11-30-2002, 08:16 AM
hey all, hows it going? I ck in once in a while to see whats going on and maybe post a few. i tried to play afew games badly, but am awaiting my vid card to come in as i sold my gforce4 4200. oh when i come back to start the baptisms again all should look out. i am very rusty but will become he who will returm :-).

anyway, wow----i read a few threads and got confused. it seems much hostility from many people here lately. i remember the few days of sweet virus attempts against me and other friends here at GM and now it appears many are fighting in the forums rather the servers.

people i am wondering if it possible that some one is logging in to shotguns account and posting. although i was accepted by him in a previous post it just does not seem to be him. i have had my battles with him but we always fixed it reall quick and became friends. maybe i missed something as i do not get the chance to visit\play often as i would like but thats not shotgun posting in my eyes. i see many new faces and they probably do not know me---you will :-) when i return. i hope he wasnt banned from GM but it is not up to me. i read many of the warnings that was posted against the enraged but hard to tame some when hot. i enjoyed playing him as he was always tough to beat. i am sure many know that this does not seem to be shotgun the way he was or is for that matter. i know that i have been one to get hot at times and when i did i quickly admitted it or resolved it. this is a great community and a chance to meet friends from all over the world. we all need to chill out and relax. if i can learn to walk away from a thread that is heated than you all can. i hate to see people leave that were hear and there from the beginning and those who i have become friends with enen if it's only through this forum. also i would suggest people not to throw fuel in any fire whne someone is maybe trying to blow off steam. sometimes we may post something in anger and the next day you read the 20 posts of people arguing and talking dumb stuff. if i posted something like "biggd01 stop using all the powerups or camping you suck!!!" everyone should ignore the post and allow mods pm me and solve any problems. at the same time the mods should lock thread asap to prevent fuel being spilled on the fire. i think this forum was put together for us to get along, not argue who is better at a game. i kno wthere are trolls that just love to cause problems to others but my strategy has worked against the ones who tried it with me recently. i won that war and it will never be discussed here at GM.

my suggestion have fun at the forums that those are providing to us. relax and try not to post when angry. i know it may seem hard as i have fallen to it sometimes , but atleast try. if you are mad use it in a game. look at those who spam (like grimmy :-) ) he never has a problem with anyone as he just posts to let you know he's here. he has fun with the conversations that go on (i mean every conversation). find subjects that you enjpy and participate in it. it would blow if those incharge shutdown GM. i am probably older than most but not all and enjoy helping those who have pc problems and offering support if i can to anyone here. i enjoy this forum and would hate to see it shut down due to frustration. we must get along and play.

no one is better than me nor am i better than any of you. I have my good and i have my bad. i beat your butt haha because i have cable and you have 56k. you beat my butt becuase you have ati9700 and i have geforce 2. i kick your booty because you lagged and i took advantage. you see the game is not really for anyone to think they are really better but to just do the best you can and have fun. it's fun talking in the forum about wins and the congrats to those who beat you. we lose nor gain from winning or losing on sam. it's weird that we all get along though when we are complaining about netcode patch.

see you all soon--ME BIGGD

11-30-2002, 08:21 AM
very well said Bigg. I think things have cooled for the time being, hope they stay that way B)

Anyways, I am off to bed. Me thinks this apple juice is making me sleepy lol *yawn*

11-30-2002, 03:23 PM
Big you hit it head on my friend.
I must say a few words.

When I found this place(old forums) I was amazed at how cool people were and accepted me for myself and not my skills in SAM.

Although i will probally never meet most of the people here, I consider all of you my friends.
Where else can I go to pick on people, get picked on and talk about something I enjoy Video Games.

The nonsense bickering that went on a few nights ago really pissed me off and almost caused me to leave.
Should I or anyone else here have a problem with one of our members resolve it through MSN or the private message.

But I also noticed that we are a tight group here and fights and arguements will happen. Heck I have been in a few myself.

Please remember back a few months ago up to several days ago.

1. Our friend Raven got his MSN identity stolen from him. Look what happened every single member of my clan along with many other clan members gathered up and helped him get his identity back

2. Big and Grimmy got into it with Rodzilla several months back and again what happened the GM community stuck together and helped them out.

3. Most recently some jerk decided to send several of us members a worm virus. Look what happened yet again us here at GM helped eachother out.

My point is this: We are a community that is growing everyday. We are all good friends here no matter what someone my think. I for one consider this place like a hangout. There is no reason why we must go over the deep end and snap on people. Granted it is going to happen but let's explain ourselves for why we snapped. Us Mods and Admins do not wish to babysit people here. Please if we close or delete a toic of thread it is for the right reasons.
We are here to enjoy the Video GAMES that we play.
Whether it be SAM or UT or any other game. Please try to remember it is just a game.

Thankyou for letting me say what I needed to say.
Again please before you snap on someone think first and if you can't do come back the next day read what you wrote and explain why you said what you said.
This way things get better.

