you accept that bill if it passes?


04-02-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Apr 2 2004, 11:22 AM
this was edited just let you all know.* in fact cnn had to apologize along with cbs's night show.* it's more and more attacks on the president rather the country getting together and sloving it's true problems.

link (http://www.local6.com/news/2968435/detail.html)
:thumbs: In today&#39;s politics doing what&#39;s best for the country is practically an unknown concept. More like what&#39;s best for <insert party here>.

The kid&#39;s still pretty funny though... :P

Caged Anger
04-02-2004, 08:21 PM
whenever i see Bush come on TV for some "breaking" news, i hit the power button.

04-02-2004, 08:42 PM

04-02-2004, 09:10 PM
Rightfully so&#33; :devil:


04-02-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by >SSC<TheMaster@Apr 2 2004, 01:23 PM
Last I heard a bill was being considered that would make voting legal at age 16. How would you accept that bill if it passes?

Read my lips, Never gonna happen&#33;

04-02-2004, 09:55 PM
I can read your posts clearly enough Shogun. Isn&#39;t that easier than reading your lips? :lol: It probably won&#39;t. Shame, I want to vote Bush out this year.


04-03-2004, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by >SSC<TheMaster@Apr 2 2004, 09:55 PM
I can read your posts clearly enough Shogun. Isn&#39;t that easier than reading your lips? :lol: It probably won&#39;t. Shame, I want to vote Bush out this year.

i would love to hear your reason to vote bush out. let me know what it is that disturbs you the most about bush. the things he has done and hasnt done that disturbs you.


04-03-2004, 02:16 AM
Not to offend anyone, but the war in Iraq for example, despite the fact we removed Saddam from power, we should have concluded this war a long time ago. And we still have not been able to find weapons of mass destruction in the country. There was evidense of WMD programs, but no actual weapons. And remember the Al-Samoud 2 missiles found shortly before the war began, Saddam was disposing of those, showing that he was complying with UN resolutions.
Secondly, we have not been able to capture Al-Qaida leader Usama bin Laden, which might make a big difference in the upcoming election, the only way to destroy Al-Qaida is to cut the head off.
I don&#39;t want to offend anyone who supports Bush. After all, he has done some good things, I am just stating my opinion.


04-03-2004, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by >SSC<TheMaster@Apr 2 2004, 09:16 PM
Not to offend anyone, but the war in Iraq for example, despite the fact we removed Saddam from power, we should have concluded this war a long time ago. And we still have not been able to find weapons of mass destruction in the country. There was evidense of WMD programs, but no actual weapons. And remember the Al-Samoud 2 missiles found shortly before the war began, Saddam was disposing of those, showing that he was complying with UN resolutions.
Secondly, we have not been able to capture Al-Qaida leader Usama bin Laden, which might make a big difference in the upcoming election, the only way to destroy Al-Qaida is to cut the head off.
I don&#39;t want to offend anyone who supports Bush. After all, he has done some good things, I am just stating my opinion.

:thumbs: that is the opinion of many.

04-03-2004, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by >SSC<TheMaster@Apr 3 2004, 02:16 AM
Not to offend anyone, but the war in Iraq for example, despite the fact we removed Saddam from power, we should have concluded this war a long time ago. And we still have not been able to find weapons of mass destruction in the country. There was evidense of WMD programs, but no actual weapons. And remember the Al-Samoud 2 missiles found shortly before the war began, Saddam was disposing of those, showing that he was complying with UN resolutions.
Secondly, we have not been able to capture Al-Qaida leader Usama bin Laden, which might make a big difference in the upcoming election, the only way to destroy Al-Qaida is to cut the head off.
I don&#39;t want to offend anyone who supports Bush. After all, he has done some good things, I am just stating my opinion.

i feel the war in iraq is also bogus at this point but i supported it. it needed to be done. as far as complying to un, that is complete wrong. iraq never complied and that is why we are there. under the administration of clinton, the inspectors were booted out of iraq. saddam started complying during the end to try to make it look like he was innocent. do not think there is the impossiblity of wmd still in iraq and do not think they arent buried somewhere or moved to syria, iran or other terrorist harboring countries surrounding iraq. lets not forget who we are dealing with. i do feel we should leave iraq now that saddam is gone or atleast take over iraq with a no toleration rule with the civilians of iraq.

i just want to be open minded with everything and would like to point out this about bush since he has taken office...

