View Full Version : Hmmmm

12-24-2002, 01:08 AM
Is it normal for win 9x to read the cpu speed wrong at times.
Sometimes it reads Xp1700+
other times it reads normal @ 2400+

Or am I haveing more probs with the MB.
I went through 1 so far.
I give almost anything 3 chances before I give up

12-24-2002, 01:12 AM
Ah man not again. :( Where are you reading that from?

12-24-2002, 01:21 AM
It started today I get it When I right click my computer and click properties.
Very strange indeed. I have a call into ASUS about it.
No big deal so far.
What I have done to fix the misread is shut down for 5 min reboot and no probs.
I think that its the Bios again
perhaps the Eprom.
I am gonna get them to send me a new one.

12-24-2002, 01:33 AM
The bios is the only logical thing I can think of it being.
I could be wrong.
I asked to speak to a engineer instead of a customer service rep.
At least then I will know then dude on the other end is not a dummy reading from a manual.

12-24-2002, 01:34 AM
They released a bios flash for your board today, But it doesn't mention anything about misreading proc. IDs LINK (http://www.asus.com.tw/support/download/selectftp.aspx?l1_id=1&l2_id=10&l3_id=23&m_id=1&f_name=AW1001E.zip~zaqwedc)

1.Checking 1394 status when booting up.
2.SATA BIOS update to 4.1.36C.
3.Improve Silicon Image SATA and other old PCI LAN cards PCI performance.
4.Improve memory stability with old NANYA DRAM .
5.Fix a small percent of A7N8X that cannot shut down or cannot auto wake up from S3.

I'll keep looking to see if I can find anything else.

12-24-2002, 01:37 AM
I don't think thats the prob.
No need to rack your brain over it.
If anything I will just make them send me a new board

12-24-2002, 01:39 AM
Look you are not alone. LINK (http://www.asusnetq.com.tw/topics.asp?ptype=Motherboard&model=A7N8X&subject=A7N8X%20major%20problems)

And here LINK (http://www.asusnetq.com.tw/inside.asp?Ptype=Motherboard&Model=A7N8X)

12-24-2002, 01:47 AM
I wonder if it is a heat prob.
But you saw my readings. They are good.
I am useing a AMD HSF that came with the processor.

All my settings are right.
I have not O/C anything yet.
I am still reading up on it.
I really have a strong feeling it's the Bios chip itself.

Should I upgrade the HSF?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 01:50 AM
I can send you a CPU ID program that will tell y9ou what speed it is running at. I would not trust WinBlows at all.

12-24-2002, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 23 2002, 08:50 PM
I can send you a CPU ID program that will tell y9ou what speed it is running at. I would not trust WinBlows at all.
Send it man please.
This is a program A got from Amd's site.
Here is what it reads.
But please do dend the program

12-24-2002, 01:54 AM
No your proc. temps were fine according to that utility.
In that first link I posted, There were some links that had something to do with the problems, But that other forum is down right now. I would have liked to have seen them. :(

12-24-2002, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 23 2002, 08:54 PM
No your proc. temps were fine according to that utility.
In that first link I posted, There were some links that had something to do with the problems, But that other forum is down right now. I would have liked to have seen them. :(
I saw that link.
I tried darn thing down when I need help.
How dare they.


OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 02:03 AM
Here is the kind of stuff it shows.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 02:04 AM
Get it here. First one on the list. Called wcpu31a.exe

Link (http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002374/src/download.html)

12-24-2002, 02:10 AM
It reads 2004

12-24-2002, 02:22 AM
Should I set stuff up different then what I have?

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 02:52 AM
Not really unless you can unlock your CPU.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 02:53 AM
Next time Windoze. Tells you different then run that CPU ID to see what it is really running at.

12-24-2002, 03:03 AM
Again I thank all of you for your help.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-24-2002, 03:32 AM
np man! B)

12-24-2002, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 23 2002, 09:04 PM
Get it here. First one on the list. Called wcpu31a.exe

Link (http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002374/src/download.html)
Thanks for the linky

12-24-2002, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Tip+Dec 24 2002, 12:16 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS Tip @ Dec 24 2002, 12:16 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 23 2002, 09:04 PM
Get it here. &nbsp;First one on the list. &nbsp;Called &nbsp;wcpu31a.exe

Link (http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002374/src/download.html)
Thanks for the linky
I second the thanks&#33; You guy&#39;s rock&#33;&#33; I&#39;m learning soo much&#33;&#33; :thumbs:

Merry Christmas&#33; :santa: