View Full Version : Attention everyone!

12-10-2002, 11:31 PM
I think maybe the MSN hacker is back. And I think he hacked SolidSnakes MSN account. He went to bed about 3 hours ago. Now I got a message from his account (Solids name is Umut in MSN):

************************************************** **********
*** Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! - 12/10/02 23:51:48 ***
************************************************** **********

[23:51] Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! sagt: ur mum
[23:51] (W) BainSidhe ® auto-message: I'm currently not available! Please try again in 10 minutes...
[23:51] Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! sagt: ur mum
[23:51] Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! sagt: ur mum
[23:52] Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! sagt: ur mum
[23:52] Umut, i no where u live!!!!!!!!! sagt: sucks my cock
[00:26] (W) BainSidhe ® sagt: who are u?
[00:26] (W) BainSidhe ® auto-message: I'm currently not available! Please try again in 10 minutes...
Folgende Nachricht konnte nicht an alle Empfänger übermittelt werden:
who are u?
Folgende Nachricht konnte nicht an alle Empfänger übermittelt werden:
auto-message: I'm currently not available! Please try again in 1...

Earlier today Solid asked me if I got a message from a trash talking english speaking person because one of his friend got one yesterday.

Anyone has a suggestion what I sould do about that?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-10-2002, 11:33 PM
Not sure. Maybe BIGGD01 can help.

12-10-2002, 11:38 PM
try contactin msn and report that account was stolen. see if you or he can get into his account and change the password.

do not allow anyone to upload to you nor do not download anything from anyone. tell him to goto into os log and see when system was booted last to see if someone was touching pc.

12-10-2002, 11:40 PM
ok thanks. I will talk to solid tomorrow bout that. I hope nobody will hack my msn or steal my account. Am I save behind my router hardware firewall?

Edit: How can u steal an account?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-10-2002, 11:46 PM
Well lets not post on how to do it. ;)

I would remove him from your list and probably not even turn on your MSN until you talk to him.

12-10-2002, 11:49 PM
Sorry I didnt want to talk about that here. I just have no idea how this can happen. :huh: :unsure:

12-11-2002, 12:06 AM
I was going to say that Machine. I would block him, but don't remove him, that was you can see if he is online or not, but you won't get any messages from him.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-11-2002, 12:07 AM
Good idea man.

12-11-2002, 12:19 AM
Already done

Solid Snake
12-11-2002, 07:03 PM
Thanks all.I changed my pw we'll see now......

12-11-2002, 07:18 PM
looks like you outsmarted the smart

12-11-2002, 07:53 PM
i spoke to that assmunch once before as he thinks he is special and created a program to hack someones account. he didnt and he is not special. he is weak who stole downloaded a stupid bot program thats been around for yrs. when you click on his bot he has your account password changed as he obviously has you screen anme so now he can log in. get in touch with msn and have them notified about it and the bot crap. doubt they will try to prevent it as there os is just crap and until they make a safe os i will never buy one of there products. as i mentioned before this guy wants to be a hacker but does not have the brain cells to do so. he is a little punk who's parents hate and pay no attention to. he gets pissed because he knows he is weak and has nothing to scare me with. he thinks his crappy dial up service will keep him safe but little does he know.

he lives in holland or around. to not let this peon bother you or give him the chance. set a code word among those from sam so you know who they are. never except anything from anyone unless you definately know its them. use nt based os. have virus software and make sure it is updated. use a router and firewall and monitor those who try to ping or get into your system. and record all ips attempts incase you have to counter attack. use passwords on all folders and os. you would not believe how many people forget to put a password on the administrator account yet have it on there account.

laugh at those who are small in the world and act big!!!