View Full Version : problems

death maker
12-08-2002, 04:56 PM
ok i poasted this topic in hardwarer but nowon would answere so ill just poast here.......... ok i have a problem..... i instaled unreal 2003 on my computer and i had more than half space left on my computer but then after the instalation i only had half of wat i had. after playing for a couple of days (all fine) i tryed to get on and this scren poped up telling me that i needed direcect 3D asseluator so i said to my slef "well ill just uninstall unreal 2003 and try it from the start" so i did... after uninstaling it i try to install it again and it said i didnt have anouf space on my hard drive! so i checked my hard drive and it still acted like i had unreal 2003 on the computer. what is the problem here and how can i fix it? Thanx for your help


12-08-2002, 04:58 PM
How big is your hd?

death maker
12-08-2002, 04:58 PM

12-08-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by death maker@Dec 8 2002, 10:56 AM
ok i poasted this topic in hardwarer but nowon would answere so ill just poast here

What you meant to say was, You waited a whole twenty minutes for someone to answer you before you POSTed over here.

Patience is the key to snatching the pebble from the hand, Young Grasshopper! :P

12-08-2002, 06:41 PM
let me know if you would like this moved to hardware B)