View Full Version : How did it come to this?

12-12-2002, 06:03 PM
My thoughts on the issues at hand.

On one hand I agree with Dangerous Dan about these forums being carefree. This was in fact the reason why we left Seriously and decided to move to Gamemecca. The fact that we could spam and not worry about threads being locked because of it, sounded promising. In a sense we were our own community while at Seriously anyway. So the move to different forums was inevitable once the clan community grew larger. Not to
mention that Seriously is a site devoted to Serious Sam only.

Now on the other hand you have to ask yourself a question. What is it that you want Gamemecca to become? If you want it to become a huge gaming site where you can ask questions, get gaming tips, read reviews, get the latest information on upcoming releases and socialize, then I think you have the right idea of what it should be.

The problem is that there is so much excessive spamming in threads where people may actually want to stay on topic and get some useful information. Spam=nonsense. So if I started a topic and wanted to know who recommends this new game, then I come back a day later and the topic is ending in what is your favorite anime, then the thread is now Spam=nonsense.

On a completely different page, is the issue with Phoenix. This is where I will put on my black sheep costume. Yes, Phoenix caused some mayhem and made up a bunch of stories and lied to everyone. So what, you ask. The fact is he attacked and ridiculed this community with his made up characters more then once. (which by the way got his school banned from these forums) What does he get as punishment? He gets sympathy, favoritism, and nothing more then a slap on the wrist. Now what really boils my blood is the Administration knew about all the lies and deceit. Yet, they continued to cover up and make the issues disappear.

So who is really at fault here? I believe in giving people 2nd and maybe even 3rd chances. However Phoenix has used up all of his and then some. You can only juggle dynamite for so long, before it blows up in your face.

death maker
12-12-2002, 07:37 PM
damn man u would be a good mouther

death maker
12-12-2002, 07:38 PM
as they say "life sux..... just get over it"

12-12-2002, 07:46 PM
Oh god, here we go again. Look, Ill just leave since Im the only ****ing spammer right? BTW, I didnt get the damn school banned, that was pat cool. All I did was post here, and no, the admins had no clue that sky did not exist. I hate almost everyone at this site now. This place has become so sad. It's falling apart. Half the threads get locked, and BTW, what the **** is your difinition of spam? I replied to people. Your acting just like the people at Seriouly. Your all becoming hypocrites. I will leave this site for good. I cant believe how sad and pathetic this place has become. Have fun with you evergrowing site....pffft. Great. I wish we could have stayed at seriously!....

BTW, I will continue to wear my MERC tags with honor as I continue to play sam. And as Dan said, dont be suprised if I leave a game when some of you join...

death maker
12-12-2002, 07:50 PM
wat if we pull a stunt like you and use another name like you did for EVER!

12-12-2002, 07:50 PM
all I am going to say, GROW THE HELL UP!! I am not bothering to post my feelings, I don't have the time. I have better things to do then baby sit!

12-12-2002, 08:01 PM
Phoenix...1 week vacation.