View Full Version : Seagate: Tape Drive

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-07-2002, 03:48 PM
Since all hard drives are working MTBF, I'm very interested in buying a Seagate 40GB Tape Drive.
The idea of backing up onto 700MB disks is..........idiotic to me.
I'd rather back up the entire hard drive onto a tape and be done with it.
I do realize that tape drives are a business oriented device, however my Porn collection is like a second job to me, so I can justify it's use.
Actually I'm too stupid and too lazy to look through all of my files and folders to determine what I should back up.
I also feel that if I were to buy another hard drive and have it installed (to mirror to it) it would fail, hence the term MTBF ("Mean Time Before Failure").
If someone (please remember that the word "someone" means: Shogun) would be so kind as to provide me with a LINK, it would be greatly appreciated.
I called around to some of the larger shops around here, and they don't carry tape drives. The surplus stores had them, but no 40GB ones. :( :)
And of course......please feel free to try and talk me out of this.............however, be warned...you will be chastised! :lol:

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-07-2002, 03:55 PM
I did not know they really made tape drives any more. I will look around for you. Have you considered a DVD burner?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-07-2002, 04:00 PM
I just went to www.pricewatch.com and there are still a lot of places that carry tape drives.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-07-2002, 04:04 PM
This is from www.a2zcomp.com

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-07-2002, 04:06 PM
Ouch! I thought I was going to be able to pick one up for $200.00. Looks like I'll have to wait a couple of weeks. Thanks Machine.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-07-2002, 04:08 PM
Go to Pricewatch (http://www.pricewatch.com) to check out prices.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-07-2002, 04:08 PM
Looks like you can get a 30Gig for around $200.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-07-2002, 08:01 PM
Thanks again, Machine.
Shogun............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .......YOU"RE FIRED! :lol:

12-07-2002, 09:02 PM
http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/uploads/post-10-1037840080.gif Sorry bro, I slept in this morning and it looks like you were in great hands anyway. I've backed up my collection of ah........ stuff :P on the CDs, But I don't have 40 gigs worth. :blink:

12-07-2002, 09:03 PM
i must say 40 gigs is impressive.
FTP addy please :D

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-07-2002, 09:50 PM
You guys have an over active imagination. I didn't mean to imply that I had 40 gigs worth of porn.
It's more like 37 or 38 gigs. J/K :D
I just want to back up EVERYTHING, and I have a 40GB hard drive.
Thank you for your support. :)

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-08-2002, 01:13 AM
Even if you fill a 40gig tape, backup will rewind the tape and continue with a second tape. Just in case you were thinking you had to put everything on one tape. I currently use a 2gig SCSI tape drive that my work had sitting on the shelf for a couple years (they even supplied the SCSI card, $60 from Fry's I think.) I backup my two drives, a 80gig and a 60gig, my daughters 20gig via LAN, my grandson's 15gig via LAN and granddaughter's 5gig via LAN. I've got 20 or 30 tapes and need to get some more.

12-08-2002, 01:18 AM
I knew you would be the right person for this forum! You rock Behind You! :)

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-08-2002, 01:30 AM
How expensive are the blank tapes.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-08-2002, 05:25 AM
Depends on the format. For the 40gig, Travan, I foung this at Pricewatch:


(Part - STTM40)
Price: $45

Will Ship: Same - 1day
Updated:12/5, 7:49AM

212-447-4487-- P.O.'s accepted


OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-08-2002, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Dec 7 2002, 07:18 PM
I knew you would be the right person for this forum! You rock Behind You! :)
Hah ha, so I have to thank...hehehe...Don't want to change the subject, but how's life after ISDN?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-08-2002, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Behind You?+Dec 7 2002, 09:29 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Behind You? @ Dec 7 2002, 09:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Slice@Dec 7 2002, 07:18 PM
I knew you would be the right person for this forum&#33; &nbsp;You rock Behind You&#33; :)
Hah ha, so I have to thank...hehehe...Don&#39;t want to change the subject, but how&#39;s life after ISDN?[/b][/quote]
Thanks Behind You?. (for the tape drive info)
I PM&#39;d Slice with that same question.
He mentioned an issue he was having with his router, and some adjustments he would be making.
He didn&#39;t talk about his "new" gaming abilities regarding his broadband connection.
Well, I take that back, he said his pings were in the 200-270 range and that he had lag once in awhile.
I think he said something about bottle necking.
His connection sounds a lot like mine. I have IDSL.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-08-2002, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Behind You?@Dec 7 2002, 05:13 PM
Even if you fill a 40gig tape, backup will rewind the tape and continue with a second tape. Just in case you were thinking you had to put everything on one tape. I currently use a 2gig SCSI tape drive that my work had sitting on the shelf for a couple years (they even supplied the SCSI card, &#036;60 from Fry&#39;s I think.) I backup my two drives, a 80gig and a 60gig, my daughters 20gig via LAN, my grandson&#39;s 15gig via LAN and granddaughter&#39;s 5gig via LAN. I&#39;ve got 20 or 30 tapes and need to get some more.
Now let me get this straight. I could use a 20GB tape drive to back up my 40GB hard drive? So, I would use 20GB tapes, and once the first tape is full, I&#39;d be prompted to put in the next tape?

12-08-2002, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 8 2002, 08:23 AM

Now let me get this straight. I could use a 20GB tape drive to back up my 40GB hard drive? So, I would use 20GB tapes, and once the first tape is full, I&#39;d be prompted to put in the next tape?
Yeah. Basically, they run just like one of the old floppy backup programs, where it will stop when it runs out of room, and then ask for a new tape. If you haven&#39;t used one, be warned they can be kind of slow.

Oh, and by the way, if you have quite a freakishly large pocketbook and minimal common sense, they make tape drives now that get HUGE. Quantum has a drive out now that uses 2:1 compression, and stores 320 gigs per tape. They are also linkable to run into the Terabytes of storage range.


Lucky for me, I don&#39;t have to actually store any porn. I just hack into HPC&#39;s system when I need some. :P

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-09-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper+Dec 8 2002, 02:23 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS high ping camper @ Dec 8 2002, 02:23 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Behind You?@Dec 7 2002, 05:13 PM
Even if you fill a 40gig tape, backup will rewind the tape and continue with a second tape. &nbsp;Just in case you were thinking you had to put everything on one tape. &nbsp;I currently use a 2gig SCSI tape drive that my work had sitting on the shelf for a couple years (they even supplied the SCSI card, &#036;60 from Fry&#39;s I think.) &nbsp;I backup my two drives, a 80gig and a 60gig, my daughters 20gig via LAN, my grandson&#39;s 15gig via LAN and granddaughter&#39;s 5gig via LAN. &nbsp;I&#39;ve got 20 or 30 tapes and need to get some more.
Now let me get this straight. I could use a 20GB tape drive to back up my 40GB hard drive? So, I would use 20GB tapes, and once the first tape is full, I&#39;d be prompted to put in the next tape?[/b][/quote]
Bingo told you true. The backup software will change tapes as each one fills up. Just like what Bingo said about the old diskette based backup programs. I backup an 80gig drive to multiple 2gig tapes, errrr, a lot of 2gig tapes, but they are cheap, about &#036;10 each.

I currently use NTBACKUP that is supplied with Windows XP Pro (XP Home users have to install it from thier CD, it isn&#39;t installed with Home by default, but is there on the CD.) Just goto Start; All Programs; Accessaries; System Tools; Backup. The wizard should walk you through a abckup process.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-09-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Bingo@Dec 8 2002, 07:09 AM
Oh, and by the way, if you have quite a freakishly large pocketbook and minimal common sense, they make tape drives now that get HUGE. Quantum has a drive out now that uses 2:1 compression, and stores 320 gigs per tape. They are also linkable to run into the Terabytes of storage range.
I think if you check, these huge tape drives are SCSI, not IDE. :P Another nice feature will find on some of these huge drives is an autoloader. You can put in 10s, 100s or even 1000s of tapes and the autoloader manages them, mounting scratch ones when needed or the existing ones for restores.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-09-2002, 09:42 PM
Good info guys&#33;

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-27-2002, 04:57 AM
Lucky me&#33; :)
A friend gave me a 20 gig tape drive.
I&#39;m going to have it installed tomorrow, and I might have some tweaking done..........if the guy knows what he&#39;s doing (ahem.....if he&#39;s familiar with tweaking, that is).

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-27-2002, 05:37 AM

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-27-2002, 02:41 PM
Nice....errrr....does he have another one????? :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-27-2002, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Behind You?@Dec 27 2002, 06:41 AM
Nice....errrr....does he have another one????? :P
No&#33; :D

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-28-2002, 01:19 AM
It&#39;s in, it works, I&#39;m happy&#33; :lol:

12-28-2002, 01:30 AM
I don&#39;t wanna rain on anyone&#39;s parade, but I don&#39;t trust tapes. I&#39;ve had bad experiences with them. They don&#39;t last as long as CD&#39;s or DVD&#39;s (being magnetic media) and they are sloooow. Especially the big 20gig ones. No direct access. I trust CD&#39;s and DVD&#39;s much more.

I will be purchasing a DVD writer sometime in the future. I wanna wait till they finally pick a standard. They only problem I have with the DVD recorders are that they limit them to 4 gig. They can hold a lot more than that. But they don&#39;t want you copying movies. Dumbasses. :rolleyes:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-28-2002, 05:24 AM
You be right brother Sirc.
Tapes are good for about one year, then the data starts to go bye bye. :D

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-29-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 27 2002, 11:24 PM
You be right brother Sirc.
Tapes are good for about one year, then the data starts to go bye bye. :D
You know, if this is true, almost every bank, government agency, insurance company, financial house is in big trouble. These places are required by law to keep records for 10 to 20 years, or more and the majority, if not all, of these records are saved and archived on magnetic tape stored in some off site storage vault. Ok, these tapes are not the same as the ones commonly attached to a PC. They go into devices costing 6 figures for a bank of 8. And they don&#39;t record on the tapes the same way. But the magnetic integrity remains for many, many years.

I&#39;ve had more trouble keeping a CD readable because of dust, smudges and the infamous scratches that any tape. I&#39;ve been backing up to tape for my personal PCs for close to fifthteen years. The problem I have is the tape technology keeps changing outdating my backups. I expect this will happen to CDs too. I wonder if in 10 years anyone will have a device installed that can read a CD produced today?

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-29-2002, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper+Dec 27 2002, 09:13 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS high ping camper @ Dec 27 2002, 09:13 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Behind You?@Dec 27 2002, 06:41 AM
Nice....errrr....does he have another one????? :P
No&#33; :D [/b][/quote]
:( :( :( :( :( :(

12-29-2002, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 7 2002, 03:55 PM
I did not know they really made tape drives any more. I will look around for you. Have you considered a DVD burner?
It seems kinda amazing to me, too, but I have a bud, who has a bud, who works for a company that does nothing but back up other companies&#39; servers and stuff, and it is lucrative. With the nice, high-end jobs, it works sweet and fast, but we had a raft of them in the field, on workstations, that were never used because A) the user didn&#39;t know how or care, or B) the unit or tapes were finicky. But, for &#036;300, you can get how many 40 gig HDs? I mean, just Drive Copy it or Ghost it, or whatever to an &#036;80 40 gig drive, and do it periodically.

12-29-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Behind You?+Dec 29 2002, 12:52 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Behind You? @ Dec 29 2002, 12:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 27 2002, 11:24 PM
You be right brother Sirc.
Tapes are good for about one year, then the data starts to go bye bye. :D
You know, if this is true, almost every bank, government agency, insurance company, financial house is in big trouble. These places are required by law to keep records for 10 to 20 years, or more and the majority, if not all, of these records are saved and archived on magnetic tape stored in some off site storage vault. Ok, these tapes are not the same as the ones commonly attached to a PC. They go into devices costing 6 figures for a bank of 8. And they don&#39;t record on the tapes the same way. But the magnetic integrity remains for many, many years.

I&#39;ve had more trouble keeping a CD readable because of dust, smudges and the infamous scratches that any tape. I&#39;ve been backing up to tape for my personal PCs for close to fifthteen years. The problem I have is the tape technology keeps changing outdating my backups. I expect this will happen to CDs too. I wonder if in 10 years anyone will have a device installed that can read a CD produced today? [/b][/quote]
Some good points there. But as for CD&#39;s becomig obselete, things like that don&#39;t happen overnight. You can just transfer the data onto whatever comes next. You just have to keep up. :)

BTW, anyone got an 8" floppy drive I can borrow? <_< :lol:

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-31-2002, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc+Dec 29 2002, 05:57 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS Sirc @ Dec 29 2002, 05:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Behind You?@Dec 29 2002, 12:52 AM
<!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS high ping camper@Dec 27 2002, 11:24 PM
You be right brother Sirc.
Tapes are good for about one year, then the data starts to go bye bye. :D
You know, if this is true, almost every bank, government agency, insurance company, financial house is in big trouble. These places are required by law to keep records for 10 to 20 years, or more and the majority, if not all, of these records are saved and archived on magnetic tape stored in some off site storage vault. Ok, these tapes are not the same as the ones commonly attached to a PC. They go into devices costing 6 figures for a bank of 8. And they don&#39;t record on the tapes the same way. But the magnetic integrity remains for many, many years.

I&#39;ve had more trouble keeping a CD readable because of dust, smudges and the infamous scratches that any tape. I&#39;ve been backing up to tape for my personal PCs for close to fifthteen years. The problem I have is the tape technology keeps changing outdating my backups. I expect this will happen to CDs too. I wonder if in 10 years anyone will have a device installed that can read a CD produced today?
Some good points there. But as for CD&#39;s becomig obselete, things like that don&#39;t happen overnight. You can just transfer the data onto whatever comes next. You just have to keep up. :)

BTW, anyone got an 8" floppy drive I can borrow? <_< :lol: [/b][/quote]
No, but I&#39;ve got a ton of 5 1/4 360KB... :rofl: :rofl: