View Full Version : Spam

12-03-2002, 05:31 AM
As always we are a site for gamers, so now we need to know what you gamers would like us to do with the ever increasing amount of spam posts here in general.


I guess spam has two definitions:

1) A short reply that has nothing to do with the subject

2) Original subjects that have no meaning

::: DARK PSI :::
12-03-2002, 05:33 AM
I believe we should rename General to Off Topic and start a new General forum that should be monitored for Spam. General should be about news and events in the gaming world. Off topic can be about anything people want to talk about...

12-03-2002, 05:34 AM
Hmmm, Im not sure...

12-03-2002, 05:43 AM
Don't forget we have gaming forums for the actual gaming stuff. :D

12-03-2002, 05:46 AM
Ask members to let you know this is a spam thread. This should eliminate/decrease threads drowning in spam. One of the main reasons for spam is to up ones post count. Take away the post count titles and this might decrease posting binges. Or go the full nine yards and eliminate post counts. :)

TNT Tonic
12-03-2002, 05:47 AM
I say we just ban ShoGun...oh wait this is spam! J/K Sho!

Seriously though, I think that there should be an Off-Topic for spam and one for Regular On_Topics, but a true definition of spam needs to be released, because I agree with hare, if I just want to put a smilie or a LOL after a funny post or something then it shouldn't be spam.

12-03-2002, 05:49 AM
we should seriously get rid of post counts.....

12-03-2002, 05:50 AM
I guess spam has two definitions:

1) A short reply that has nothing to do with the subject

2) Original subjects that have no meaning

12-03-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Phoenix@Dec 3 2002, 12:49 AM
we should seriously get rid of post counts.....
Don't take this off-topic! :D

This thread deals with spam.

TNT Tonic
12-03-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by SALvation@Dec 2 2002, 11:50 PM
I guess spam has two definitions:

1) A short reply that has nothing to do with the subject

2) Original subjects that have no meaning
I guess that would work, so smilies and LOL and one words like that would be ok then?

12-03-2002, 05:53 AM
ok ok, I'll try to behave myself :)

::: DARK PSI :::
12-03-2002, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by SALvation@Dec 3 2002, 01:43 AM
Don't forget we have gaming forums for the actual gaming stuff. :D
We talk about gaming here? I thought this was SpamMecca!!!!

12-03-2002, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by TNT Tonic+Dec 3 2002, 12:52 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TNT Tonic @ Dec 3 2002, 12:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--SALvation@Dec 2 2002, 11:50 PM
I guess spam has two definitions:

1) A short reply that has nothing to do with the subject

2) Original subjects that have no meaning
I guess that would work, so smilies and LOL and one words like that would be ok then?[/b][/quote]
I think smilies and "LOL" wouldn&#39;t be spam.

12-03-2002, 05:57 AM
spam, mm mmm good lol

Anyway, I like what DL said. Have an off topic, like anything goes here, and then another one, just about games, like SS and UT03. Seems those are the most talked about games here, but definately not limited to that. A lot of people ask questions about servers, settings, and stuff in general about games, in the general board, where they could be in another board.

As for post count, I say leave it where it is. If we have 2 boards, one for general gaming questions and talk about them, and another off the wall, anything goes board, people are still going to post as much, just have to switch boards depending on what it deals with.

Me penny&#39;s worth. Lost the other penny lol :angry:

12-03-2002, 05:58 AM
IMHO There are threads started in the wrong sections and should be moved. I.E.
1. Gaming questions in the General section that belong in the Gaming section.
2. People wanting to know how to make their names flash in the section to announce todays/tonights games and matches.
3. Screenshots in the wrong sections.

Stuff like that. The General section seems to have become a "catch all" section for some people.

Threads around here tend to have about 5 good post (unless it&#39;s a flame thread, Yuck) and the topic changes or turns to spam. I just use the "Mark this forum read" and move on to the next topic.

Some people are good about posting habits and I&#39;m not talking about them. Just ask yourself before you post, Is this where this should go?

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 06:00 AM
As always we are a site for gamers, so now we need to know what you gamers would like us to do with the ever increasing amount of spam posts here in general. BTW, spam is considered posts with usually 3 words or less or just a smily post.

