View Full Version : Operation Bismarck

12-10-2002, 01:19 AM
I was up rather late last night and happened upon a playing of James Cameron's Operation: Bismarck on the Discovery Channel and I must say it is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. It follows a dual story with the expedition finding the wreckage of the pride of the Nazi navy unfolding along with the most recent reconstruction of the events leading to her demise. The videos taken and events discussed were absolutely riveting. Even if you're not into war documentaries or documentaries in general, it is quite captivating in its ability to convey the drama of the events that took place. If you get a chance to watch it, you should.

12-10-2002, 01:27 AM
I watched it too Willy T, That was an excellent show!

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-10-2002, 01:28 AM
Damn I missed that one. I like that kinda stuff.

Mr Clean
12-10-2002, 02:15 AM
So do I! Thanks for the review Willy. Machine, if you go to HistoryChannel.com I think they post the times and dates when recent broadcasts will be aired again...