View Full Version : Ever noticed how the simplest, cheesiest games...

12-25-2002, 07:35 AM
My brother and I have been competing for times in the shareware version of Elasto Mania (http://www.elastomania.com/) for the last couple of days. It's kind of like excitebike on steroids. Or if you've ever played the ancient gameboy motocross game (I don't even remember the title. It was one of the first games for gameboy back in like 1991 and IIRC, made by Konami), it's a little like that. It's a lot of fun.

12-25-2002, 02:37 PM
Ok that wasn't very nice...now im hooked on the cheeistest game this year..and it had alot of games to beat out. lol

Thanks :wacko:

12-25-2002, 06:30 PM
How can you get addicted to Elasto Mania... game is stupid. Better game: http://taat.fi/taat/porrasturvat/