I&#39;m sorry, why is this being brought up in the first place? Have you been receiving a number of complaints regarding SPAM, Sal? In case no one has noticed both Grimmy and I have cut back on our posting because it was affecting how often people were reading and posting in the General Forum.

I&#39;ve never seen so many people involved in the General Forum as I have right now. Lots of good posts, plenty of fun, good interaction between people (yeah, and the occasional fight, too, but so what, that spices it up).

When someone does ask a serious question everyone has had the decency to avoid spamming in that thread so that the problem can be resolved and the questions answered.

I also don&#39;t mind telling you I would have liked to have heard about this beforehand. Maybe being a forum mod is no big deal, but I took it as a responsibility (Not a life or death one, of course, but I was pleased that I was asked to do it).

Sal, would you please answer that question for me. Thanks.

12-03-2002, 06:01 AM
Wel, I believe that people think(and rightfully so) that almost everyone goes to general and if they have something to say or show, they will have a much higher chance of getting recognized than if they posted in the approriate section. It seems that everyone has just been focusing in general and not going to the other forums....well, that&#39;s my 2 cents.

12-03-2002, 06:09 AM
this thread like died...

12-03-2002, 06:12 AM
I voted null, didn&#39;t like any of the choices

1)Could leave everything as is, but it is a little congested with nongaming topics and gaming topics.

2)if you ban spam, you just lost a lot of members. You can&#39;t tell me there is a forum out there with no spam. There just isn&#39;t. Also, it takes away from the community feeling that a lot of people like here.

3)if you delete the general, you just kill GM, so pretty much self explanitory.

4)not all topics start as spam, but end up as it, therefore how can one put spam in the topic, if it wasn&#39;t intended to be spam, but then turned out to be, once the question or topic was discussed.

5)asking members not to post spam is like telling your pet to walk backwards and get a job, just won&#39;t happen and takes away from the fun of the site. Also, if there is no set policy, then what stops one from doing it?

6)renaming is kewl, but if it is an off topic board, what is suppose to go in there other then spam?? You can only talk seriously for so long before people get board, and go somewhere else.

7)good idea, but make a board for gaming questions and talk.

These are just my thoughts about the options presented. If spam is the issue, and something is done about it, like getting rid of it, well then later. If it is to be gotten rid of, it is like killing the whole community, and what is here is too good and nice to not to have.

Just expressing myself and thoughts on the topic at hand. Hopefully I have opened some new doors and/or a different point of view. I am sure some of you have yours as well, and I ask that you express them and put all things on the table before action it taken, and that it is taken to best benefit all. :)

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 06:14 AM
I think you and I are on the same page Grimmy. Would you have liked to hear about this first, as a Mod? (Or am I being a pissy baby about it)....

Give me the truth, son...

12-03-2002, 06:19 AM
I think that spam should stay&#33; Just not so much in General and we should not throw sh&#33;t in peoples faces in General. If they are in a clan do it there, if not PM them. Simple.

12-03-2002, 06:27 AM
You know how pathetic this is? Yeah, let&#39;s do something when I mention it, and you all will take the credit. I saw this weeks ago. Whatever I am not in to this forum anymore. You guys are so in to yourselves. Wake up. Things will change.

12-03-2002, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 3 2002, 01:14 AM
I think you and I are on the same page Grimmy. Would you have liked to hear about this first, as a Mod? (Or am I being a pissy baby about it)....

Give me the truth, son...
Yea, I would have liked to known about it earlier, so maybe some action could have been taken, but now is better then never. Maybe something in the round table should have been brought up about it before it went public, but I think everyone here is mature enough to express there feelings about the issue at hand, and to respect others thoughts and opinion. Now they might not like the person or there thoughts, but again, this isn&#39;t place to express yourself, that is what pms are for. If you can&#39;t deal with it in pm, it will be seen in a clan forum, so I would rather it be posted there, other then in the general where a lot of visitors go when they first get to the forums. To every good side or idea, there are the cons or the bad ones, and well this isn&#39;t really a bad one, but leans to that side, and when the visitors see some of the stuff going on here, that is a big turn off. Therefore they go somewhere else, and don&#39;t bother to register or participate.

