View Full Version : WAR!!!

12-26-2002, 09:04 AM
I hope we get into a big war with all the middle east and china jumps in so we can rid the world of them too,,,,, lets face it there are to many people on the planet we need to lose 4 or 5 billion,,,,, but the most we can hope for is another half a million iraqies,,, but maybe we will get lucky and india and pakistan will nuke each other,,,, that would be so cool...... :woot: :thumbs:

12-26-2002, 09:19 AM
Uh... okay?

12-26-2002, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 26 2002, 09:04 AM
I hope we get into a big war with all the middle east and china jumps in so we can rid the world of them too,,,,, lets face it there are to many people on the planet we need to lose 4 or 5 billion,,,,, but the most we can hope for is another half a million iraqies,,, but maybe we will get lucky and india and pakistan will nuke each other,,,, that would be so cool...... :woot: :thumbs:
I seriously disagree!

but let's not get into politics here

12-26-2002, 01:57 PM
War just isn't cool - no matter whos involved! :ooo:

:drink: OP :drink:

12-26-2002, 02:35 PM
Pretty sick man! I agree that we have too many people but the planet clenses itself from time to time. The only problem with war is the wrong people die. If the leaders of thier counties had to pick up weapons and fight the world would be a better place! Instead they have people like us do it for them!
Imagine this forum in war time. We could have death posts! It could look like this: Todays deaths are, Pure_evil, Dissectional, and though still alive and Gimmy lost his left arm and both feet in a mine explosion.

That would SUCK!! WAR SUCKS! I have 2 friends who had stomache trouble for years after the gulf war.

Ok, I'll get off the soap box now. :unsure:

12-26-2002, 02:51 PM
In which way will u take part in this "war" u want , sitting home with ur pc and see people get killed , u must be real .......... its ok when they dont fight in your country think about that first u.............THINK FIRST!

Gun Element
12-26-2002, 05:32 PM
True that we are overpopulated, but their are other ways, if the people in china just did what their law told them too (have only one child) then it would slowly decrease, I hope.

But war is just SICK! :(

12-26-2002, 05:32 PM
I will fight, maybe I die, as long as I get to spill the blood.... :thumbs:

lets all hope on a list so long that we could never keep a log of the names

what could be sick about being in touch with the side of me thats wants choas,,, that wants death, mayhem and destruction,,,, I think that is what makes a man a man,,,,, I know vets from WWII and veitnam,,,, only 1 from korea,,,,, war is pretty,,, death is part of life... enjoy it..... :woot:

Gun Element
12-26-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 26 2002, 10:32 AM
I will fight, maybe I die, as long as I get to spill the blood.... :thumbs:

lets all hope on a list so long that we could never keep a log of the names

what could be sick about being in touch with the side of me thats wants choas,,, that wants death, mayhem and destruction,,,, I think that is what makes a man a man,,,,, I know vets from WWII and veitnam,,,, only 1 from korea,,,,, war is pretty,,, death is part of life... enjoy it..... :woot:
So being blown up is part of life?

And Im not sure, but that is sick to think that its alright to say and believe in such things. :unsure:

12-26-2002, 05:52 PM

12-26-2002, 05:53 PM
nothing sick about it,,,,, there has been wars since the dawn of time,,, there is I think 60 declared wars going on right now,,,, if you are afraid of death go to chruch and know God.......... :rofl:

12-26-2002, 06:37 PM
Please don't feed the troll. :rolleyes: :lol:

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-26-2002, 06:59 PM
I say we send in some Special Ops to snipe all the leaders.

12-26-2002, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 26 2002, 01:04 AM
I hope we get into a big war with all the middle east and china jumps in so we can rid the world of them too,,,,, lets face it there are to many people on the planet we need to lose 4 or 5 billion,,,,, but the most we can hope for is another half a million iraqies,,, but maybe we will get lucky and india and pakistan will nuke each other,,,, that would be so cool...... :woot: :thumbs:
Wow, that's certainly an interesting point of view.

