View Full Version : Monitor Switch

12-30-2002, 09:26 PM
I had to change monitors :-(

from my 17" to a simple 15" boohoo :wacko:

problem is the image on my 17" changed by itself (without any command) and became concave...so I guess this was a sign that it was time to replace the monitor

:( If anyone has a better diagnosis please let me know

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-30-2002, 09:40 PM
Sounds like it might be a refresh rate problem. Have you tried different refresh rates like 75Hz or 85Hz?

12-30-2002, 09:46 PM
no :unsure: I'm really technically challenged

but this happened outside of the game...when I was viewing this forum so I don't think the refresh rate has much to do with it

thx for replying Machine

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-30-2002, 10:43 PM
Do you know how to change it?