View Full Version : Bigg is no longer a member

12-14-2002, 08:04 AM
I had a long chat with him tonight, and he just doesn't get it. He said he is leaving Gods, but others have said about how he is a disgrace to the Gods. I appoligize to all he has caused havic to, and take it on me, we as Gods are sorry we didn't see this sooner. He is someone who isn't mature enought to tell his right from wrong. He says he is not a hacker, but from the msn chat we had tonight, it thinks he is. I used to hang around hackers before I was in Sam, so I know a few goodies. O am Bigg, if you are reading this, my ip is bring it on loser!

I ask you this as GM cordinator, and a as a friend, you will not accept or download emails from someone you don't know. You will be running antivirus software. He says he knows how to hack throught the ports of Sam, Slash, please deal with this light weight for my please. If he wants to hack the site, so be it. There are back ups of GM, on the web hosts puter, and I am sure Sal has the files to put back up here. So you can't get ahead Bigg, you suck, grow up, take a few more lessons, and call me when you grow pubs!

Sal I hope that you do your mojo or your thing and take care of this ignorant little puke like flushing s*it down the toilet. It has been disgust between the high member of the Gods clan, and he isn't welcome for his childish acts, the atempts to hack (which are a violation of is ISP) but is a noob with a puter.

Having that said, ok, I am violating the rules, I am going to flame. If vacation I deserve, then I take it like man, but will still love this site for what it has become, and what I can do to better it. I will spend money on it if I have to, to better it. That is kewl with me. Ok, my flame:

Bigg, you are a worthless piece of trash that won't grow up to your age. What are you?? 25?? then why act like a 7 year old??? My god, we have people younger then you in Gods, but they act more mature then you ever can be! You say you hack, but when I ask you, you say no? I prove you f*ucking wrong and a newbie! You script kiddie you. You want to hack me?? Go a head, make my day! I live to see you prove me wrong. As for the pm's you got, good, maybe you should take the hint that you are WRONG, and we (GM) are right. You might destroy some people here, but you will not destroy us! If you forgot where you live, read it up at school, you weenie! You are nothing to me, but a disgrace to the gaming community, and well to be honest, to an owner of a PC. You say you access these forums some way of going through a portal to change your IP?? That being the case, what stops me from looking at all your posts, seeing your IP, running a who is trace, and calling all of them and emailing them the **** you have done? I am sure Lev would sen me the pm's of the threats you made to others, the attemps of you "hacking as you all it" to ruin it for others. Hack my, I open the challenge, you littel script kiddie. O BTW, incase you didn't listen to anything I told you tonight, scripts don't work if you don't accept them. I know who emails me, I know those on msn, I know those on yahoo IM, those on AIM, and those on ICQ, but I ask you this all time mighty hacker, which of those do I use?? I might have links in my profile to them, but that doesn't mean that I use them all. In case you hackingness never saw, ever hear of H2K, 3-D-Blood, the Dragon, and the list goes on and on. Beleive me, I have connections all around, I didn't tell you that, becuause I am not a dumb f*cuking idiot as yourself! Try me, I dare ya. Ya you might be big, but as someone's avatar here, it doesn't matter how big you are, you still can hide from a 45! I have been there before with someone bigger then me, and I know how to deal with it. You talk so big, like to travel the US, well come over here to my land little boy. You will wish that you stayed home, and hiding in the closet that you do.

Now that I have that off my chest, and off the chest of Gods, and hopefully for GM aswell. I ask you, do what you can or have to, to take care of this little pimp wanna be. Go the extra messure so that he doesn't mess it up for what is fun for the community. We are strong here, more then the little "thing" can ever be. Slash, please do your mojo, Sal, I ask you to please do your thing.

I am sorry if I stepped out of line. I will respectivily take the consiquences like a man. I say I stepped out of line, I know that, and for that I appoligize. It is a rude awakening for me, and I kick myself in the ass for not seeing it sooner.

For all of the GameMecca members here, I am sorry that you had to see this. Please don't take it as far ad Bigg, a former member of the Gods clan and GM, has made it to be. Common sence is all that is takes to have fun, enjoy, gain some knowledge and be a better person inside and on the servers. I tell you all, frag on, don't just like the game, love it! You are in good hands with the people here. They know what they are talking about, and are a good group of people, gaming and personally.

With this being said, I sign off for the night, hoping the future brings the games on to the challengers that take them on, and that they over come what they could accomplish by themselves, but with the help of a friend, online of offline

Your GM Cordinator,


P.S. I think dearly of you guys. I respect you all, differences or not, you are still here and apart of something big (not the Bigg queen of puters lol) and not for one game, but for all! Live on in well harmony, don't just accept your gaming skill, improve it! If you are not best at the game you play, then your journey isn't finished!

12-14-2002, 08:11 AM
Uh... woah.

Err, I'm at a loss for words, save one:

Mr Clean
12-14-2002, 08:13 AM
I'm gonna lock this now. Thanks everyone. Time for GM to move on.