View Full Version : Arti Raid Friday at 8Pm EST

04-07-2004, 04:33 PM
I will be also Leadin a arti raid on friday for all. Im hopein of doin 5 to 8 artifacts. Who need a arti plz submit it here plz Im goin on first come first serve bases. anyone welcome to come and help with the raid we are gona need like 2FGs-4Fgs to have a succesiful raid. Plz show your Support to your fellow player and give a elpin hand in the raid i will be puttin together raids for artis all month. WHo ever needs a arti plz put what one u need and we will try get your arti. I know how all encounters work and al the Locs.

ARTI cancled due to MLs S ill rescedual it fir monday night at 8PM EST

:jammin: :jammin: :jammin: :wootrock: :wootrock: :jammin: :jammin:

04-07-2004, 04:33 PM
I will be also Leadin a arti raid on friday for all. Im hopein of doin 5 to 8 artifacts. Who need a arti plz submit it here plz Im goin on first come first serve bases. anyone welcome to come and help with the raid we are gona need like 2FGs-4Fgs to have a succesiful raid. Plz show your Support to your fellow player and give a elpin hand in the raid i will be puttin together raids for artis all month. WHo ever needs a arti plz put what one u need and we will try get your arti. I know how all encounters work and al the Locs.

ARTI cancled due to MLs S ill rescedual it fir monday night at 8PM EST

:jammin: :jammin: :jammin: :wootrock: :wootrock: :jammin: :jammin:

04-07-2004, 04:56 PM
I will be Helping Zedus as well throughtout the arti raid. But I will not be needing any of the artifacts. Come one come all, this should be a great raid if eveyone participates, and helps the fellow guild mates and alliance. So please, everyone specifie the arti's they need. Have a Great Day

:wootrock: :wootrock: :w00t: :wootrock: :wootrock: :woohoo:

04-07-2004, 04:56 PM
I will be Helping Zedus as well throughtout the arti raid. But I will not be needing any of the artifacts. Come one come all, this should be a great raid if eveyone participates, and helps the fellow guild mates and alliance. So please, everyone specifie the arti's they need. Have a Great Day

:wootrock: :wootrock: :w00t: :wootrock: :wootrock: :woohoo:

04-07-2004, 06:55 PM
I'll be there, I've done most of the artifact encounters several times, so can try to help out with any anyone needs. There are 2 artifacts however I've been trying to get that seem to need a lot of people, and not sure if anyone knows an easier way(be greatful if you had some insight), but Foppish Sleeves are one, and I have had lots of practice getting the Gorgon head there in time, just can't get the mob to die before it's heal sphere comes back up. Second is the FlameDancer Boots, which every time a group or two has tried, man, the red and purp mobs just come flocking in from everywhere, makes for great screenshots though of albs sleeping on the job.. ~EG~ The encounters are right next to each other is another nice thing.. heh

04-07-2004, 06:55 PM
I'll be there, I've done most of the artifact encounters several times, so can try to help out with any anyone needs. There are 2 artifacts however I've been trying to get that seem to need a lot of people, and not sure if anyone knows an easier way(be greatful if you had some insight), but Foppish Sleeves are one, and I have had lots of practice getting the Gorgon head there in time, just can't get the mob to die before it's heal sphere comes back up. Second is the FlameDancer Boots, which every time a group or two has tried, man, the red and purp mobs just come flocking in from everywhere, makes for great screenshots though of albs sleeping on the job.. ~EG~ The encounters are right next to each other is another nice thing.. heh

04-07-2004, 08:58 PM
I believe there is a ML? for Friday so not many will be able to help out or come.

I would try another day but weekends are the hardest times because most do the ML during the time and Friday's too.

SAS :wave:

04-07-2004, 08:58 PM
I believe there is a ML? for Friday so not many will be able to help out or come.

I would try another day but weekends are the hardest times because most do the ML during the time and Friday's too.

SAS :wave: