View Full Version : Getting a lassy mouse what should i get?

12-26-2002, 07:16 AM
Herer is the BALL mouse i use and i cant use 1;'st on it :angry:

12-26-2002, 07:17 AM
So anyone have any ideas on what laser mouses to buy i got 50$

12-26-2002, 03:22 PM
For $50 go get a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Best mouse you can get for that money:

http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=...0308991&loc=101 (http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10308991&loc=101)

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-26-2002, 03:39 PM
I would get the Dual Optical Logitech. But the main thing is that it feels good in your hand. Do not get one if it feels too big or too small. Go to Best Buy or CompUsa and feel them for yourself. The Microsoft one that SAL had mentioned is a good mouse but I did not like the feel of it. I used a Dual Optical Logitech for a while until just yesterday when I for the wireless Logitch MX700 (which frekin rocks but it is $80)

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-26-2002, 03:44 PM
This is the Dual Optical Logitech

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-26-2002, 03:44 PM
I think it is only $39 now in the stores.

Gun Element
12-26-2002, 05:28 PM
Whatever u do dont get a ball mouse. God I hate ball mouses. <_<