Thanks Again for understanding my point on everything


BTW Sirc is still Ghey. :D

11-30-2002, 03:49 PM
hit it on the head again whocares.

BTW Sirc is still ghey. :lol:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-30-2002, 04:25 PM
Very well said (both of you guys). I was going to type a smart a$$ comment, but decided to act mature instead.
Mr Big and Mr Who, you are both sooooooooo right.
Everytime I type something in anger......I feel like crap for the next couple of days.
I still do it though, because at the time, it just seems like the right thing to do.
Of course with me, most people just think I'm trying to be funny.
I really enjoy my time here in the forums and out on the SS maps.
I guess now would be a good time to thank the people who keep this place going, run servers, and other "related web sites".
In the words of Jerry Maguire: "You....... complete....... me." (tissue please) :( :)

OUTLAWS Behind You?
11-30-2002, 04:57 PM
Here, here to both of you. Well said. And to HPC, I agree, a big thank you is always a timely thing to say, so, to all the Mods and Adms,

Thank You...

11-30-2002, 05:39 PM
I have been asked to pin this topic because it means a lot to someone, and just happens to be a friend of mine that I know a little better then most of you, but you all are still my friends and I enjoy being here. I will add more latey but have to get some work done around the house while I have the energy to do it.

11-30-2002, 07:37 PM
true words... true words...

11-30-2002, 09:53 PM
If I were concerned about the comments of a member that seemed out-of-place or otherwise suspicious, I'd contact that person and ask them about it. If they indeed weren't the ones making the comments, I'd redo his account with a new password, and hopefully thwart the imposter.
I agree, there's no point to bickering or trash-mouthing someone, let's just kill each other like civilized folk!

11-30-2002, 11:32 PM
And if may add, me personally, if you don't like something I have done or said, please tell me. Most of the time I am not serious on here and mean most of what I say as a joke. I like joking around with everyone and giving them a hard time, but if you find it offensive, pm me and tell me and I won't do it anymore.

12-01-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Fire Slayer DOA@Nov 30 2002, 07:49 AM
hit it on the head again whocares.

BTW Sirc is still ghey. :lol:
What are you talking about!?!?!? Sirc is cool!!!

12-02-2002, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by 666vicious666+Dec 1 2002, 12:18 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (666vicious666 @ Dec 1 2002, 12:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Fire Slayer DOA@Nov 30 2002, 07:49 AM
hit it on the head again whocares.

BTW Sirc is still ghey. :lol:
What are you talking about&#33;?&#33;?&#33;? Sirc is cool&#33;&#33;&#33;[/b][/quote]
It was a joke.

12-02-2002, 04:41 AM
i think most of us are on the same level and vist the forum to get away for a little bit. i have been pretty busy day and night lately and yet visit the forum to see how you guys and girls are doing. it&#39;s almost like a phone call from or to your buddy. we will have tensions but we must try to sove a.s.a.p. to prevent harsh feelings.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-02-2002, 05:23 AM
Big D, I don&#39;t know what&#39;s gotten into you, but you&#39;re turning into a nice person.
Please stop it, you&#39;re scaring me. :lol: J/K

12-02-2002, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 2 2002, 12:23 AM
Big D, I don&#39;t know what&#39;s gotten into you, but you&#39;re turning into a nice person.
Please stop it, you&#39;re scaring me. :lol: J/K

12-02-2002, 05:58 AM
LOL, maybe it&#39;s the little one preventing me and my wife from sleep. J/K I just want everyone to get along as best as possible. Just think, we are all know here and it feels weird when one of us argues with eachother. It like puts or changes something when we have arguments or tension. I hope this forum grows and grows as we can be one hell of a community. I really am a nice guy also if you ever met me, but have been thought to be a big brut. I learned one thing the way people look is usually the a oppisite of what they are about personality wise. I can&#39;t wait to get my new video card to join back in the games. It is useless to try with a crappy video card. Although the card i have is pretty good for most--it just wont cut it in sam.

12-02-2002, 08:47 PM
Hey well put guys , BIGD nice to hear from you hope the little one and wife are doing well &#33;
I gota admit I&#39;m one of the guys bitching about things all the time , however I do try to stay
cool with all the other fraggers. I guess what I&#39;m trying to say is , PEACE DUDES it&#39;s
CHRISTMAS &#33;&#33; lol

12-02-2002, 11:09 PM
Big, is that you in your avatar pic?

12-03-2002, 12:25 AM
indeed thats him :)

12-03-2002, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 2 2002, 12:23 AM
Big D, I don&#39;t know what&#39;s gotten into you, but you&#39;re turning into a nice person.
Please stop it, you&#39;re scaring me. :lol: J/K
BIGGD01 is just happy to be able to hang out in a place where people don&#39;t puke formula onto his shirt. :D

12-03-2002, 05:08 AM
[BIGGD01 is just happy to be able to hang out in a place where people don&#39;t puke formula onto his shirt.]

hahahaha-lol--that&#39;s true :D :D :D