he had to deal with china when they took down one of our planes
corporate scandals
national security
war on terror
war with iraq
mideast conflicts between isreal and palsetine

considering with all that, the president has kept his head up regardles of those thinking the world is or was perfect before bush took office. we have a country here not looking to win this war because no one is together and just listening to the democrats blab that bush has failed. i can not see him as a failure considering the market is still moving up which went down due to the list i listed. i am not saying bush is perfect but i do not think he has failed considering all the bs going on with america and all the non supporters. i do not have the answers and i doubt any of us do. i have this strange feeling that their is more of a danger than we all think but is not announced due to panic. bush has gone through more than any other president in one term including it being his first. his oppinions may be different than ours whne it comes to things like abortion or gays getting married but he is the commander in charge and unless you run, your only option is to vote for kerry. i think people should be bashing kerry more than bush but some would rather just bash bush and vote for anyone as long as bush is removed. you r f&#39;d if you do and f&#39;d if you dont. i as a registered voter am confused on the whole election but starting to lean once again toward bush due to what he has done so far in his first term. i do not agree with alot of things but i do not know all the things they do. i still have several months to decide but already know that kerry will not get my vote. now ask if you would have rathered gore in office instead of bush. do you think these things would have happend? maybe the corporate scandals would not have been found but the terror attacks would have. what would our countries state be in if gore was the president? i do not want to think of that. i am suprised though peopl;e saying that he is failing but it shows that alot of things are going in the positive direction. jobs, economy, no terror attacks yet. i think the problem with us is that like all the countries say about americans, we want it right now and no matter what, it&#39;s not going to happend like that. i think the democrats are pouring/flooding america with all the negatives and people dare to see the positives. some get mad at my views because they think i do not allow or accept their opinion. that is completly false. i do get disgruntled when i hear someone say what a headline from cnn or other news source that does not fill you in with all the true details. for instance, oil prices, as if bush sets them. i heard many bash bush because opec was cutting production. people didnt look to see bush was already on top of this but because the news posted it, everyone jumped on bush as if he was opec. trust me i hate gas prices here and the first thing i said since the start of the rise was damn F#&#036;@ing saudia arabia. this is my point i am trying to make. so many just blaming instead of looking at the source of the problem. you are attacking america before you attack the enemies. i hate our gov&#39;t more then most i assure you but times like this we need to get together and fight for truth and our country. with all this babbling, i feel i really could care less who dies or anything as long a smy family and friends are safe. maybe that&#39;s what the democrats want. it seems they would do anything to get into office.

04-03-2004, 05:24 AM
Things could be better, but I think the economy is starting to improve. Kerry will never get my vote.

04-03-2004, 02:51 PM
Who said I supported Kerry? No I don&#39;t think he would be a good president either. It&#39;s still early before the general election, I might end up voting for Bush if all goes well.


04-05-2004, 04:50 PM
I was just kinda wondering where those millions of new jobs the Bush tax cut was supposed to create are..... 300,000 sure is a far cry from the millions he promised...

04-05-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Thundarr@Apr 5 2004, 11:50 AM
I was just kinda wondering where those millions of new jobs the Bush tax cut was supposed to create are..... 300,000 sure is a far cry from the millions he promised...
need more wal-mart&#39;s built to upkeep his promise :shifty:

04-05-2004, 08:52 PM
Agreed. :P


04-05-2004, 11:54 PM
Well we did get reports upon invasion that saddam did indeed order wmd to be used against our troops, the question is how long had his scientists had the wmd disposed.

I think its very clear that there is al qaeda ties in Iraq, hence the truce made with the new Madrid government to see if its troops would withdraw from Iraq
Also lets not forget the car bombing in baghdad just weeks ago that his a soft target, just 12 hours after a extensive search for such devices was administered. Could wmd indeed be in iraq without our having found them yet? I think its highely possible.

with all that said, effing funny clip. Its apparent its edited though

04-06-2004, 03:25 AM
dear ignorant people who do not know facts but blurt sh1t out to piss me off not that you are just bashing the president of america but because you truthfully have no self research to base your own oppinion.

for instance----jobs----do you know what the unemployment rate is today (that&#39;s right goto google).

point------do you know what the unemployement rate the last year clinton was in office?

are you aware what has happend in this country the past for years? is your mom and dad working and feeding you? if not, how can you afford to be on the internet if you are so broke. and if you are out of work, maybe stop spending so much time on the internet and look for work.

the next three lines i just deleted because it&#39;s wrong. i give up and hope you all live long blaming one person for your countries problems. ahhhhh, the american way.

