View Full Version : invisible ledge

Drunken Warrior
01-01-2003, 10:05 PM
While playing in the Hole I landed on a ledge by the granade launcher, has anyone else find this?

Here are some screenies, I got fragged while taking them :D

Drunken Warrior
01-01-2003, 10:06 PM
After I died :D

It was funny watching people run under me as I sat there :D

01-01-2003, 10:09 PM
How did you get up there? With a rocket jump? I've never seen anyone do that before. :blink:

01-01-2003, 10:10 PM
Thats new to me.

01-01-2003, 10:16 PM
Thats a new one on me.

Drunken Warrior
01-01-2003, 10:16 PM
I ran up the ramp and did a knife jump about half way up and I stopped there. I could move but if I move to far I drop down, this is the 2nd. time this has happend.

01-01-2003, 10:22 PM
I've landed there by accident several times.

01-01-2003, 10:50 PM
Hmmmm, a new camping spot for Leon maybe :P

01-01-2003, 10:53 PM
I don't think it is an advantage to be there. You are more vulnerable IMHO.

01-01-2003, 10:56 PM
Chan had that once too
i believe..

Herbus Maximus
01-01-2003, 11:06 PM
You guys are kidding me right? :blink:
That happens to me all the time!.....At least one or twice every 3rd game or so. I don't believe it's a real invisible ramp...more of an error of where we are in relation to the actual ramp. I've purposely tried to find where it is many a time and it just pops up occasionaly. Seems to happen mostly when I just run up the ramp without jumping..you just seem to start rising...like on an escalator, until you reach the level off point of the ramp. If you go to far you will fall back onto the ground. I tell you what though....it's funny as hell to see people see ya' floatin' there. You can just see the double take a goin' on :blink: :lol: And you can get quite a few kills cause' nobody looks 10-15ft above the ramp... :lol: Very limited moving allowed up e or you will fall off ....whatever it is. Nice thinkin' about the rocket jump SIRC but it doesn't seem to work that way....I've tried like crazy to get up there and on the beamed ceiling rocket jumping..no good. Dang too! ...I wanted on top of those pillars :devil:
Well hot damn someone else has seen it...lord knows I've never seen anyone else do it....but it really is cool! :woot:

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-01-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Herbus Maximus@Jan 1 2003, 06:06 PM
You guys are kidding me right? :blink:
That happens to me all the time!.....At least one or twice every 3rd game or so. I don't believe it's a real invisible ramp...more of an error of where we are in relation to the actual ramp. I've purposely tried to find where it is many a time and it just pops up occasionaly. Seems to happen mostly when I just run up the ramp without jumping..you just seem to start rising...like on an escalator, until you reach the level off point of the ramp. If you go to far you will fall back onto the ground. I tell you what though....it's funny as hell to see people see ya' floatin' there. You can just see the double take a goin' on :blink: :lol: And you can get quite a few kills cause' nobody looks 10-15ft above the ramp... :lol: Very limited moving allowed up e or you will fall off ....whatever it is. Nice thinkin' about the rocket jump SIRC but it doesn't seem to work that way....I've tried like crazy to get up there and on the beamed ceiling rocket jumping..no good. Dang too! ...I wanted on top of those pillars :devil:
Well hot damn someone else has seen it...lord knows I've never seen anyone else do it....but it really is cool! :woot:
I agree with Herbus. It is a bug that pops up sometimes. I can be running up the ramp sometimes and I just start going up at a steeper angle then the ramp and wind up 15 feet in the air.

01-02-2003, 01:42 AM
That would be funny if a swimmer was up their, it would look like hes dead since he's flat and then BLAM blast toyu with a rocket :rofl:

01-02-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Snip3r@Jan 2 2003, 02:42 AM
That would be funny if a swimmer was up their, it would look like hes dead since he's flat and then BLAM blast toyu with a rocket :rofl:

01-02-2003, 02:11 AM
I tried to get up their for like 20 minutes and I can't figure it out :(

01-02-2003, 02:34 AM
is that realy blakc and white colors you play on?

Drunken Warrior
01-02-2003, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by Diablo@Jan 2 2003, 12:34 AM
is that realy blakc and white colors you play on?
No, when I resized it for posting it changed to bl/wh for some reason :rolleyes:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-02-2003, 04:00 AM
I've had that happen to me too (the floating thing). :)

death maker
01-02-2003, 06:20 PM
sounds like a party

01-03-2003, 04:45 PM
Here's another error in Hole

somehow I fell off the spot where the rocket launcher is and got stuck high up in the air :blink:

btw GG GunMen!

01-04-2003, 12:54 AM

Herbus Maximus
01-04-2003, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Aries@Jan 3 2003, 08:45 AM
Here's another error in Hole

somehow I fell off the spot where the rocket launcher is and got stuck high up in the air :blink:

btw GG GunMen!
Hello there Aries. :wave: I think where you are ....right where the first steps are heading towards the armor there is a small foothold just off the ledge. If you squat down at the base of the first step facing towards where the rocket spawns and inch your way towards the edge...kind of backing up a little as you start to go off the ledge you'll actuall find a foothold there.....Iffin' you are crouching and dark.. you are really hard to see. I don't think most people even scan over there with the cursor but it's so finicky to reach in a busy game....oh well... :ooo: :wave:

01-06-2003, 03:45 PM
I got there once on accident.Mr_Macho_93@yahoo.com