View Full Version : TONIC

12-06-2002, 04:11 AM
Ok, now that Tonic is on a long haul ride with my aunt and uncle. (truck drivers) He is off to Las Vegas for a few days...i figured that this would be a good time to say anything that anyone wants to and he cannot reply.. :lol: :lol: Not that i dont anyway..but this is more fun. He can see our love when he gets back....

START THE BASHING!!!! :rolleyes:

12-06-2002, 04:12 AM
Why would we want to bash Tonic????

12-06-2002, 04:15 AM
Just because we can...he is my younger brother (23) and i like to do that. Nothing serious, all in the name of fun...geesh Vicious. Spoil my fun.. ;)

12-06-2002, 04:18 AM
umm Tonic, you are a butt :P :lol:

12-06-2002, 04:34 AM


12-06-2002, 04:38 AM
heheh...there you go.

:lol: <_< <_< <_< :lol: :lol: :lol:

12-06-2002, 04:45 AM

12-06-2002, 05:07 AM

Tonic is a s*it eating donkey raper&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :P

12-06-2002, 07:54 PM
Noooooooooooooooo, no no&#33; Tonic is a lovely scrummy, yummy cuddly bunny and we all love him&#33; :P

death maker
12-06-2002, 08:19 PM
yea i would love you rip his fu*king ugly head off and spit down his ugly throat... there thats a start

12-06-2002, 09:29 PM
Tonic and Goober are having an affair with each other. And they both participate in gang rapeing small farm animals. Oh sorry this was just Tonic bashing. Ah what the hay Goober needed bashing too eneyway. :D

12-07-2002, 02:11 AM
LOL...that is great guys..he called me from California..we reside in Texas. And i told him about the thread...he laughed, then called me names, and laughed again. I told him that people here really dont give a &#036;hit about him, because there isn&#39;t many nice, i mean bad words to say..He got a kick out of it, he will be back in a couple more days. Keep up the good work guys. LOL


Mr Clean
12-09-2002, 06:57 PM
Tonic is so stupid he thinks protein is a professional high schooler.....

12-09-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 9 2002, 01:57 PM
Tonic is so stupid he thinks protein is a professional high schooler.....

Mr Clean
12-09-2002, 07:07 PM
Tonic is so dumb he thinks avoidable is what a bull fighter does..... :D

12-09-2002, 07:19 PM
But you won&#39;t find anything better to go with your Gin&#33; :P

Mr Clean
12-09-2002, 07:27 PM
Nice to see you Ada...

Tonic is such a moron he thinks misty describes a bad swing by a golfer.... :D

death maker
12-09-2002, 07:36 PM
why did tonic climb over the glass wall...................... to see wats on the other side :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol:

Mr Clean
12-09-2002, 07:38 PM

Tonic thinks Polygon is a dead parrot....

12-10-2002, 01:50 AM
Tonic&#39;s humor is as dry as a Martini.. :lol: :lol:

12-10-2002, 02:18 AM
Tonic is so dumb......he makes Ada look smart.....(hastily packing bags while leaving no forwarding address)

Mr Clean
12-10-2002, 04:36 AM
Damn Goober, you are feeling dangerous tonight....she gonna kick jo butt boy&#33; :D

TNT Tonic
12-11-2002, 07:20 PM
Wow, I can really feel the love in here&#33;&#33; After a long trip around the country I come home to this.....Ada is the only one being nice to me&#33;&#33; Is Goober out of hiding yet? Good to see so many care&#33; NOW GO FRAG SOMEONE&#33;&#33;

12-11-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by TNT Tonic@Dec 11 2002, 02:20 PM
Wow, I can really feel the love in here&#33;&#33; After a long trip around the country I come home to this.....Ada is the only one being nice to me&#33;&#33; Is Goober out of hiding yet? Good to see so many care&#33; NOW GO FRAG SOMEONE&#33;&#33;
:lol: Welcome back Tonic B)

Mr Clean
12-11-2002, 07:57 PM
Methinks Thumbs is gonna get a brother-like whoopin soon... :D

12-11-2002, 10:48 PM
hehehe....i new he would like it....he said he was laughing his a&#036;&#036; off.

