View Full Version : Damn

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:32 AM
I see Grimmy, Machine, Sal, and myself all browsing the Off-topic at this late hour....let someone start a flame war now....they'll get banned three times over and on top of it I'll do nothing like I always do.... :D

12-27-2002, 05:34 AM
Your GAY!!!!!!

There, now ban me!

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-27-2002, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by Phoenix@Dec 27 2002, 12:34 AM

There, now ban me!
Hmmmm. Very tempting. :rolleyes:

12-27-2002, 05:36 AM
Make me an admin! I'll ban him! I'll ban everyone! W00t! :woot:

12-27-2002, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine+Dec 27 2002, 05:35 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS The Machine @ Dec 27 2002, 05:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Phoenix@Dec 27 2002, 12:34 AM

There, now ban me&#33;
Hmmmm. Very tempting. :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
Come on, ban me. You and everyone on the boards want it...

12-27-2002, 05:40 AM
Phoenix is moody tonight. Cruise for porn or something dude. Mellow out. Relax. :)

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:40 AM
I can&#39;t ban you, I&#39;m only a mod. I can lock this thread, but I lost my keys....

12-27-2002, 05:43 AM
ummm Mr Clean, you a;ksdjf;alksjdklasjdfanscvjkgpwreukejwf and then you asldfja;kwusf;ioawufjcansdf;cnas;df;ahds;fasfd, you are such a alksdfj;alwuwi4ujef;lawnds;fasp;dggf;woijfawf;awn; whecoaw&#39;eijcmawen;ofoiawhjksldfnc;ashpafwo98yr23[0u5rjn2wec97q230ujtr52nrf;lksdnaflcahwsdpc76p&#39;oasf ju[iasud89fv6astvg;adfj;wleknrt2i3vb5trpewfuasjfj;awh nerp2q34grfw7audfjasoidfja;sdhfasdhfsadjfiasjdfiaj sdf q43jtbg43pugt[wef s, o yea, well toyhadsofh;alskdjf;lakwenfr;owyfowaiue f and some aiowhejfp8hapohw3n4rktfbpou324tfgp4q3hgvfajncuaiwe gyhp09u[0fj23rhbfn2whg9cdharewjfgntaewjbfgoausydftspadufai soujqn234rg2pyfawd.

How is that?? You haven&#39;t had enought, well then a;klsjfpioawyucp89ayh3wjrnfqoh34nbt8oyvghqijf;lh4n f;qj2n43wupfshovijfas;lkjfsdklfjwkn2n34brtewg[ucsadoi and more of a;ejhrt;wenfqu4fn0waoeifjwlenfuuiwagsfudpfhasdfnqw bfeihgaspasdfjsjfsd;lkjfsnvcqweoiur2390ifjsdfasj;l ksjdf

Take that you dirty rotten a;krfjpioq3wyu4frjq2oijnedpcuawegc[pqahcohwklehf

Vacation time WooT&#33;&#33;&#33; :woot: :P

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:46 AM
LOL I just got a PM from Steve Teemu....apparently you just threatened to have sex with his goat..... :D

Take pics, please....

And your banned for the duration of reading this post&#33;

12-27-2002, 05:48 AM
Hey, leave me and the goat out of this please&#33;&#33;

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:49 AM
I&#39;m sorry, I shouldn&#39;t invade your private time with the goat.... B)

12-27-2002, 05:50 AM
asdl;fkas&#39;dfkl&#39;sdka&#39;sd&#39;sdasdfkl;&#39;sdl;&#39;asdfkl;&#39;asfk l;a&#39;ssssdkls&#39;a

12-27-2002, 05:51 AM
Originally posted by Mr Clean@Dec 27 2002, 12:49 AM
I&#39;m sorry, I shouldn&#39;t invade your private time with the goat.... B)
you know that you want some, don&#39;t try to hide it, everyone knows&#33;&#33;

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 05:54 AM
asdl;fkas&#39;dfkl&#39;sdka&#39;sd&#39;sdasdfkl;&#39;sdl;&#39;asdfkl;&#39;asfk l;a&#39;ssssdkls&#39;a

You and Grimmy should get together some time, you speak the same language.....I&#39;ll take the goat :blink:

12-27-2002, 05:58 AM
but I want to get together with you Mr Clean, you show stopper you mmmmmmm lets just cut to the chase and get it on&#33;&#33;&#33; :woot:

Mr Clean
12-27-2002, 06:02 AM
Wait a sec, I thought you hooked up with DL.....you HO&#33;