View Full Version : update

01-01-2003, 12:49 AM
Well since it is past Christmas (hope you all had a good one and were good boys and girls)

The Santa smilie has been unclickable. What this means is that if you want to use it, click the show all linky, and you will have to scoll for it, and click it in that window to get it in your post. It won't show in the reply window. Some other smilies have been removed off the main reply page, but are still in the show all. Making a little room for some new ones.

Also on the skins update, I am having some problems installing them and Sal and myself are working on it, so you know, and don't pull out all of your hair or go blind. Just have to wear some shades for a little bit more till it all gets figured out. B)

01-01-2003, 12:53 AM
great work man.

01-01-2003, 01:03 AM
It's cool Grimmy B) We know you and SAL are hard at it. :D Thanks

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-01-2003, 01:05 AM

01-01-2003, 01:11 AM
I will tell ya that we have something in the works. But I won't tell ya what it is. It isn't a skinny or a smilie, something else :P The secret goes to the highest bidder :D and all donations will be put in to the GM lock box for future give a ways and stuff like that. B)

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-01-2003, 02:25 AM
I know, I know! :wave:

01-01-2003, 02:27 AM
I know as well :woot:

01-01-2003, 03:13 AM
You guys work hard to make this place great and I thank you for it! http://www.maskiflynn.co.uk/smileys/jammin.gif

01-01-2003, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 31 2002, 10:13 PM
You guys work hard to make this place great and I thank you for it! http://www.maskiflynn.co.uk/smileys/jammin.gif
Thanks Man. :thumbs:

01-01-2003, 04:23 AM
I Know!!!

Hi, why are you still here? No, i don't really know. :rofl:

01-01-2003, 11:40 AM
Lol, Yuri.