View Full Version : TONIGHT

04-09-2004, 01:08 PM
Just seeing whats on tap for tonight. Most students are on easter break, so it will probably be a fun night on no bitching...(doubtful) in /as. Any ideas what to do tonight???

04-09-2004, 01:57 PM
Starvald and me won't be home over the weekend :bawling:

So whatever u do - have fun ;)

04-09-2004, 02:20 PM
I told my friend I'd go to a jewlery party with her :bandhead: :doh: It's from 7-9 and then after that I need to go get Easter basket stuff for the kids. Tonight is a work night for Jag so we wont be on that late tonight. Good Friday??? Bah humbug!! And my sorc is 2 bubs away from ding.