View Full Version : I am suprised

12-27-2002, 04:01 PM
I got a phone call back from ASUS and take a wild guess what the problem is??
The tech guy was lost so I should be getting a call from one of the developers of this board within 10 min.
My forecast:
Blood pressure raised by 40 point large headavhe and a new board or eprom in the mail.
Hopefully none of this will happen.
I will update soon with the fix.
BTW the BIOS checksum error rose it's ugly head for me this morning yet again.
This is geting better by the moment.

12-27-2002, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 11:01 AM
I got a phone call back from ASUS and take a wild guess what the problem is??
The tech guy was lost so I should be getting a call from one of the developers of this board within 10 min.
My forecast:
Blood pressure raised by 40 point large headavhe and a new board or eprom in the mail.
Hopefully none of this will happen.
I will update soon with the fix.
BTW the BIOS checksum error rose it's ugly head for me this morning yet again.
This is geting better by the moment.
What's going on? Didn't you just buy the new A7N8X? I haven't had any problems....BUT, my old Abit board is getting a checksum error and then the damn PC isn't booting...and I am supposed to sell it, and the damn thing doesn't work! Worked fine in my other case...bah :angry:

12-27-2002, 04:08 PM
Actually I am on board #2
same problem both times.
To fix your problem flash the BIOS and that may do it.
First clear the cmos and then try to boot up.

12-27-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 11:08 AM
Actually I am on board #2
same problem both times.
To fix your problem flash the BIOS and that may do it.
First clear the cmos and then try to boot up.
I was going to that very thing this weekend.
Rotten @#$%$ board....

I can't believe that you are on the second one! Man, that sucks.

12-27-2002, 04:23 PM
As soon as I get this prob fixed I am gonna try to get the CPU unlocked.
I dropped the multiplier down to 12 and could not boot.

12-27-2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 11:23 AM
As soon as I get this prob fixed I am gonna try to get the CPU unlocked.
I dropped the multiplier down to 12 and could not boot.
I have never done that. Why would you do that?

12-27-2002, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by =MH=Dissectional+Dec 27 2002, 11:28 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (=MH=Dissectional @ Dec 27 2002, 11:28 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 11:23 AM
As soon as I get this prob fixed I am gonna try to get the CPU unlocked.
I dropped the multiplier down to 12 and could not boot.
I have never done that. Why would you do that? [/b][/quote]
Just to see.

12-27-2002, 05:43 PM
Still no phone call.
So I called them back.
Now I have to wait for yet another phone call.
it seems ihave stumped the developer with my probs.
He thinks its the E-prom so he has to find out if they even have it in stock.
This is getting old fast. I think I need a drink. :drink:

12-27-2002, 06:00 PM
Dang man that mobo is turning out to be a real pain in the backside for you. :(

It may be getting to be time to drop back and punt. If you do, May I make a suggestion? Come to the wonderful world of Green mobos LINK (http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.html?i=1759&p=17) notice which brand ended up getting their gold award. ;) LINK (http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.html?i=1759&p=40) Asus is a great company that usually makes excellent products, But you seem to be have an awful time with them.

12-27-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 27 2002, 10:00 AM
Dang man that mobo is turning out to be a real pain in the backside for you. :(

It may be getting to be time to drop back and punt. If you do, May I make a suggestion? Come to the wonderful world of Green mobos LINK (http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.html?i=1759&p=17) notice which brand ended up getting their gold award. ;) LINK (http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.html?i=1759&p=40) Asus is a great company that usually makes excellent products, But you seem to be have an awful time with them.
Dont let that punt get blocked :D&#33;

12-27-2002, 06:24 PM
I might have to agree with Shogun on this one. As much as it would pain me to lose the board, if it is being such a pain in the ass I think I would find another.

12-27-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by MR. SLiK@Dec 27 2002, 12:19 PM
Dont let that punt get blocked :D&#33;
Actually, Some people can get their point across without using four letter words. ;)

12-27-2002, 06:39 PM
This thing is retarded man.
yet I now must wait for another call back.
I am gonna get a new board from them but it will cause me to be down for several days.
I have the option of getting a new board or a new eprom.
Getting the new eprom will keep me running but will be at least 1 to 2 weeks to get it.
I think I am gonna go to the gun cabnet clean my ak out and riddle this thing full of holes.
Man an I one pissed off man atthis point.

12-27-2002, 06:43 PM
What do you guys think of the KT 333 chipset?
I know its not better than the one I have but it is an option.

12-27-2002, 06:45 PM
Yes my gun is clean and loaded and I am doing everything I can not to let loose several dozen rounds.
BTW I AM SERIOUS&#33;&#33; :angry:

12-27-2002, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 01:43 PM
What do you guys think of the KT 333 chipset?
I know its not better than the one I have but it is an option.
That is what I was going to buy until I saw the NForce2. I almost put the order in until Musashi told me to check it out.

12-27-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 12:43 PM
What do you guys think of the KT 333 chipset?
I know its not better than the one I have but it is an option.
That&#39;s what I have and it works great, BUT that&#39;s like two steps (KT400) back from what you have now and I wouldn&#39;t go that route.

12-27-2002, 07:01 PM
Ok they are gonna send me a new eprom as soon as they get them in.
The guy I was speaking with gave me his home # .
I should here back from him by Monday afternoon with an updated status.
Now I have never changed out an eprom before it it a pain in the ass?

I really don&#39;t want to give up on this board.
I am gonna try a few things now so I&#39;ll be back.
Gonna try and update the BIOS to version A8NC101D which he sent me and try that out.
I am too picky to get something different.
This is a great board but I am just haveing problems with it.
Just my luck.

12-27-2002, 07:04 PM
Does anyone else here have that board? Is it a basic design problem or is Whocares just having really bad luck? :(

12-27-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 27 2002, 02:04 PM
Does anyone else here have that board? &nbsp;Is it a basic design problem or is Whocares just having really bad luck? &nbsp; :(
Really bad luck man.
SHOGUN is it possible to redo the bios from a dos prompt?
While still in windows?

12-27-2002, 07:26 PM
I will say this SHOGUN, MACHINE, BEHIND YOU I OWE EACH OF YOU A 12 PACK&#33;&#33;&#33;

12-27-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 27 2002, 02:04 PM
Does anyone else here have that board? Is it a basic design problem or is Whocares just having really bad luck? :(
Really bad luck. Mine works great.
I feel bad for Whocares. I think the board is dynamite.

12-27-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by =MH=Dissectional+Dec 27 2002, 02:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (=MH=Dissectional @ Dec 27 2002, 02:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 27 2002, 02:04 PM
Does anyone else here have that board? &nbsp;Is it a basic design problem or is Whocares just having really bad luck? &nbsp; :(
Really bad luck. Mine works great.
I feel bad for Whocares. I think the board is dynamite. [/b][/quote]
Care to switch :devil:

12-27-2002, 07:38 PM
To switch out the eprom you will need a PLCC Extractor tool. LINK (http://www.abra-electronics.com/catalog/tools/icp_20.html) You should be able to find one at an electronic supply house near you.

All the mobo bios upgrades i&#39;ve ever done have been done at a dos prompt. There should be a readme.txt file that came with the bios flash. Read it very thoughly and when you have read it, Read it again. I can&#39;t stress this enough, This can be a real scary operation if you have never done it before. You will need a boot disk with only the system files on it, Do not use a regular Win9x boot disk. I would advise printing out the flash procedure instructions. Go slow and only attempt it when you feel you fully understand the procedure. My first time scared the crud outta me and i&#39;ve done many since then and it&#39;s no problem now.

12-27-2002, 07:42 PM
I got me one of them tools.
I think I will just wait till I get the new eprom switch
Should be within a week. I hope.

12-27-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES+Dec 27 2002, 02:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (WHOCARES @ Dec 27 2002, 02:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -=MH=Dissectional@Dec 27 2002, 02:27 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS Sirc@Dec 27 2002, 02:04 PM
Does anyone else here have that board? *Is it a basic design problem or is Whocares just having really bad luck? * :(
Really bad luck. Mine works great.
I feel bad for Whocares. I think the board is dynamite.
Care to switch :devil: [/b][/quote]
Unfortunately no, I would rather not.

Flashing the bios is not super bad, but I agree with Shogun. Follow whatever instruction you get EXACTLY, otherwise... :(

12-27-2002, 07:52 PM
I am gonna wait.
As of mow at least the system is running.
I am a patient man and I can wait a week or so to get the part I need.
Plus the new one will have the updated Bios on it already.

But I will keep the gun loaded just in case :devil:

12-27-2002, 08:16 PM
After tinckering with clearing the cmos I got it to read at 2400 again.
now I just won&#39;t turn the thing off till I get the new switch.

12-27-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by WHOCARES@Dec 27 2002, 03:16 PM
After tinckering with clearing the cmos I got it to read at 2400 again.
now I just won&#39;t turn the thing off till I get the new switch.
Good deal. Now just wait for my posts this weekend when I tackle my board problem...bleh&#33;

I have never actually cleared the cmos though. Are we talking yanking the battery? Or just restoring cmos defaults?

12-27-2002, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by =MH=Dissectional@Dec 27 2002, 03:35 PM

I have never actually cleared the cmos though. Are we talking yanking the battery? Or just restoring cmos defaults?
if its the same board as I have there is a jumper you have to change for 5 seconds while the battery is out.
Then reset the jumper and put the battery back in.
That will set the BIOS back to default.

12-27-2002, 08:57 PM
Hey guys there should be a jumper that you move to clear the settings. If you would like, I can download your manual and tell you which one it is.

12-27-2002, 09:04 PM
Here you go. Page 1-11

12-27-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 27 2002, 03:57 PM
Hey guys there should be a jumper that you move to clear the settings. If you would like, I can download your manual and tell you which one it is.
Thanks Shogun, but I am working on a different board. And I have the manual, I just haven&#39;t looked it up yet. I was basically wondering if we were speaking the same language, and we are. I have to work on an Abit K7 board. I am building a little rinky dink pc for some guy. He is getting a Radeon 7500 in the deal though. 300 clams for the whole thing.

12-27-2002, 09:18 PM
Oh OK, If you need assistance just hollar. ;)

12-27-2002, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 27 2002, 04:18 PM
Oh OK, If you need assistance just hollar. ;)
That my friend, I will do. (I hope I don&#39;t though :blink: )

12-30-2002, 11:01 PM
Well Ishould have a new Eprom within a week or so.
They have none in the states so it&#39;s comeing from Japan.
I also put a stop payment on my credit card from the guy I bought it from.
It&#39;s funny how I went down there today and he said he had none yet I saw 15 of them in his office.
I also reported him to ASUS and they gave him his local Dist. phone #.
Looks like that guy won&#39;t be able to by product from them anymore. :thumbs:

12-30-2002, 11:28 PM
Can you say BUSTED? ;)

12-30-2002, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 30 2002, 06:28 PM
Can you say BUSTED? ;)
So it looks like I will be getting my rig for free unless he gives up a new board beform I get the eprom.
All I gotta say is don&#39;t get a gamer pissed off.
Espically a Tattooed bald one :devil: