View Full Version : best personal best

12-02-2002, 07:29 AM
Yea, I couldn't believe it. I went 36-5 in hole. But I was killing people so fast, I forgot the screenie. Ask Herbus Max. about it. He was there! WOOT!!! Me so happy, just wish I would have gotten the dam screenie! :angry:

12-02-2002, 08:39 AM
Thanks Term, I get shivers, or roll my eyes when you are on the same map lol

I started out tonight really crappy. So I went to UT03 and whooped some ass there, came back and it was like someone flipped a switch. I was starting to wondering if this was just sunkist, or did someone spike it with something :lol: I was winning maps with being fragged in the single digits, and of course, slow me forgot to get the screenie. The one I did get, you can't see my name. O well, will post it anyway.

12-02-2002, 10:14 AM
GG Grimmy you also play and won at the Fortress too.

GG my man

12-03-2002, 07:08 AM
Well done Grimmy " the boy did good " GG B)

12-03-2002, 10:59 AM
Good job!