View Full Version : Corcks

04-06-2004, 08:02 AM
Hi im posting this here in the hope that Corcks reads this.

Corcks what was all that about yesterday in the Villains UK server 1, it's not often I respond to Pup users but in this case i did, and now i wish i had not. I called you a pup or puppy boy which in all fairness you where. However to tell me to Drink P**S and call me a pedofile, or in the exact terms you used, (child f****r) really cuts deep. I don't mind being called names but man that was sick.

The sad thing is I have played you on several occations and I would honestly say that I have a lot of respect for you as a player, you have never caused me any concern in the past at all.....so what happened? why the outburst?

What you have to remember is that we have some very young players in our clan and while you were calling those nasty names we had 2 young players in there with us, one is only 6 years old the other 11, hence the Jr at the start of their respective tag.

On a personal note im putting this down to experience, and dispite what was said I will let this drop and be forgotton about. Maybe there was other factors here and you were having a bad day or something, or maybe your hampster died....i don't know. I have not banned you from my server, not sure about server 1 I will ask Huggy, it was his son who was in there and his next door neighbours son! If the clan want a server wide ban then i will respect thier wishes.

In the meantime.....chill dude :thumbs:

04-06-2004, 10:51 AM
Ban him, no remorse :bandhead:
pm his ip to me and get it over with.

04-06-2004, 11:20 AM
:rolleyes: Hi Picard. :rolleyes:

Corcks have always, when i have played him, been a very unpleasant player. He is one of the players in Sam, i shurely wouldnt miss if he decided to play Pacman instead. :online2long:

I totally agree with you about the words we use when we play Sam. Not only when there is children in the game, but also generally. :thumbs:

I mean that we do to little for these guys who acts pleasant and showing a good sportsmanship. :thumbs:

Die Hard
04-06-2004, 11:48 AM
Me....I'd ban his ass for a month ;)

Fred Bear
04-06-2004, 04:42 PM
I dont think that he is gunna read that here. But good try if he does. I would Ban him for a month and then wait for him to ask why. That kind of talk is uncalled for in a Villains server, I dont care what is going on in his life.

04-06-2004, 09:01 PM
if you have his ip, you can do more than just ban that sick person

04-06-2004, 09:43 PM
Corcks always spammed me in fortress some game I was about to get perfect but he had to take me with the cannon ball :online2long:

04-06-2004, 11:16 PM
Ban him. He sounds like an a**hole.
