View Full Version : I'm ready Slik

11-26-2002, 11:30 AM
I got my Q2 installed, and played with it a bit :)

Dude, I'd rather just play you on your server with others before getting into 1v1's LOL. I'm skeert. I haven't played this **** in ages, although it's kinda coming back to me :)

How about we meet on the server you play on tonight at 6 central? I'll try my best to make it, or notify you here if I can't. I'm a married man with kids, so anything goes, but I should be able to do it.

Lemme know the IP of the server in the meantime so I can get some gametime in.

This is gonna be fun! :)

11-26-2002, 11:34 AM
Have fun guys

11-26-2002, 04:13 PM
Sweet! Finally. The server I play on runs Lithium and regularly has 10+ people on it. Its crazy.

Here it is: Sisters of the Worthless Miracle IP:

I usually get 40-50 ping there so you should get just as good also.

11-26-2002, 05:01 PM
Very cool. Looking forward to it. Cya then.

11-26-2002, 07:02 PM
Dude, last time I played Q2, I had a 56K modem. I have never seen gameplay so tight :)

11-26-2002, 07:14 PM
Hehe. I played on a server where I had 150 ping and the delay was crazy. I guess im just not used to it.

11-26-2002, 11:55 PM
Well, my ping was 150-200, but that's what I'm used to in Q2. I sucked ass...

I pretty much ended up in the middle every game. I'll play some more and see if my rythm comes back :)

11-26-2002, 11:58 PM
That was fun wow. Lotta games. Dont worry that DRUDOWN guy is pretty good. Man I woulda had more screens but apparently F11 is not the screenshot command. I got one though, I tohught this was bittersweet :) (notice the times) :D

11-26-2002, 11:59 PM
gg guys

11-27-2002, 01:14 AM
MR. SLiK's cat rules all

11-27-2002, 02:01 PM
Heh, you were kind to me on screenshots :) I had some way worse games than that one :)

That's not my game ping either lol. I felt the lag for sure. Not that that's an excuse, because like I said, I'm used to that in Q2, but my ping is nevertheless, really not very good there at all for digital. We try more neutral server sometime maybe? I'd like to get a feel for some games without the 2 second delay LOL

No excuses though Slikster. It was funzy :) We play again...I gotta get my feel back for those weapons. They have very different characteristics.

11-27-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by HAMMER@Nov 27 2002, 06:01 AM
Heh, you were kind to me on screenshots :) I had some way worse games than that one :)

That's not my game ping either lol. I felt the lag for sure. Not that that's an excuse, because like I said, I'm used to that in Q2, but my ping is nevertheless, really not very good there at all for digital. We try more neutral server sometime maybe? I'd like to get a feel for some games without the 2 second delay LOL

No excuses though Slikster. It was funzy :) We play again...I gotta get my feel back for those weapons. They have very different characteristics.
ITs cool man I understand. Like I said I have a server bookmarked and everytime I join it I have like 150 ping and I cant stand it, too much delay. And plus in all of the games we played, it was either full game with 16 people, or it had 13. And plus there were good players in there. I only won a few games, that DRUDOWN guy won a lot of them so most of the screens was either me in 2nd or 3rd place (some in 1st to). One game you did much better than me. YOu were 2nd or 3rd I think and I was like 5th, bad game for me. And people keep calling me a bot, so ****ing retarded argh...Say I cheat, taunt me to 1on1, etc. just liek you guys in Sam.

We must play again though. We should try some 1v1s. Thats a huge FFA server, so you probably didnt get a big chance to get used to the weapons since you get killed very fast.