12-26-2002, 07:10 PM
Back to the ideas of Adolf , the humanist.

Mr Clean
12-26-2002, 08:47 PM
Just, I wanted to take this moment to let you know my opinion of you has decreased significantly. Thanks for the insight into your coconut...

12-26-2002, 09:36 PM

Their are kings and presidents that split up their earth while the people keep quiet ,
they have stolen their word.

There are idelogis we see them go to war and politicans against the wall only stands
and stutters.

And u want more War in our World?

No glory in war only pain and sorrow.

Please close this topic , it makes me sick , and i think alot of u agree with me.

12-26-2002, 09:39 PM
Your are one ****ed up person Justn.

12-26-2002, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 26 2002, 01:59 PM
I say we send in some Special Ops to snipe all the leaders.
I agree :thumbs:

12-26-2002, 10:07 PM
I seriously hope you are joking. If not, you're just like your sick president, George W. Bush. Think before saying stupid things.

Shame one you; there are kids here. :o :blink: :wacko: :unsure:

Gun Element
12-26-2002, 11:03 PM
I agree that we should take down Bush (that bastard) <_<

12-26-2002, 11:24 PM
Me loves Bush

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:17 AM
I seriously hope you are joking. If not, you&#39;re just like your sick president, George W. Bush. Think before saying stupid things.

I have no doubt that you are such a well-read individual on American presidential politics as to make your comment a valid one....(sarcasm)

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:18 AM
I agree that we should take down Bush (that bastard)

Proof that birds of a feather flock together....

12-27-2002, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 27 2002, 12:18 AM

I agree that we should take down Bush (that bastard)

Proof that birds of a feather flock together....
does that mean that you are the ugly duckling???

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:21 AM
does that mean that you are the ugly duckling???

And you a dodo bird? :D

12-27-2002, 07:00 AM
The place where you can share your political views of the world or what you had for lunch.

yep from the off topic header, this is the place to discuss political veiws,,, the name calling and personal insults are uncalled for,,,, and not allowed,,, so someone please edit them out

The bigger issue of WAR,,,, is it needed????? I think yes, it not only fulfils a primal instint in mankind but it keeps repression and treanny at bay,,,, The U.S. did not join the great wars until late in the games,,,we let hitler devestate all of europe,,,,, most Americans at the time did not want to join the wars raging on the planet,,,, now it seems people relize peace only comes after some killing,,

,,, would it have been better to allow the taliban to stay in power?????
try to imagine a place where you are beaten to death for playing cards,,, where women are not allowed to read or write,,,,, where people are dismembered over heresay, with no real justice,,,, do not think all war is needless,,, some people need to die,,,, and the rest of us are better when they are dead

Truth can be hard to deal with,,,, will any of you say that hitler or the taliban should not have been wiped out???????? to even think that is sick

Yet the U.S.A did not go over there to stop that form of goverment,,,, we did not agree with how the taliban ran the country but we did not attack them for that,,,,, we attacked them for attacking us,,,, should we wait for iraq, korea, or other countrys to attack us more???????

A political debate can be very good,,,, please refain from namecalling or bashing,,,, they do nothing more than show a poor education,,, and a lack of self developed opinion....... :woot:

12-27-2002, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 25 2002, 11:04 PM
lets face it there are to many people on the planet we need to lose 4 or 5 billion
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, if you really believe that perhaps you should lead by example?

12-27-2002, 07:56 AM
I asked you not to feed the troll....yet he is being fed. :rolleyes:

12-27-2002, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 26 2002, 09:56 PM
I asked you not to feed the troll....yet he is being fed. :rolleyes:
Yeah well... you&#39;re not the boss of us. :P

12-27-2002, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 27 2002, 02:56 AM
I asked you not to feed the troll....yet he is being fed. :rolleyes:
Sirc, I asked that you refain from name calling,,,,,, what is wrong with you??? go ruin other threads,,,,, my bad you already have........ :rofl:

Hobbes, I do not belive in suicide,,,, unlike those repressed people the pliastins,,,,,, another yet is Ghandia,,, he killed himself to advert a war with pakistan,,,,, he gave a people a whole country for themselves,,,,but that is not enough,,,,, no I am a nobody,,, so my killing myself would only affect a few people less than 100,,, but now in war if I kill say 20 people then I affected 2,000 peoples lives,,,, how can wars be adverted???? well one side would have to change,,,, right now it is plain to see iraq has to change

also it is clear to see pakistan has to change

to shut your eyes and pretend it is all good does not work,,,,, you can not hide from the world in front of you

but Hobbes maybe you think it was ok for the taliban to cut the clitorus off women,,,, or for saddam hussane to gas entire villages of women and children,,,, these things have happened

two weeks ago china exacuted 2 people for using the internet,,,,, gee it must be nice to speak your mind and get killed for it,,,, war is needed,,,, people need to die......... :shifty:

12-27-2002, 11:25 AM
Last time I checked the taliban didn&#39;t have 4 or 5 billion members. :rolleyes:

12-27-2002, 11:35 AM
Sorry Sirc, more food coming.

First I would like to point out that Bush lost the popular vote&#33; The Supreme Court basically appointed him... I for the record am not a Gore fan. I&#39;m just disgusted that with technology today we should be able to ellect with popular vote and every vote should count.

Second, I don&#39;t belive that it is the job of The United States to police the world. Especially with unemployment being high and the economy going down the toilet. Clean your own house first before you clean the neighbors.

Third, finish what you start before you go on to something else. The Taliban are already starting up the terrorist training camps and I have yet to see Bin Laden&#39;s head on a platter.

Justncredible, I still think your views are a little warped, but at least it seems like you&#39;re thinking and willing to argue your opinion instead of just making a outragous statement and mocking everyone who doesn&#39;t agree. I give you credit for that&#33; ;)

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 01:56 PM
I asked you not to feed the troll....yet he is being fed.

You of all people urging restraint..... :D

12-27-2002, 02:00 PM
Justn...you are such a dildo.

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 02:24 PM
Time for a morning rant...

First I would like to point out that Bush lost the popular vote&#33; The Supreme Court basically appointed him... I for the record am not a Gore fan. I&#39;m just disgusted that with technology today we should be able to ellect with popular vote and every vote should count.

PE, technology has nothing to do with it. The rules of the election are set up in the Constitution, and it would take an amendment to the Constitution to change the vote to a strictly popular vote. If you want the election to be based on the popular vote, call your Senator and urge him to draft an amendment and send it to committee.

Every vote DOES count. It counts in the determination of who wins your state&#39;s electoral votes.

Also, the Supreme Court did not &#39;appoint&#39; him. They ruled on whether or not a recount was legally required to be done again in certain counties in Florida. Hardly an appointment...

Second, I don&#39;t belive that it is the job of The United States to police the world. Especially with unemployment being high and the economy going down the toilet. Clean your own house first before you clean the neighbors.

Unemployment levels today, compared with those in the past, are still at a low level. The economy is not going down the toilet, it is in a growth state. For that matter, one of the quickest ways to spur economic growth is military activity&#33; WWII is what got this planet out of the Great Depression, not FDR and his social programs. You should want us policing the world if your so worried about the economy.

Besides, who do want to watch over our interests? Russia? Japan? Brasil? No thanks....

Third, finish what you start before you go on to something else. The Taliban are already starting up the terrorist training camps and I have yet to see Bin Laden&#39;s head on a platter.

You make it sound as easy as going to Wal-Mart to buy a gallon of milk. Why don&#39;t you call the Pentagon and tell them where he is, so we can end this thing and move on....

