View Full Version : Help with serious runner

11-18-2002, 12:34 AM
I installed serious runner, fired it up, pointed it to the directory where the dedicated server file was.....c:\programfiles\croateam\ser...\bin. Got the program running, menu looks real cool...lots of ways to set up a server....BUT...went to scan for the deathmatch files and I got a message "path not found".......HELP.....can't be a server without maps.

11-18-2002, 07:05 AM
All that I have run SS runner, if you have the map properly installed, they will run when you launch the server. That is what I would check, maybe someone else might have had that problem or something.

11-18-2002, 07:07 AM
HAMMER ,SHOGUN,SLASH and MACHINE are the guys you need to holler at.

11-18-2002, 03:10 PM
I use ASE and saw you had it running. Goober do you still have problems with it?

11-18-2002, 11:46 PM
Hey Shogun.....All I had running was the regular serious sam dedicated server program, not serious runner.

11-19-2002, 12:50 AM
OK....never mind....I am soooooo stupid....gotta start using my reading glasses when I download.....I had serious runner first encounter, NOW I have serious runner second edition...problem solved DUH!!!!!

Are there any script files or settings I should use to make it run better?
Does the type of graphic card you use make any difference using serious runner? or does it just run on the proccessor?
I am thinking of using my old 900mhz duron with 256mb of ram for a server, or 512 if I can upgrade my other computer to ddr.
Probably won't be able to host more than 4 players until the (alleged)patch shows up, no matter which comp I use

11-19-2002, 02:00 AM
The video card doesn't have anything to do with it.
As for computer size and scripts, maybe someone else can advise you better.
I started with a 900mhz T-bird w/512 megs ram and it worked fine for 6 players with my 365kbps upload speed and now I'm using a 1400mhz T-Bird and it seems to work better.
I think what makes the most difference is your upload bandwidth because as soon as a 7th player joined they couldn't move.

11-19-2002, 02:45 AM
Thanks Shogun.....to get 512k upload my isp want another $20 per month...Hmmmmmm....gonna have to sell one of the kids I guess.
Glad to know that the graphic card doesn't matter, can't afford another one.....Maybe I will bother Slash about the scripts and stuff...

11-19-2002, 02:59 AM
lol goober

11-19-2002, 05:21 AM
silly Goober LMAO :lol:

TNT Tonic
11-19-2002, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Goober DOA@Nov 18 2002, 06:50 PM
OK....never mind....I am soooooo stupid....gotta start using my reading glasses when I download.....I had serious runner first encounter, NOW I have serious runner second edition...problem solved DUH!!!!!

Are there any script files or settings I should use to make it run better?
Does the type of graphic card you use make any difference using serious runner? or does it just run on the proccessor?
I am thinking of using my old 900mhz duron with 256mb of ram for a server, or 512 if I can upgrade my other computer to ddr.
Probably won't be able to host more than 4 players until the (alleged)patch shows up, no matter which comp I use
What a goob! :D

11-19-2002, 06:48 AM
Goober I'm not really sure if this will help you, But one other setting i've played with is the Max BPS setting. The default is 3500 and moving it to 4000 seems to make it smoother per person, but you won't be able to have as many players connect. If I understand this right, This setting limits the bandwidth allocated to each player and the default DSL/Cable MaxBPS setting for SS is 6000-10000. This part has always confused me when players on dialup (3000-5000 BPS Range) complain of us being bandwidth hogs and we are really being limited to less than the game actually calls for. Maybe someone that KNOWS FOR SURE can tell me if I'm wrong about this or set it straight for us.

To see what I'm talking about look at the different .ini files in the SS-TSE/Scripts/NetSettings folder.
cli_bPrediction = 1;
cli_iBufferActions = 2;
cli_iMinBPS = 6000;
cli_iMaxBPS = 10000;

cli_bPrediction = 1;
cli_iBufferActions = 3;
cli_iMinBPS = 3000;
cli_iMaxBPS = 5000;

11-19-2002, 06:52 AM
hmmm interesting, I will have to look into it