View Full Version : quick question

12-13-2002, 12:14 AM
is there away to delete the pm messages out? i am almost at 100 % and do not want to miss anyones message incase they need to send me one.

12-13-2002, 12:17 AM
Select the checkbox next to the message and click delete at the bottom of the list.

12-13-2002, 12:17 AM
Theres a little box called delete. You use that when you want to delete stuff....

12-13-2002, 12:18 AM
Curses, I am slow with my visual aid!! :P

12-13-2002, 12:20 AM
Nice touch blacking ou the names and PM's :)

12-13-2002, 12:20 AM
That's why I was slow. :D

12-13-2002, 12:24 AM
Make sure and get both boxes too, Not just the inbox.

12-13-2002, 12:33 AM
Why does everyone get so many PM's? I only get PM's asking me for a map :P

12-13-2002, 12:36 AM
Try pissing everyone of once. You'll get lots of them. :lol:

12-13-2002, 12:38 AM
[Try pissing everyone of once. You'll get lots of them.]

hey now, it's not all hate mail some love me dammit!!!

12-13-2002, 12:42 AM
thanks all found it (I MUST BE BLIND)

12-13-2002, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 12 2002, 07:36 PM
Try pissing everyone of once. You'll get lots of them. :lol:

12-13-2002, 12:43 AM
Sorry about those PM's Bigg :(

12-13-2002, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by BIGGD01@Dec 12 2002, 07:38 PM
[Try pissing everyone of once. You'll get lots of them.]

hey now, it's not all hate mail some love me dammit!!!
LOL! I wasn't talking about you BIGGD01! :lol:

I've gotten a few. :D

12-13-2002, 01:45 AM
Also, you will see a drop down box, it will say inbox it it first, but you can drop down to sent messages. They take up space and affect your %age that you have. If you have sent a lot, delete those, and you will have more space back.

Mr Clean
12-13-2002, 06:00 PM
Also, you will see a drop down box, it will say inbox it it first, but you can drop down to sent messages. They take up space and affect your %age that you have. If you have sent a lot, delete those, and you will have more space back

This is all your fault in the first place! You keep telling everyone to take it to PMs, and now everyone's mailbox is full! :D