Justncredible, I still think your views are a little warped, but at least it seems like you&#39;re thinking and willing to argue your opinion instead of just making a outragous statement and mocking everyone who doesn&#39;t agree. I give you credit for that&#33;

Sorry if you didn&#39;t like my sarcastic comments. I will refrain from such in the future (for this topic). But if we&#39;re going to discuss or debate this thing, let&#39;s do it intelligently. That means having your facts right before we start. Your facts aren&#39;t right. Let me know when you get them straightened out.

12-27-2002, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 27 2002, 09:24 AM
Time for a morning rant...

First I would like to point out that Bush lost the popular vote&#33; The Supreme Court basically appointed him... I for the record am not a Gore fan. I&#39;m just disgusted that with technology today we should be able to ellect with popular vote and every vote should count.

PE, technology has nothing to do with it. The rules of the election are set up in the Constitution, and it would take an amendment to the Constitution to change the vote to a strictly popular vote. If you want the election to be based on the popular vote, call your Senator and urge him to draft an amendment and send it to committee.

Every vote DOES count. It counts in the determination of who wins your state&#39;s electoral votes.

Also, the Supreme Court did not &#39;appoint&#39; him. They ruled on whether or not a recount was legally required to be done again in certain counties in Florida. Hardly an appointment...

Second, I don&#39;t belive that it is the job of The United States to police the world. Especially with unemployment being high and the economy going down the toilet. Clean your own house first before you clean the neighbors.

Unemployment levels today, compared with those in the past, are still at a low level. The economy is not going down the toilet, it is in a growth state. For that matter, one of the quickest ways to spur economic growth is military activity&#33; WWII is what got this planet out of the Great Depression, not FDR and his social programs. You should want us policing the world if your so worried about the economy.

Besides, who do want to watch over our interests? Russia? Japan? Brasil? No thanks....

Third, finish what you start before you go on to something else. The Taliban are already starting up the terrorist training camps and I have yet to see Bin Laden&#39;s head on a platter.

You make it sound as easy as going to Wal-Mart to buy a gallon of milk. Why don&#39;t you call the Pentagon and tell them where he is, so we can end this thing and move on....

Justncredible, I still think your views are a little warped, but at least it seems like you&#39;re thinking and willing to argue your opinion instead of just making a outragous statement and mocking everyone who doesn&#39;t agree. I give you credit for that&#33;

Sorry if you didn&#39;t like my sarcastic comments. I will refrain from such in the future (for this topic). But if we&#39;re going to discuss or debate this thing, let&#39;s do it intelligently. That means having your facts right before we start. Your facts aren&#39;t right. Let me know when you get them straightened out.
Here, here. Very well put and articulate Mr. Clean. Those responses were everything BUT ranting.

I have chosen not to post in this &#39;debate&#39; because people&#39;s political/social views are usually askew, and it leads to arguments, name calling, and general misbehavior. Personally, I feel that I don&#39;t have to state my views. I spent 8 years in them military and am currently active reserve. I try to keep a pretty close eye on what my government is doing, since there may be a time when it directly affects me.

But, I will state this. This whole topic is silly. And I personally think the thread should be yanked.

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 02:43 PM
And as for Just&#39;s comments...

I think in principal we both agree that there are certain countries. like Iraq and North Korea, who are led by evil men and have evil intentions. Those governments are dangerous to the whole world, not just America.

The problem I have with your debate is the willingness you have to end human life. If it comes to war so be it, but damn don&#39;t go looking for it. American lives will be lost too, you know, and I don&#39;t like sending our people into conflict unless it is necessary. The VAST majority of people in Iraq, or China, or North Korea, are just like you and me, trying to make a living and make it from one day to the next. Just because they live in a particular geographical region does not mean they deserve a death sentence. They don&#39;t like being repressed, but they also can&#39;t do anything about it.

Countries like India and China have been around for thousands of years, not necessarily in their present form. They are ancient socities, MUCH older than America&#39;s piddly 300 years worth, and they have always been crammed against other societies with other views and religions.

