View Full Version : Overclocking

12-08-2002, 06:53 PM
Ok I'm finally overclocking. I downloaded Coolbits. Now I am looking at the Core Clock Freq. and the Mem. Clock Freq. The default Core Freq. is 175Mhz, the Default Mem is 0Mhz. Ok, before I typed this post I changed my Core freq. to 180, everything was fine, I then changed it back to 175 so I could see the Mem frq...I then changed my Mem to 1Mhz and my puter just restarted when I hit Test Settings. So now I know I can't change the mem freq. But I dont get why. 1Mhz up is not that big of a deal. I need tips on what to set it to and what to try to get this bad boys potential :) thx.

12-08-2002, 07:24 PM
Ok, That's it,I'm not overclocking. I dont have enough cooling in my case to let out the extra heat and bring in the cool air. So u can delete this thread SHOGUN

12-08-2002, 07:25 PM
The 0 mhz memory setting sounds strange.

What brand of card do you have and is it a 200 or 400 version of the MX? So we can look up the default memory settings for that card.

12-08-2002, 09:34 PM
same thing happens with me and my geforce2 mx...its messed! get rivatuner and up it to 180/343

12-08-2002, 11:15 PM
Shogun-I have a MX 400
Im looking at the cdefault clock frequencies now, it is 175 Core and 0 Memory. I don't know what one goes first when ur talking overclock terms like 175/0 or 0/175. Disturbance, how did u get yours that high? Mine only goes to 250/100 the core is 250 and the Mem is 100. The weird thing is, I was screwing around with it and I set it to as far as it would go and my screen didnt mess up. But when I played SSE it locked up which I know is a bad thing.So any ideas of why mine is so slow?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-08-2002, 11:22 PM
What drivers are you using. OMHz is not correct. I know the coolbits registry entry did not work correctly for a couple versions of drivers.

12-08-2002, 11:25 PM
It locked up in sam because sam will cook the heck out of a video card. You should try raising it about 5 mhz at a time and try playing a full game of sam. When it finally does hang up, back off 5 or 10 mhz and leave it there.....Running your card wide open is asking for a burnt card.
Been there, done that, smelled the smoke...put out fire with my tears...

12-08-2002, 11:32 PM
Machine, I belive I have the latest driver, the one we posted t thread about, the WHQL one. And Goober, Thanks 4 ur 2 sense :D BTW my card is complelty normal right now, I didn't change anything with the settings and it is running HOT, I felt the it and it is like burning my finger, it is steaming in my house, I put a fan blowing on it and it didnt help any! This damned PC sucks at air flow! :angry: I think I will back off overclocking it for now....Just wait my pretty!! MUAHAHAHA COUGH COUGH

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-09-2002, 12:18 AM
If it is hot to the touch I would not overclock iy any.

12-09-2002, 12:28 AM
Ya, that's what I decided. Stop sucky air dumb PC :angry:

12-09-2002, 01:02 AM
Snip3r if you want to, You could start another thread and post some pictures of your case and see if we could give you some suggestions on how to cool it. You ought to see Machine's black Antec case. It's got these two huge, but quite 120mm fans (1 intake & 1 exhaust), It real sweet looking!

12-09-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 8 2002, 08:02 PM
Snip3r if you want to, You could start another thread and post some pictures of your case and see if we could give you some suggestions on how to cool it. You ought to see Machine's black Antec case. It's got these two huge, but quite 120mm fans (1 intake & 1 exhaust), It real sweet looking!
Sounds like a good idea but sadly I don't have a digital camera :( My fan is so loud and high pitched if I didnt shut it down at night I would die of deafening. I would love to have Machines Machine :P Lucky Lucky man :D

12-09-2002, 01:30 AM
Darn! :( Add a camera to your Christmas list and see what happens. :)

12-10-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 8 2002, 08:30 PM
Darn! :( Add a camera to your Christmas list and see what happens. :)
I have it on their but my Dad says he doubts I will get one since they are expensive :(