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 06:33 AM
You know how pathetic this is? Yeah, let&#39;s do something when I mention it, and you all will take the credit. I saw this weeks ago. Whatever I am not in to this forum anymore. You guys are so in to yourselves. Wake up. Things will change.

Slice, excuse my ignorance, but I&#39;ve had half a bottle of wine and it&#39;s 12:30 am CST, so my brain is slipping. When you say you guys, who do you mean? (And if it&#39;s me that&#39;s fine, I&#39;m just looking for a clarification here).

12-03-2002, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 3 2002, 01:33 AM

You know how pathetic this is? Yeah, let&#39;s do something when I mention it, and you all will take the credit. I saw this weeks ago. Whatever I am not in to this forum anymore. You guys are so in to yourselves. Wake up. Things will change.

Slice, excuse my ignorance, but I&#39;ve had half a bottle of wine and it&#39;s 12:30 am CST, so my brain is slipping. When you say you guys, who do you mean? (And if it&#39;s me that&#39;s fine, I&#39;m just looking for a clarification here).
Not you Mr. Clean, definately not you. Those who read this will know what I am speaking of. That is all.

12-03-2002, 07:13 AM
*sniff* me....?

12-03-2002, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Phoenix@Dec 2 2002, 11:13 PM
*sniff* me....?
mmmmmm....I&#39;d be happy to sniff you. ;)

12-03-2002, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by FASTway+Dec 3 2002, 08:34 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (FASTway @ Dec 3 2002, 08:34 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Phoenix@Dec 2 2002, 11:13 PM
*sniff* me....?
mmmmmm....I&#39;d be happy to sniff you. ;)[/b][/quote]

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-03-2002, 11:19 AM
I think General should be renamed to Off Topic and people should use the other forums for what they were designed for. For example put game stuff in the Gaming forun, Screenies in the Screenie forum, etc.


That is why we left the the old site.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-03-2002, 11:39 AM
I think that we are all guilty of spamming once in a while. For me, most of the time, it comes in the form of going off topic sometimes to try to ease tensions by joking around.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-03-2002, 11:44 AM
Maybe we should move General (Off Topic) to the bottom of the General forums so that it is not the first think visitors see when coming here.

12-03-2002, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 3 2002, 12:44 PM
Maybe we should move General (Off Topic) to the bottom of the General forums so that it is not the first think visitors see when coming here.
does that really matter?

12-03-2002, 12:05 PM
I&#39;m sure the fine people who an edit this forum would hate wasting their time editing spam from this forum. I have found lots of usefull info on the general forum and I think people just need to be a little more disciplined in there postings. Keep up the good work&#33;

12-03-2002, 12:29 PM
I sat leave general as is and create a new forum for off-topic.

Dark Reign
12-03-2002, 02:14 PM
Wait a minute, refresh my memory, didn&#39;t we leave Seriously in the first place over that huge arguement over spam?

12-03-2002, 02:15 PM
ok I should not post this,,,, but I think it needs to be said,,,,, first the only problem is with very few people,,,, and as far as I am concerned has nothing to do with spam in the threads,,,, most of the threads are spam,,,,, it comes down to our admins not being focused,,,,,, hammer post game times and server ips in the gen forum,,,, he post screens shot as well...

request have been made to the admins that they just plain ignore,,,,, no replys for ideas to improve the site and attract new people.

the admin power is biased,,,, why are mercs and outlaws admins and not the best clan GODS??????

I see this entire BBS as a failure, Rodzilla, did not ignore people, he kept the threads moved and in the proper places as well.....

the BS from Hammer and Slik is not the only example, just a few weeks ago machine and hammer were running a thread about how they are the best,,,,,, the jerk threads have taken the fun out of playing,,, why play when some asshole is gonna post a screen and claimed he owned you in the game and how you are a powerup whore.....

spam is not the issue,,,,, poor administration of this forum is the problem

the GODS clan is the highest posting clan here, yet "I" feel it is being treated as a stepchild, the egos have taken the fun out of playing, and the forum reads like a gay site,,,,,, seems the admins and others have ignored what BIGGDO1 has said,,,,, and some other post I have made as well,,,,,, :angry:

*this is my opinion and is not my clans

12-03-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 3 2002, 09:15 AM
ok I should not post this,,,, but I think it needs to be said,,,,, first the only problem is with very few people,,,, and as far as I am concerned has nothing to do with spam in the threads,,,, most of the threads are spam,,,,, it comes down to our admins not being focused,,,,,, hammer post game times and server ips in the gen forum,,,, he post screens shot as well...

request have been made to the admins that they just plain ignore,,,,, no replys for ideas to improve the site and attract new people.

the admin power is biased,,,, why are mercs and outlaws admins and not the best clan GODS??????

I see this entire BBS as a failure, Rodzilla, did not ignore people, he kept the threads moved and in the proper places as well.....

the BS from Hammer and Slik is not the only example, just a few weeks ago machine and hammer were running a thread about how they are the best,,,,,, the jerk threads have taken the fun out of playing,,, why play when some asshole is gonna post a screen and claimed he owned you in the game and how you are a powerup whore.....

spam is not the issue,,,,, poor administration of this forum is the problem

the GODS clan is the highest posting clan here, yet "I" feel it is being treated as a stepchild, the egos have taken the fun out of playing, and the forum reads like a gay site,,,,,, seems the admins and others have ignored what BIGGDO1 has said,,,,, and some other post I have made as well,,,,,, :angry:

*this is my opinion and is not my clans
I&#39;m not sure how to even respond to you Justn. If hundreds of hours of my free time and hundreds of dollars of our money isn&#39;t good enough for you, then build your own forums.

Anyways, this poll was started because we have gotten some complaints about the spam and I just wanted to know what everyone here thought. Grimmy and Clean, I didn&#39;t bother to talk to you guys because it isn&#39;t really a big deal. I just wanted to know what everyone thought. If 90% of the people here hate the spam, we would do something. If you guys are happy, we&#39;re happy.

12-03-2002, 03:20 PM
This site was started with the precept that "Spam" was allowable. I have never enforced putting screenies in their place, other than to direct people that may have forgotten that we have a screenies forum.

Yesterday&#39;s screenshot served a purpose, which you justn, are missing out on. My concept in posting that was to show the attitude, which is my right to free speech guaranteed me by the Constitution, which I certainly believe in.

This forum celebrates freedom. Sometimes spam gets ridiculous, but that&#39;s our way of showing our freedom.

Your ideas are unfounded, and generally confusing Justn.

I will post whatever I want wherever I want. If I don&#39;t offend anybody, or impede on other&#39;s rights, then so let it be done.

Let&#39;s have fun. Posts are not going to be monitored for their location, at least by me, or by their subject. I have no intention of becoming a babysitter.

You people take this crap too seriously...no pun intended.

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 03:35 PM
There are a hell of a lot of people reading this thread every time I look at it, though many aren&#39;t posting...yet.

Sal that&#39;s cool, thanks for answering my question.

Perhaps Grimmy and I need to do a little more Moderating, although I am pretty hesitant to move or lock any thread or tell people what to do in General.....

12-03-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Grimmy@Dec 3 2002, 07:12 AM
4)not all topics start as spam, but end up as it, therefore how can one put spam in the topic, if it wasn&#39;t intended to be spam, but then turned out to be, once the question or topic was discussed.

I thought that with the mark threads with "spam" in topic decription or title we could build up some Spam threads so that every new visitor who dont like spam knows that he shouldnt or dont have to read this thread&#33;&#33;&#33;

Also i would say that all members try to keep the not as Spam threads marked threads clean of spam&#33;&#33;

thats what i thought about the 4th option of this poll and if we all at least try to control ourselfs it should work. Sure u wont get rid of all spam in non spam threads but try to keep it clean from Spam as long as the topic is still active or the problem isnt solved

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-03-2002, 03:57 PM
Well, with all the 2 cents that have been posted, I don&#39;t think we need to vote.
What I&#39;m reading here is, this thread was started, just to get a "feel" for the amount of concern(there was), regarding spam.

Span doesn&#39;t bother me.....I don&#39;t mind reading it, and I occasionally post it. If something strikes me as funny, well, I&#39;m going to post it.

It took me awhile to learn the posting etiquette over at the Seriously site.........I had no idea I was posting in the wrong sections, or spamming.
All I know is, we left there because of the lack of freedom and the debate over post counts/spam.

I remember the first postings, at the first forum site that was created (after leaving Seriously).
What was the first thing everyone did? Come on now, you remember............we celebrated our spamming abilities and we cussed like sailors.

I think everthing is just fine here at Gaymecca........oops, Gamemecca.


12-03-2002, 04:06 PM
This site was started with the precept that "Spam" was allowable. I have never enforced putting screenies in their place, other than to direct people that may have forgotten that we have a screenies forum.

Yesterday&#39;s screenshot served a purpose, which you justn, are missing out on. My concept in posting that was to show the attitude, which is my right to free speech guaranteed me by the Constitution, which I certainly believe in.

yeah I guess I misunderstood your post,,,, all I thought it was,, was a flame at Slik,,,, gee I must be fool,,,,,

This forum celebrates freedom. Sometimes spam gets ridiculous, but that&#39;s our way of showing our freedom.

I do not have a problem with spam, for the most part it is fun and I partake in my share of spamming.

Your ideas are unfounded, and generally confusing Justn.

I tried to keep it simple, sorry for going above your reasoning,,,,, here it is in a condensed version.......... your EGO and "attitude" is bullshlt&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

I will post whatever I want wherever I want. If I don&#39;t offend anybody, or impede on other&#39;s rights, then so let it be done.

Thats just it, I felt offended, to be in a forum where a very few people are allowed to flame anyone with nothing said to them,,,,, your posting of that screen shot was not spam,,,,, you intended to flame,,,, just a slight bit inmature

Let&#39;s have fun. Posts are not going to be monitored for their location, at least by me, or by their subject. I have no intention of becoming a babysitter.

You people take this crap too seriously...no pun intended. <_<

cool,,, I just needed to vent I guess,,,,,, spam on,,,,, but do try not to offend people,,,,, I will go back to hiding now..

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 05:09 PM
Thats just it, I felt offended, to be in a forum where a very few people are allowed to flame anyone with nothing said to them,,,,, your posting of that screen shot was not spam,,,,, you intended to flame,,,, just a slight bit inmature

I&#39;m an equal opportunity flamer. Everyone is fair game in my mind. I&#39;m not saying I agree or disagree that some DO get away with it more than others, I don&#39;t know how true that is. Everyone SHOULD be afforded the same amount of leniency to start with. Now individuals like &#39;some dude&#39; have wasted that and now no one cuts him any slack because of how he&#39;s acted, which is his own damn fault (I&#39;m not saying your like that Just, I&#39;m only using him as an example).

And of course it all depends on how each one of us perceives what is going on as well. When I write something I try to make sure I am very clear about the intended meaning so it won&#39;t be taken the wrong way (hence my above note to you that the &#39;some dude&#39; example was in no way an attempt to compare you to someone else). I think we as a site know what we mean and feel in our heads but don&#39;t accurately word it in our posts, and misunderstanding results because of it.

I don&#39;t usually do take sides, but I am going to take Hammer&#39;s side on the screen shot post for one reason: Slik has been talking smack about his Q2 abilities, and I have no doubt he is an excellent player. Hammer finally took his challenge, played him, and beat him (or was beating him, anyways). When some dude beat Machine, what did Machine do? He said GG. His ping sucked and everyone knew it, but he admitted he lost and went to bed. That is class. Machine earned respect last week for that (not that he needed to). Maybe, IMHO, there could have been a little more sportsmanship shown by Slik.

12-03-2002, 05:12 PM
I say people will do what they want&#33; So get off your high horse come down to the real world and stop trying to rule peples lives u sad TWAT

12-03-2002, 05:14 PM
I tried to keep it simple, sorry for going above your reasoning,,,,, here it is in a condensed version.......... your EGO and "attitude" is bullshlt&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


You&#39;re right...my ego, and my attitude are the problem here. My bad.

Thanks for posting that within my reasoning level, spunky. I are a college graduate, and I no plenty&#33;

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 05:16 PM
I say people will do what they want&#33; So get off your high horse come down to the real world and stop trying to rule peples lives u sad TWAT

Shotgun, may I ask who you were referring to? I couldn&#39;t tell since you didn&#39;t quote anyone....thanks.

12-03-2002, 05:56 PM
Either make a Lounge or rename General to it and create another General for games. Off Topic reminds me too much of S&#33; :D
Some topics belong in Lounge though : Bla&#33;Bla&#33;, both Set your clocks, Ultimate smilies and possibly some others. These I know of because I am in them &#33;&#33; :D And some topics belong in other forums.
As for moving threads, sometimes it is appropriate to do so, just leave a link to it in the original forum.

12-03-2002, 06:49 PM
Ok, after reading what has been posted since last night, there are many thought that I agree with, and there are some that I don&#39;t. In Hammer&#39;s case of posting that screenie in the General, I think was appropriate, it was more then a vicrtory screenie, but to prove a point on a conversation that was taking place.

As far as the moderating, I can do that, and not affraid to lock or move a thread, but if we split the general to a gernal game only and anything goes, a mod would have to mod both, so that he can move the topics to where they belong, as for I will be reading both. I see most posts that go on here, in the general boards, I don&#39;t read other clans stuff much. As far as deleting posts, well I don&#39;t know about that, it if is nessacarty to do so, almost did some last night in here, that I thought were spam and uncalled for, but the bad thing about that, I don&#39;t need to get flooded with pms asking why my post was deleted.

I have many other thoughts and opinions, but someone hit a nerve, time to cool a little and regather thoughts. Maybe will post later. Lets all get to the same level and work this out, maturely. If that doesn&#39;t happen, everything will fall apart and I don&#39;t want to see that happen.

12-03-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Grimmy@Dec 3 2002, 07:49 PM
As far as the moderating, I can do that, and not affraid to lock or move a thread, but if we split the general to a gernal game only and anything goes, a mod would have to mod both, so that he can move the topics to where they belong, as for I will be reading both.
thats not necessary i tried to move a thread from Screenie to general and it worked fine so i think u can move threads from thr forum u mod to every forum u want :)

12-03-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Sauron+Dec 3 2002, 02:16 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sauron @ Dec 3 2002, 02:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Grimmy@Dec 3 2002, 07:49 PM
As far as the moderating, I can do that, and not affraid to lock or move a thread, but if we split the general to a gernal game only and anything goes, a mod would have to mod both, so that he can move the topics to where they belong, as for I will be reading both.
thats not necessary i tried to move a thread from Screenie to general and it worked fine so i think u can move threads from thr forum u mod to every forum u want :)[/b][/quote]
what I meant was if there was something in like say a gen. gaming thread that was spam or belonged in the off topic thread, no one mods that board and can&#39;t be moved, except by admin.

Just to clairfy :)

12-03-2002, 07:22 PM
if we start to move threads all Forums need a mod or at least an admin to move threads if needed&#33; that was what u meant?

12-03-2002, 07:25 PM
yes and no, yes just to watch incase of flaming, ya know stuff like that, and no becuase I think we all know where stuff goes, but there are a few topics that just get misplaced and posters might not know exactly where to put it. That is where if it would fit better in another board, it should be moved.

12-03-2002, 07:27 PM
thats what i meant too but i am just a stupid german who cant express himself in the right way sometimes :P

12-03-2002, 07:34 PM
lol, its ok, atleast you asked and it was clarified so you understood what I was trying to say B)

12-03-2002, 08:45 PM
What has happened to these boards :(

12-03-2002, 09:24 PM
I think there are plenty of spam threads to use if you just need a good spam (bla, bla, lounge, set your clocks ........etc.) And everyone does use them, frequently.

It is not often that a new spam thread is set up unless someone is very lonely or needs to get alot off their chests and this is where Gamemecca comes in as a sort of counsellor or confessional&#33;

Other serious topics in general where questions are asked, everyone lets it be sorted out properly before it turns to spam/jokes and then it dies a natural death and folk resort back to the old spam threads.

What i am trying to say is that i think the posters here understand the way things run and respect that and that there is no need for any change at this point. Obviously this shoule be reviewed if the situation changes.

Did I manage to write this much without upsetting anyone? :unsure:

Mr Clean
12-03-2002, 09:28 PM
Did I manage to write this much without upsetting anyone

I&#39;m sorry, I was looking at your avatar...what did you say? :D

12-03-2002, 09:50 PM
MR. CLEAN&#33; :angry: Keep your mind on the job&#33;

12-03-2002, 10:08 PM
do......you.........feeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllll.. .......love............................is......... ......reallllll........................

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-03-2002, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 3 2002, 01:28 PM

Did I manage to write this much without upsetting anyone

I&#39;m sorry, I was looking at your avatar...what did you say? :D
:lol: Thanks Mr. Clean, you&#39;ve done it again&#33; :lol: (Made milk come out my nose)

12-04-2002, 12:04 AM
i think we shouldnt do anythin with spam

12-04-2002, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by :: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Dec 3 2002, 12:33 AM
I believe we should rename General to Off Topic and start a new General forum that should be monitored for Spam. General should be about news and events in the gaming world. Off topic can be about anything people want to talk about...
Meesa like that idea :)

12-04-2002, 03:24 AM
Who is complaining though?

Herbus Maximus
12-04-2002, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by Snip3r+Dec 4 2002, 03:50 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Snip3r @ Dec 4 2002, 03:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--:: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Dec 3 2002, 12:33 AM
I believe we should rename General to Off Topic and start a new General forum that should be monitored for Spam. &nbsp;General should be about news and events in the gaming world. &nbsp;Off topic can be about anything people want to talk about...
Meesa like that idea :)[/b][/quote]
Just throwing in my 2 cents too. I&#39;m not a regular poster but I do believe that there should be a Off Topic forum for all the bull and spam. As stated earlier, it seems that all topics eventually degrade down to spam. Personally, I don&#39;t mind all that much cause&#39; it just gives me a better idea of the personalities of the jokers who inhabit here and in the games. Howerver, It would be nice to find a topic that actually stays central to the point of said topic, especially for any newbies that come in and have a legitimate question and don&#39;t know how this place works. I think that the general forum should stay just that, a place for general information and questions to be answered without all the bs. Ok. I&#39;ve used my brain enough for one night. Have fun kiddies&#33;..... :P

12-04-2002, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Herbus Maximus+Dec 3 2002, 11:06 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Herbus Maximus @ Dec 3 2002, 11:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Snip3r@Dec 4 2002, 03:50 AM
<!--QuoteBegin--:: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Dec 3 2002, 12:33 AM
I believe we should rename General to Off Topic and start a new General forum that should be monitored for Spam. *General should be about news and events in the gaming world. *Off topic can be about anything people want to talk about...
Meesa like that idea :)
Just throwing in my 2 cents too. I&#39;m not a regular poster but I do believe that there should be a Off Topic forum for all the bull and spam. As stated earlier, it seems that all topics eventually degrade down to spam. Personally, I don&#39;t mind all that much cause&#39; it just gives me a better idea of the personalities of the jokers who inhabit here and in the games. Howerver, It would be nice to find a topic that actually stays central to the point of said topic, especially for any newbies that come in and have a legitimate question and don&#39;t know how this place works. I think that the general forum should stay just that, a place for general information and questions to be answered without all the bs. Ok. I&#39;ve used my brain enough for one night. Have fun kiddies&#33;..... :P[/b][/quote]
How about a Help/Tips section ?

12-04-2002, 12:38 PM
Or a "welcome to Gamemecca - start here" bit with an explanation of what we have here?

death maker
12-04-2002, 07:46 PM
SPAM&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;.... sry i just had to do it

12-05-2002, 04:53 AM
It seems that some people are being hippocritical about this spamming issue...didn&#39;t you guys disban form Serious forms because of spamming?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-05-2002, 11:22 AM
I think the issue is not really spam but where the spam is located. If a person starts a serious thread it only lasts 2 or 3 posts before it goes way off subject. Now if a thread is started for the whole purpose of spamming then that is cool. It is kinda hard to follow a thread if 2 out of 3 posts in a thread do not even pertain to the topic. And it gets really frustrating for the person that started the thread because most of the time it goes off topic so fast that they never get much of a responce to thier original topic.

12-05-2002, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Sacrifice@Dec 4 2002, 02:04 AM
i think we shouldnt do anythin with spam
Agree B)

12-06-2002, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 5 2002, 03:22 AM
It is kinda hard to follow a thread if 2 out of 3 posts in a thread do not even pertain to the topic. And it gets really frustrating for the person that started the thread because most of the time it goes off topic so fast that they never get much of a responce to thier original topic.
True...but you can&#39;t control what people want to say.