04-06-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Apr 5 2004, 10:25 PM
dear ignorant people who do not know facts but blurt sh1t out to piss me off not that you are just bashing the president of america but because you truthfully have no self research to base your own oppinion.

for instance----jobs----do you know what the unemployment rate is today (that&#39;s right goto google).

point------do you know what the unemployement rate the last year clinton was in office?

are you aware what has happend in this country the past for years? is your mom and dad working and feeding you? if not, how can you afford to be on the internet if you are so broke. and if you are out of work, maybe stop spending so much time on the internet and look for work.

the next three lines i just deleted because it&#39;s wrong. i give up and hope you all live long blaming one person for your countries problems. ahhhhh, the american way.
I am not so much casting blame as I am saying that Bush should not have touted the tax cuts as being the answer to more jobs, enough said... The tax cuts were not introduced until AFTER 9-11, correct? :hmmm:

For those who don&#39;t know what the unemployment rate was for Clinton&#39;s entire presidency... Here it is, month by month.... Just for kicks, I included the rates through Feb 2004... So, no BIGG, we are not ALL ignorant and yes, we do know our facts before we spout off at the mouth... :oooo: And yes, I did get these numbers from Google for an easy cut and paste...

1992 01 7.3
1992 02 7.4
1992 03 7.4
1992 04 7.4
1992 05 7.6
1992 06 7.8
1992 07 7.7
1992 08 7.6
1992 09 7.6
1992 10 7.3
1992 11 7.4
1992 12 7.4
1993 01 7.3
1993 02 7.1
1993 03 7.0
1993 04 7.1
1993 05 7.1
1993 06 7.0
1993 07 6.9
1993 08 6.8
1993 09 6.7
1993 10 6.8
1993 11 6.6
1993 12 6.5
1994 01 6.6
1994 02 6.6
1994 03 6.5
1994 04 6.4
1994 05 6.1
1994 06 6.1
1994 07 6.1
1994 08 6.0
1994 09 5.9
1994 10 5.8
1994 11 5.6
1994 12 5.5
1995 01 5.6
1995 02 5.4
1995 03 5.4
1995 04 5.8
1995 05 5.6
1995 06 5.6
1995 07 5.7
1995 08 5.7
1995 09 5.6
1995 10 5.5
1995 11 5.6
1995 12 5.6
1996 01 5.6
1996 02 5.5
1996 03 5.5
1996 04 5.6
1996 05 5.6
1996 06 5.3
1996 07 5.5
1996 08 5.1
1996 09 5.2
1996 10 5.2
1996 11 5.4
1996 12 5.4
1997 01 5.3
1997 02 5.2
1997 03 5.2
1997 04 5.1
1997 05 4.9
1997 06 5.0
1997 07 4.9
1997 08 4.8
1997 09 4.9
1997 10 4.7
1997 11 4.6
1997 12 4.7
1998 01 4.6
1998 02 4.6
1998 03 4.7
1998 04 4.3
1998 05 4.4
1998 06 4.5
1998 07 4.5
1998 08 4.5
1998 09 4.6
1998 10 4.5
1998 11 4.4
1998 12 4.4
1999 01 4.3
1999 02 4.4
1999 03 4.2
1999 04 4.3
1999 05 4.2
1999 06 4.3
1999 07 4.3
1999 08 4.2
1999 09 4.2
1999 10 4.1
1999 11 4.1
1999 12 4.0
2000 01 4.0
2000 02 4.1
2000 03 4.0
2000 04 3.8
2000 05 4.0
2000 06 4.0
2000 07 4.0
2000 08 4.1
2000 09 4.0
2000 10 3.9
2000 11 3.9
2000 12 3.9
2001 01 4.2
2001 02 4.2
2001 03 4.3
2001 04 4.4
2001 05 4.3
2001 06 4.5
2001 07 4.6
2001 08 4.9
2001 09 5.0
2001 10 5.4
2001 11 5.6
2001 12 5.7
2002 01 5.6
2002 02 5.7
2002 03 5.7
2002 04 5.9
2002 05 5.8
2002 06 5.8
2002 07 5.8
2002 08 5.7
2002 09 5.7
2002 10 5.7
2002 11 5.9
2002 12 6.0
2003 01 5.8
2003 02 5.9
2003 03 5.8
2003 04 6.0
2003 05 6.1
2003 06 6.3
2003 07 6.2
2003 08 6.1
2003 09 6.1
2003 10 6.0
2003 11 5.9
2003 12 5.7
2004 01 5.6
2004 02 5.6

04-08-2004, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Thundarr+Apr 6 2004, 05:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Thundarr @ Apr 6 2004, 05:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ME BIGGD01@Apr 5 2004, 10:25 PM
dear ignorant people who do not know facts but blurt sh1t out to piss me off&nbsp; not that you are just bashing the president of america but because you truthfully have no self research to base your own oppinion.

for instance----jobs----do you know what the unemployment rate is today (that&#39;s right goto google).

point------do you know what the unemployement rate the last year clinton was in office?

are you aware what has happend in this country the past for years?&nbsp; is your mom and dad working and feeding you?&nbsp; if not, how can you afford to be on the internet if you are so broke.&nbsp; and if you are out of work, maybe stop spending so much time on the internet and look for work.

the next three lines i just deleted because it&#39;s wrong.&nbsp; i give up and hope you all live long blaming one person for your countries problems.&nbsp; ahhhhh, the american way.
I am not so much casting blame as I am saying that Bush should not have touted the tax cuts as being the answer to more jobs, enough said... The tax cuts were not introduced until AFTER 9-11, correct? :hmmm:

For those who don&#39;t know what the unemployment rate was for Clinton&#39;s entire presidency... Here it is, month by month.... Just for kicks, I included the rates through Feb 2004... So, no BIGG, we are not ALL ignorant and yes, we do know our facts before we spout off at the mouth... :oooo: And yes, I did get these numbers from Google for an easy cut and paste...

1992 01 7.3
1992 02 7.4
1992 03 7.4
1992 04 7.4
1992 05 7.6
1992 06 7.8
1992 07 7.7
1992 08 7.6
1992 09 7.6
1992 10 7.3
1992 11 7.4
1992 12 7.4
1993 01 7.3
1993 02 7.1
1993 03 7.0
1993 04 7.1
1993 05 7.1
1993 06 7.0
1993 07 6.9
1993 08 6.8
1993 09 6.7
1993 10 6.8
1993 11 6.6
1993 12 6.5
1994 01 6.6
1994 02 6.6
1994 03 6.5
1994 04 6.4
1994 05 6.1
1994 06 6.1
1994 07 6.1
1994 08 6.0
1994 09 5.9
1994 10 5.8
1994 11 5.6
1994 12 5.5
1995 01 5.6
1995 02 5.4
1995 03 5.4
1995 04 5.8
1995 05 5.6
1995 06 5.6
1995 07 5.7
1995 08 5.7
1995 09 5.6
1995 10 5.5
1995 11 5.6
1995 12 5.6
1996 01 5.6
1996 02 5.5
1996 03 5.5
1996 04 5.6
1996 05 5.6
1996 06 5.3
1996 07 5.5
1996 08 5.1
1996 09 5.2
1996 10 5.2
1996 11 5.4
1996 12 5.4
1997 01 5.3
1997 02 5.2
1997 03 5.2
1997 04 5.1
1997 05 4.9
1997 06 5.0
1997 07 4.9
1997 08 4.8
1997 09 4.9
1997 10 4.7
1997 11 4.6
1997 12 4.7
1998 01 4.6
1998 02 4.6
1998 03 4.7
1998 04 4.3
1998 05 4.4
1998 06 4.5
1998 07 4.5
1998 08 4.5
1998 09 4.6
1998 10 4.5
1998 11 4.4
1998 12 4.4
1999 01 4.3
1999 02 4.4
1999 03 4.2
1999 04 4.3
1999 05 4.2
1999 06 4.3
1999 07 4.3
1999 08 4.2
1999 09 4.2
1999 10 4.1
1999 11 4.1
1999 12 4.0
2000 01 4.0
2000 02 4.1
2000 03 4.0
2000 04 3.8
2000 05 4.0
2000 06 4.0
2000 07 4.0
2000 08 4.1
2000 09 4.0
2000 10 3.9
2000 11 3.9
2000 12 3.9
2001 01 4.2
2001 02 4.2
2001 03 4.3
2001 04 4.4
2001 05 4.3
2001 06 4.5
2001 07 4.6
2001 08 4.9
2001 09 5.0
2001 10 5.4
2001 11 5.6
2001 12 5.7
2002 01 5.6
2002 02 5.7
2002 03 5.7
2002 04 5.9
2002 05 5.8
2002 06 5.8
2002 07 5.8
2002 08 5.7
2002 09 5.7
2002 10 5.7
2002 11 5.9
2002 12 6.0
2003 01 5.8
2003 02 5.9
2003 03 5.8
2003 04 6.0
2003 05 6.1
2003 06 6.3
2003 07 6.2
2003 08 6.1
2003 09 6.1
2003 10 6.0
2003 11 5.9
2003 12 5.7
2004 01 5.6
2004 02 5.6 [/b][/quote]
very good info :thumbs: that was one of the things i was trying to stress. kerry and all democrats keep spurting that we are going backwards but that is wrong because the economy is moving forward and jobs are being created. if some would shut off the media and take a look for themself, they would see it. also i think that since the numbers are under 6%, that is pretty good considering what has happend in the past 4 years. looking a little further into things, don&#39;t you think we should keep our military strong since it&#39;s been cut by 60% when the last democrat was in office. let us not forget the corporate scandals either that bush got smacked with. that was a hurdle that needed to be jumped and we made it pretty clean which could of killed us for a long time. when i hear the words failure, i just have to say i don&#39;t think so. i am not saying bush is great by all means but hey, i am working and i got scared abit when hell broke loose. i am seeing an increase in the market which tells me things look good.

04-08-2004, 05:00 PM
very good info&nbsp; that was one of the things i was trying to stress. kerry and all democrats keep spurting that we are going backwards but that is wrong because the economy is moving forward and jobs are being created. if some would shut off the media and take a look for themself, they would see it. also i think that since the numbers are under 6%, that is pretty good considering what has happend in the past 4 years. looking a little further into things, don&#39;t you think we should keep our military strong since it&#39;s been cut by 60% when the last democrat was in office. let us not forget the corporate scandals either that bush got smacked with. that was a hurdle that needed to be jumped and we made it pretty clean which could of killed us for a long time. when i hear the words failure, i just have to say i don&#39;t think so. i am not saying bush is great by all means but hey, i am working and i got scared abit when hell broke loose. i am seeing an increase in the market which tells me things look good

Yes, jobs are being created, however it&#39;s a whole lot less than was promised... At this rate, the millions Bush promised will take FOREVER to be achieved...

Wouldn&#39;t this be even better???

Companies seek tax cuts that Bush rejects
Daily Herald Reports
Posted 4/4/2004
President Bush said two years ago he would create jobs in the United States with a &#036;51 billion tax cut for companies.

He left out a tax break on overseas earnings, prompting companies to keep money overseas rather than investing in the United States and creating as many as 650,000 jobs, according to corporations such as Honeywell International Inc. and Eastman Kodak Co.

Companies such as Altria, the parent of Philip Morris, want Congress to cut taxes on overseas earnings to 5.25 percent from 35 percent for one year as an incentive to bring home &#036;639 billion in cash held in other countries.

The cut is included in the "Homeland Investment Act" in the House and the "Invest in the USA" act in the Senate.

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry backs a temporary tax cut to 10 percent on income earned abroad, saying it would encourage companies to bring back money and create jobs here. Kerry said he&#39;d also end tax breaks that encourage companies to defer taxes on foreign earnings in the first place.

"All I&#39;m trying to do is make it neutral, so the American company that decides to stay here and compete here and be here in America and is paying at the standard corporate rate is not disadvantaged to the company that goes abroad," Kerry said.

AT&T and Gillette are among 59 companies who sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, to support the cuts.

The letter cited research by Allen Sinai, 64, president and chief global economist at Decision Economics Inc. in New York. Sinai estimated the tax cut would create 650,000 jobs, trim &#036;75 billion from the federal budget deficit by 2010, boost business capital spending by &#036;78 billion in 2005, and push the gross domestic product up 0.9 percentage points.

"This proposal would allow U.S. companies a one-year opportunity to bring foreign-earned income to the United States subject to a 5.25 percent tax rate, thus reducing the current tax disincentive to investing foreign earnings in the United States," the letter said. "This would draw in hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment for the U.S. economy, enabling companies to remakes themselves at home and create new and better jobs within the United States."

04-08-2004, 09:28 PM
thundar, i am not saying bush is great (read previous posts i have made about bush) but saying bush is a failure (not saying you said this but the media and some of the bush bashers) is complete wrong. i do not like bush&#39;s policies 100% for instance, i think he should crack down on these corporations who make zillions in america and take jobs away from america. let&#39;s be honest, the system needs to be over hauled and we all know it but i refuse to just blame the current president for americas problems when these problems existed for more than 4 years. some fail to remember that we are at a critical point here with the war on terror. some forget we are not just fighting in iraq but the world on terror. i am sure this war is going to last along time but most americans want it here today, right now. i think bush needs to get his ass and make more speeches to let us americans know what the hell is going on rather then the bias media such as cnn which is owned by democrats bash and blame. people watch this and do not think for themselves. as for kerry being president, we would be in trouble. the guy has nothing positive to say and just continues to bash the president saying all negatives and making us, no i mean deviding america. this is very bad and causing alot of problems for our soldiers and stance to the world. would you agree it makes us look pathetic to the world? this is where i get frustrated and angered because people are not seeing the picture and thinking for themself. i for one would wish there was someone like mccain running for office but that&#39;s not happening. america has to be more fierce and get together to be fierce and show the world we are not going to allow terror to run the world. with that, bush is right for stopping terror but i think he needs to be more fierce and make an example. while americans are being brainwashed by the democratic party bashing bush when they fail to remember they were the ones who caused this mess with clinton. you could never ask one of these democrats about the differences because they do nothing but blame bush who had this problem since he got into office from who else but clinton. imagine having to rebuild the military od america which was cut by clinton. alot of these trade agrrements were not enforced by the clinton administration. look at all the time that gets wasted with this commision arguing over 9/11. there must of been 5 commisions already that came up with the same reason 9/11 happend and they all said it couldnt of been stopped. i kinda disagree with that and hold our gov&#39;t responsible but we must move on. let&#39;s face it, the fbi and cia f&#39;d up and their is no doubt about that. they were not doing their jobs and took it for granted and many people lost their life. this is not the case today. hell i think they are probably watching me type this :unsure: . my argument to these kind of threads is to say we all must come together and make sure what needs to be done gets done. yes i am out spoken but try to get my point out clearly. if i was running for president and just went in front of crowds bashing every thing the current administration does or did it should not get me elected. in fact if i was bashing anything such as the economy (which is and has recovered dramaticaly) and not see that the econmy is doing well, that would only prove that i would do anything to be the president which is not good for america. people should not just pick the alternative when because they hate bush. that&#39;s the brain washing that is going on and people should or need to open their eyes and compare for themself. if they do not, they will regret it sooner than they think. as far as bush saying he plans to create 1 million jobs, i see it possible after this war and people need to be realiistic in the time frame. i think with people being so judgemental and not looking and the positives and the changes that have happend already, we will never progress.

as for the tax cuts, it was a good idea. in the long run, we will get more jobs. i pay more money in taxes weekly than some make in a week. i feel we need a tax cut because we are paying too many taxes. if some of you think paying more taxes is going to help this country, i feel they really need to look at how much taxes they are paying now with everything. i am sure they will see that kerrys plan to raise taxes is going to cripple them. i would rather they spend the money more wisely than charge more to us taxpayers. hell, all the taxes we pay now are unconstitutional as it is. and once they start charging you more taxes, it will always go up which will kill the middle class and leave america with either your rich or you are poor. which one would you rather be?

04-09-2004, 02:14 AM
Heheheh i saw a skit on some show (comedy central, it has puppets) asking how to solve the current problems seen with this admin and the staggering reply was YaY we hate bush YaY

i would love to hear different viable solutions to the problems our nation faces today but it seems the democratic party is only interested in preaching hate

04-09-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Elessar@Apr 8 2004, 09:14 PM
Heheheh i saw a skit on some show (comedy central, it has puppets) asking how to solve the current problems seen with this admin and the staggering reply was YaY we hate bush YaY

i would love to hear different viable solutions to the problems our nation faces today but it seems the democratic party is only interested in preaching hate
One preaches hate?

One preaches fear?

When was the last time we had a canidate everyone liked? probably never. I just hate the fact that we get people with Republican or democrat blinders on and follow their party like sheep. I just hope that some day the Presidency isn&#39;t bought by special intrest groups and a good independant can get in and work for the people.

04-09-2004, 01:25 PM
Some good points, Bigg... But the Republicans are just as bad with the blame game, you can&#39;t say that Democrats are the only ones who try to blame the other party for the trouble the country is in, just wait, the Presidential Campaign is just heating up... It will get worse before it gets better, that&#39;s for sure... I disagree that opposing views divide the country too... That&#39;s the beauty of America, you are free to disagree and voice your opinion... If we weren&#39;t free like that we would be Socialists or Communists or in a Dictatorship...

I think the Republicans are just as brainwashed as you say the Democrats are... This mess has been a mess since before Clinton and to place the blame entirely on him is as bad me placing the blame entirely on Bush, which I do not... I just think someone else would do a better job as President...

OMG, we do agree on one thing though&#33;&#33; McCain is the man&#33;&#33;&#33; :thumbs: