View Full Version : RegEdit Advice

12-30-2002, 12:57 AM
I need some help or advice on something. I bought a Logitech MX500 and installed the Mousewares software (Updated to the latest version) and Gamers fix registry file and had problems with the mouse acting up while playing SS, So I deleted to Mousewares software and the mouse is working fine (except for the extra buttons), But I have had nothing but lockups in SS ever since. That game (Hole) some of us had awhile ago was the first time it hasn't locked up on me, But right after I was in another game and it happened again. :angry: I tried to play to play a off-line game by myself and it happens then too.

The changes the Gamers fix registry file makes is listed here LINK (http://www.logitech.com/pub/techsupport/mouse/game_whl.txt)
But that part is gone now since I un-installed the Mousewares software. There is still a part of it left in the registry (See pic below).

Things i've already done:
Run Scandisk
Run Defrag
Temps. are OK (126F @ idle, While playing ?)
Deleted all mice in Device Manager in Safe Mode (Now it shows "PS/2 Comp. Mouse Port, Just like it should)

I'm using Win98SE

What I need to know is it safe to just delete that part that is left or does anyone know of a good registry editor/cleaner program?
Screwing around in there scares the heck outta me!

12-30-2002, 01:23 AM
Make a backup and then delete.

12-30-2002, 01:39 AM
Use Reg Cleaner.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-30-2002, 02:11 AM
You should be able to delete it. But like Whocares said, you can make a backup of it first.

12-30-2002, 04:08 AM
Thanks y'all and will do! :thumbs: Can ya hear my knees knockin'?

I did clean out some dust bunnies and the CPU temp. dropped 5 degrees. I've told them suckers over and over to stay out! They just don't listen. :P

12-30-2002, 04:44 AM
Did it work?

12-30-2002, 06:00 AM
The cleaning helped the temps, But that was all. I wanted to try something first before editing the registry, So I re-installed the Mouseworks software to see what that setting mentioned in the readme file was set at in the registry. Funny this is it isn't where they say it should be. :wacko:
I tested it again in SS playing some Co-op levels, Worked fine. Tried it out in DM worked for about 30 minutes then instead of locking up, It crashed back to the desktop and I was able to get the screenshot below. After saving the pic, I clicked back on the SS box on the taskbar and went back into the same game just like as if I have never left. About 45 seconds later, It locked up tighter than dick's hatband. :angry:

Seriously, I'm gonna check into some things before messing with the registry.

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-30-2002, 11:32 AM
I can't see how mouse software would lock a computer.

12-30-2002, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Dec 30 2002, 06:32 AM
I can't see how mouse software would lock a computer.
This my sound like old hat, but it would lock up if it is trying to steal IRQ's from another device.
Another thought, is it compatible with 98? A dumb question, but one worth asking.

12-30-2002, 01:28 PM
Might be your temperature......If you're at 126d F, is this right after a game?....I know when mine got over 130d it would lock up in the game.....It would play alright for a while then get too hot and hang.
I have since cut 2 holes in the side of my case and have added 2 fans.....now after a game it runs at 123 or less and I haven't had a lockup since.

12-30-2002, 10:39 PM
This may be a shot in the dark..
When you cleaned the dust bunnies did you yank the HSF and clean real good.

12-30-2002, 10:55 PM
Thanks for the suggestions! :)
The reason I think it's related to the mouse is because that's when it appeared, You all might be right, It might have been just a coincidence.
I've got 5 80mm, 7 if you count the 2 in the PSU mounted in my case so I don't think cooling is the problem. :unsure:
I removed the fan from the Volcano 7+ and used a brush and air to blow it out, Same process on the video card's GPU heatsink.
My CPU temps dropped 5 degrees @ idle after cleaning, So it needed cleaning anyway. ;)
I'm gonna install SS in a second location tonight since that is the only game I having problems with and see what happens.

12-30-2002, 10:57 PM
Shogun it sounds like a Sam problem.
This game has been known to do strange things to peoples PC's.
What processor do you have in your rig.
With that many fans I can't see why you are getting temps that high.
I only have a total of 4 includeing the cpu fan and my temp are lower.

12-30-2002, 11:09 PM
It's a AMD 2200+ on a Epox EP-8K3AE. $pike and Chico have the same stuff as I do and there's run even hotter (130F) than mine.
The bios has a problem where it reads 10 degrees to high, It shows 131F, but is actually 121F. :wacko: Epox is aware of it and working on a solution or so they say. Also the 2200+s we have are the older "A" cores that run hotter than the newer "B" cores processors.

12-30-2002, 11:12 PM
That explains it.

01-01-2003, 03:37 AM
Lastnight, I un-installed the Mousewares software, Moved the SeriousSam.exe file to another location, Loaded the SS SE disk and used the repair option and was able to play 2 complete games online without a lockup (Knock on wood) ........... so far. :)

01-01-2003, 04:11 AM

01-01-2003, 06:10 AM
i would uninstall the software and then go into the registry and delete the logitec folder. no harm will be done doing so. but also try this in the registry----

under software/microsoft/windows/current version----goto run once and run and see if there are any strings left over from the logitec software which is where all programs that are intructed to strart up upon boot up. make sure you do not have any other software there that you do not need to boot up with. not sure what you are using or the mouse you have but ck to see if you having irq conflicts with usb devices or ps2--depending what you are using to connect your mouse with the pc. if you think it's the cpu getting hot--put your old mouse in the pc and play sam to see if it crashes. my bet is the drivers that you installed were messed up and need to get rid of them. do a search on the system files the mouse drivers had and delete them out of your system folder. also if you are using nt based os i would recomend disabling your virus software when installing new drivers and also be logged in as administrator. i know it sounds weird but most will agree if you log in with your name even though you have admin rights there can me a screw up so just log in as administrator.

01-01-2003, 06:22 AM
Hey Bigg thanks a ton for telling me about the registry thing and other info! :thumbs:
I think I have it fixed now since I've been able to play & complete about five games. See my post 2 post up from here.
Thanks again! :thumbs:

01-01-2003, 06:27 AM
cool, glad its working and if you have any questions i can fix your pc from my house using netmeeting. it's a great tool that i use with some of my clients and allows me to do the work. if need be just e-mail me or pm and we can set up a time.