View Full Version : SS V1.50 Public Beta

12-20-2002, 08:55 PM
I encourage everyone to try out the public beta! This is your chance to make it better people! The more fraggers that try it and give their feedback to Croteam, the better it will be when it is finally released. Make the most out of this opportunity.

Try it, write down and problems that you find, and send it on to Croteam. Be polite about it too please! Be constructive! Don't say "The weapons firing delay sucks", rather say "I found it difficult to aim and make a kill due to the firing delay". The developers at Croteam will respond more favorably to polite and constructive criticism.

Make your comments thorough and detailed. Don't just assume that they already know what you are talking about. You may have been the 1st one to discover a particular bug or shortcoming.

12-20-2002, 08:57 PM
Or if you guys want to post them here and I will send them oover to Croteam.
Also if you do decide to send them include your system specs along with
your thoughts.

12-30-2002, 08:04 PM
I'll pass on that, sorry.