View Full Version : problems

death maker
12-08-2002, 04:39 PM
ok i have a problem..... i instaled unreal 2003 on my computer and i had more than half space left on my computer but then after the instalation i only had half of wat i had. after playing for a couple of days (all fine) i tryed to get on and this scren poped up telling me that i needed direcect 3D asseluator so i said to my slef "well ill just uninstall unreal 2003 and try it from the start" so i did... after uninstaling it i try to install it again and it said i didnt have anouf space on my hard drive! so i checked my hard drive and it still acted like i had unreal 2003 on the computer. what is the problem here and how can i fix it? Thanx for your help


12-08-2002, 05:16 PM
heres a thing most do not think to do. if you have a large harddrive--right click on recyclebin and change to 5%. also if you use system resore change usage to less such as 700mb to hold restore file. this will give you some space back. if you have more than or atleast 512mb ram change swap file to 300mb on both settings.

12-08-2002, 07:16 PM
If I understand correctly, None of the suggestions from these two threads LINK (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=4107&hl=directx) & LINK (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=4112&hl=directx) have fixed the problem.

If I'm not mistaken "asseluator" means "accelerator" in english. The message you are getting seems to be telling you that there is a problem with you video, I couldn't make out what it said because the picture was blurry. Have you done everything that was suggested? Like re-installing the latest version of DirectX, Installing the lastest patch for UT2K3 and updating your video card drivers.

I'm not sure what is up with your hard drive space problems. Anyone have any other ideas?

We are trying to help you, But please stick to one thread. :)

death maker
12-08-2002, 09:41 PM
i dont know why but it still acts like i have unreal 2003 in (in other words i still have the space in my harddrive when unreal was instaled)