View Full Version : New Clan

04-08-2004, 06:51 PM
I aint givin up >})FE({<, but however, theres gonna be a >})CFE({< Which is Coop Fierce Elements, Which is dedicated all out the Co-op levels in ssse, as we will play normal levels, I just need to use 50megs.com again for a clan site on both...

If Anyone thinks this is a merge, theres no merging, I only merge if I get a good enough deal, but will unmerge if we have to...
Merge = Fuse in 2 diff/same types of something with a better use

04-08-2004, 06:57 PM
um whatever. if i had less of a life than what i do,
i also would make up clans to amuse myself,
and then get a couple of suckers to join...