12-11-2002, 11:40 PM
GOOBER&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Start running. I&#39;m coming after your ass boy&#33; :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

12-11-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Ada@Dec 11 2002, 11:40 PM
GOOBER&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Start running. I&#39;m coming after your ass boy&#33; :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
LOL :lol:

TNT Tonic
12-12-2002, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Ada@Dec 11 2002, 05:40 PM
GOOBER&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Start running. I&#39;m coming after your ass boy&#33; :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
When your done with him Ada, find Thumbs and give him a good lashin&#33;&#33; :lol: :lol:

12-12-2002, 11:44 AM
Dang...even the witness protection program won&#39;t take me......something about Ada&#39;s underworld connections......(or was it about her underwear)......I forget.......(returning to secret hiding place).

12-12-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Goober DOA@Dec 12 2002, 06:44 AM
Dang...even the witness protection program won&#39;t take me......something about Ada&#39;s underworld connections......(or was it about her underwear)......I forget.......(returning to secret hiding place).
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This thread is funny man. I am laughing my as* off here while reading.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

12-12-2002, 09:17 PM
Hey Guys...I found Goober&#39;s secret hiding place. I looked dlown and he was in my knickers&#33; :ph34r:

I have sorted him out now. He won&#39;t trouble me any more&#33; LOL :lol:

Mr Clean
12-12-2002, 09:29 PM
Yeah, we sent him there to discipline you. I hope he gave you a good tongue lashing..... :rolleyes:

TNT Tonic
12-13-2002, 01:56 AM
Hey that&#39;s my job Mr. Clean&#33;&#33; Goober better leave her knickers alone, I bought those for her for Christmas&#33;&#33; :P

12-13-2002, 02:57 AM
Did someone say knickers?...remindes me of thong face, huh sirc?

12-13-2002, 04:48 AM
Now now Goober everone knows you head up to OL MAN JOHNs barn. Where he keeps all his sheep and goats at. When you go into hideing. Hay ADA,I could tell you where that is for a small fee. :D :D

12-13-2002, 04:49 AM
:D :D Oh and welcome back Tonic,never knew you were gone if it wasnt for this thred. LOL :D

TNT Tonic
12-13-2002, 07:50 PM
Wow, Thanks Lash....I know how much I am loved now here, no one even noticed I was gone, until Thumbs sid something&#33; :( :( :P

Mr Clean
12-13-2002, 09:27 PM
We noticed. We were just too devastated to say anything...

12-13-2002, 09:37 PM
Welcome back Tonic. Mr. Clean, are you talking about Martini? (wet or dry?) :huh:

Mr Clean
12-13-2002, 09:40 PM
No, that was an advertising slogan for Mr. Clean. They had a jingle and everything....

But feel free to use it for your needs as you see fit...

TNT Tonic
12-16-2002, 10:02 PM
Ada, How could you let this slip to the second page...I am very disappointed in you, I thought you were my friend&#33;&#33; :lol: :P The only thread to me (it actually has 3 pages too) Whether it was a nice thread or not, it&#39;s mine. No second page for it&#33;&#33;&#33; :D :D

12-17-2002, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by TNT Tonic@Dec 16 2002, 10:02 PM
Ada, How could you let this slip to the second page...I am very disappointed in you, I thought you were my friend&#33;&#33; :lol: :P The only thread to me (it actually has 3 pages too) Whether it was a nice thread or not, it&#39;s mine. No second page for it&#33;&#33;&#33; :D :D
Sorry oh great one. (Bows) Please forgive me. :wub:

12-17-2002, 02:20 AM
she winked at you Tonic.....did you get a rise out of it ------&#62;

TNT Tonic
12-17-2002, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by THUMBS@Dec 16 2002, 08:20 PM
she winked at you Tonic.....did you get a rise out of it ------&#62;
You damn skippy&#33; You never saw those knickers I got her did ya? Hey Ada Goober is in the DOA Private Hangout, I will try to flush him out for ya&#33; :lol: :lol:

12-17-2002, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by TNT Tonic+Dec 17 2002, 03:20 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TNT Tonic @ Dec 17 2002, 03:20 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--THUMBS@Dec 16 2002, 08:20 PM
she winked at you Tonic.....did you get a rise out of it ------&#62;
You damn skippy&#33; You never saw those knickers I got her did ya? Hey Ada Goober is in the DOA Private Hangout, I will try to flush him out for ya&#33; :lol: :lol:[/b][/quote]
FFLLLLLUUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHHH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;..............wheeeee e......thud...whap....splash......HEY&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; next time warn me before you pull that handle...OH SH**, there&#39;s Ada.......(hastily donning disquise).....Goober now appears as Grimmy.....*SPAM<>SPAM<>SPAM.....(there, that should throw her off long enough for me to find a new hiding spot)....
*...the above statement was not an assault, flame or to be considered as a harrassing comment.
This post has been checked by the american bar association and has been found to be clear of any unacceptable content, and is suitable for reading by small animals, children and most adults that still maintain a reasonable sense of humor.
( Now where was that rock I was hiding under?)

12-17-2002, 02:49 PM
Sorry guys and gals i forgot to give Goober his medication this morning.

TNT Tonic
12-17-2002, 04:02 PM
Ada, he&#39;s in there&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; (Frantically pointing in the direction of my bedroom)(Actually he&#39;s not, just trying to get her in the room, sshhhhhh, nobody say anything)

12-17-2002, 04:12 PM
yah i wounder what he is doing in your bed room? Hay Ada sounds like they are cheating on you with each other. See i would never do that to you. You are my one and only. I cant beliave you guys would do that to her........<as i buy roses for her to get on her good side>.............. :D

TNT Tonic
12-17-2002, 04:16 PM
Yeah, I guess that did come out the wrong way huh&#33;

12-17-2002, 04:46 PM

I will deal with you one at a time -

1. Lash, as you bought roses, I will love you for ever,
2. Goober - keep running, Momma needs lovin&#39;&#33; Ha ha
3. tonic - just our me a stiff one. (I said pour ;) )

The Grimmy disguide didn&#39;t fool me. I can see thru&#39; walls&#33; :ph34r:

12-17-2002, 04:53 PM
Na na na nahhhh&#33;&#33;&#33; You guys are in trouble by Ada. Ha ha ha haaaaaaa

12-17-2002, 05:15 PM
Goober - are you lurking in this thread?

12-17-2002, 05:16 PM
Goober - Dead on Arrival - how true&#33;

12-17-2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Ada@Dec 17 2002, 11:46 AM

I will deal with you one at a time -

1. Lash, as you bought roses, I will love you for ever,
2. Goober - keep running, Momma needs lovin&#39;&#33; Ha ha
3. tonic - just our me a stiff one. (I said pour ;) )

The Grimmy disguide didn&#39;t fool me. I can see thru&#39; walls&#33; :ph34r:
AH HA....she admits it...she is the cowardly one who makes up scripts and rewrites programs to allow herself to see through walls and such....Hmmm....I&#39;ll bet she&#39;s looking through Tonics drawers right now..(I mean knickers) Well, I may have to come out of hiding to put an end to this evil doing......much is at stake here.

Just what is a knicker anyway.....a snicker bar minus the lisp?
Oh yeah...y&#39;all just think you want Ada in the bedroom.....She gots whips, chains and jumper cables......Why do you think I am on the run?

12-17-2002, 05:19 PM
I knew you were here, I couldsmell you&#33; :ph34r:

12-17-2002, 10:03 PM
I smell like poop :huh:

12-17-2002, 10:08 PM
Snip3r, you are poop&#33; :lol:

12-17-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Ada@Dec 17 2002, 11:46 AM
The Grimmy disguide didn&#39;t fool me. I can see thru&#39; walls&#33; :ph34r:
O yea, I can see through clothes :o

Goober- :wacko:
Lash- :lol: ROFLMAO :lol:

12-18-2002, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Grimmy+Dec 17 2002, 10:31 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Grimmy @ Dec 17 2002, 10:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Ada@Dec 17 2002, 11:46 AM
The Grimmy disguide didn&#39;t fool me. &nbsp;I can see thru&#39; walls&#33; :ph34r:
O yea, I can see through clothes :o

Goober- :wacko:
Lash- :lol: ROFLMAO :lol:[/b][/quote]
hey grimmy i see you did see Tonic....good thing too..it would burn your eye&#39;s. hehe

12-18-2002, 08:52 AM
Just popped in to keep this thread on page one. Don&#39;t want to upset Tonic, he seems the sensitive type&#33;

TNT Tonic
12-18-2002, 07:25 PM
Thank you Ada, Love ya sweetie&#33; A true friend, my brother...my own blood (I think) wouldn&#39;t even keep this on page one&#33;&#33; j/k :thumbs:

12-19-2002, 02:24 AM
I started the darn thing....i got the love going..well somewhat love..