Why do I mention that? Because your argument is so narrowly focused it&#39;s frightening. What I gather from your words is that they need to change because they aren&#39;t like us. You can&#39;t even begin to debate world politics until you have an appreciation for the other sides points of views. You don&#39;t have that or are not willing to recognize it. Either way, I may not like them either, but I can&#39;t discuss or debate this with you until you move to a higher level of understanding about what and who it is we are talking about. Step out of the box dude....

12-27-2002, 02:56 PM
now now mr clean...... :lol:

does this really have anything to do with goverments????

or is it basic nature for man to violetly disagree?????

why would anyone try to blame bush?????? only an poorly educated person would attemp such a fuax pa,,,, he (bush) is nothing more than a spokesman for the people of the United States,,,,, he is doing what we the people want,,,, the whole point of this thread is to make you people wake up and think,,,,,, the socalist world is all around us and they don&#39;t like you being free,,,, we get it from the north south east and west,,,, yeah it is time for WAR,,,, a big bloody war....... :D

12-27-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 27 2002, 09:24 AM
Time for a morning rant...

First I would like to point out that Bush lost the popular vote&#33; The Supreme Court basically appointed him... I for the record am not a Gore fan. I&#39;m just disgusted that with technology today we should be able to ellect with popular vote and every vote should count.

PE, technology has nothing to do with it. The rules of the election are set up in the Constitution, and it would take an amendment to the Constitution to change the vote to a strictly popular vote. If you want the election to be based on the popular vote, call your Senator and urge him to draft an amendment and send it to committee.

Every vote DOES count. It counts in the determination of who wins your state&#39;s electoral votes.

Also, the Supreme Court did not &#39;appoint&#39; him. They ruled on whether or not a recount was legally required to be done again in certain counties in Florida. Hardly an appointment...

Second, I don&#39;t belive that it is the job of The United States to police the world. Especially with unemployment being high and the economy going down the toilet. Clean your own house first before you clean the neighbors.

Unemployment levels today, compared with those in the past, are still at a low level. The economy is not going down the toilet, it is in a growth state. For that matter, one of the quickest ways to spur economic growth is military activity&#33; WWII is what got this planet out of the Great Depression, not FDR and his social programs. You should want us policing the world if your so worried about the economy.

Besides, who do want to watch over our interests? Russia? Japan? Brasil? No thanks....

Third, finish what you start before you go on to something else. The Taliban are already starting up the terrorist training camps and I have yet to see Bin Laden&#39;s head on a platter.

You make it sound as easy as going to Wal-Mart to buy a gallon of milk. Why don&#39;t you call the Pentagon and tell them where he is, so we can end this thing and move on....

Justncredible, I still think your views are a little warped, but at least it seems like you&#39;re thinking and willing to argue your opinion instead of just making a outragous statement and mocking everyone who doesn&#39;t agree. I give you credit for that&#33;

Sorry if you didn&#39;t like my sarcastic comments. I will refrain from such in the future (for this topic). But if we&#39;re going to discuss or debate this thing, let&#39;s do it intelligently. That means having your facts right before we start. Your facts aren&#39;t right. Let me know when you get them straightened out.
Excuse me Mr. Clean. I was not targetting you or anyone elses post in this thread. I was reffering to old posts that resulted in bannings. So if I offended you or anyone else, I&#39;m truly sorry&#33; I never said things are easy...Things are way too complicated.. I don&#39;t know where you live, but in CT unemployment is high, I know way to many unemployed people. As for who&#39;s going to police the world. How nice would it be if China decided that we were a threat and ordered us to stop building nukes and biological weapons or else. Or if Russia decided our election was bogus and told Bush to step down or they would invade&#33; Granted it wont happen. I just want to see us take care of our own country first&#33; And killing a few hundred thousand people to boost our economy is dead wrong. And when was the last time unemployment was over 6%? For a sustained period?
And please, I&#39;m not trying to piss off anyone&#33;

12-27-2002, 03:23 PM
there is no jobs in Texas either, unemployment is 6.9%,,,, I have worked at 2 companys that moved to china,,,, and 2 went to mexico,,,, NAFTA and free trade will make us all pizza deliver boys,,,, the next couple years I will be moving from manufactureing to a more service type job,,,, time to go back to school,,,, I blame clinton,,,, and I did not see mr cleans post as him being mad or even fired up,,,,, we can disagree with each other without offending

well,,, unless your sirc, hammer, or slik,,,, see that is war,,,, people butt in with no real purpose or reason,,,,, just to try and disrupt real thoughtful discussions,,,,,, maybe that is all they could add....... :rofl:

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 03:24 PM
And please, I&#39;m not trying to piss off anyone&#33;

You didn&#39;t, that&#39;s why I tried to respond intelligently with facts to back me up. You wanted to do this in a civil manner and I agreed.

I didn&#39;t know the unemployment rate in CT was so high. It&#39;s lower in the Midwest, and as a nation we are still at "low" unemployment compared to the history of unemployment in the U.S.

And killing a few hundred thousand people to boost our economy is dead wrong

I agree. When I say you should want us policing the world I don&#39;t mean by the wholesale slaughter of innocents. I&#39;m not for killing people either, don&#39;t get me wrong....

How nice would it be if China decided that we were a threat and ordered us to stop building nukes and biological weapons or else. Or if Russia decided our election was bogus and told Bush to step down or they would invade&#33;

I hear what you are saying, but we do it because a) we can, in that we are strong enough and wealthy enough, and 2) whether other countries want to admit it or not, they generally trust us to take care of what needs to be done WITHOUT killing civilians needlessly or raping their women or stealing their natural resources or making them part of our country, etc etc... It means a lot more when America says don&#39;t then when someome else says don&#39;t....

12-27-2002, 03:37 PM
Nicely put Mr Clean&#33;

My biggest fear is that we&#39;ve have almost never been the agressor. If we start invading without signifficant provocation we will be lowering ourselves. We were right to invade afganistan, and should have kicked some Pakistan ass too. We were right to invade Iraq to free kuait (probably a spelling massacre). I just would like to see the UN take care of Iraq for now.
Others look up to us because we do what we say and don&#39;t resort to violence first.

That&#39;s it. i hope I&#39;m done. :unsure:

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 03:43 PM
does this really have anything to do with goverments????

or is it basic nature for man to violetly disagree?????

I can&#39;t disagree with violence being a basic nature....humans, ants, fish, monkeys, etc often fight with each other for territory, food, position, etc...it IS a natural occurance. I would like to think, though, as sentinent beings we can also realize the value of avoiding those conflicts whenever possible. A lot of violence stems from ignorance too. Eliminate that and you help eliminate a reason for fighting...

I was stunned, quite frankly, that Clinton signed NAFTA, especially since he is a Denocrat and unions play a large role in his party. NAFTA hasn&#39;t turned out to be all it was supposed to be, IMHO...

12-27-2002, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Gun Element@Dec 26 2002, 12:32 PM
True that we are overpopulated, but their are other ways, if the people in china just did what their law told them too (have only one child) then it would slowly decrease, I hope.

But war is just SICK&#33; :(
think of the kids raised without brothers or sisters,,,,, the next genaration that will not have uncles or aunts,,,,,,, no family structure,,,,,, in time one child born that can not have children will end the bloodline of some familys,,,,, 2 people to make one person,,, the goverment in china more or less makes the whole population feel unwanted or needed....... :thumbs:

12-27-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Justncredible@Dec 27 2002, 10:23 AM
well,,, unless your sirc, hammer, or slik,,,, see that is war,,,, people butt in with no real purpose or reason,,,,, just to try and disrupt real thoughtful discussions,,,,,, maybe that is all they could add....... :rofl:
Pardon me m&#39;lord&#33; Pray, continue with your "real thoughtful discussion"......... :lol:

*cough*troll*cough* :P

12-27-2002, 07:30 PM
Stop posting such long posts, I dont feel like reading them all :thumbs: