View Full Version : Slayer

01-10-2003, 06:54 PM
He asked me to post this:

Dear people of GM,

hi, this is slayer im wondering how u all are doing, i missed the bull****ting and stuff , but im gonna get to the point now... i just read on the old forums (seriously) how freaking lame i was i cant believe it im sorry 4 the aliases im sorry for the **** i caused i didnt know what i was doing and saying was only 13 not that im much older now but im sure a lot wiser now, anyway most of u know
i play ut2k3 @ the moment i always believed i was the best in sam , wich wasnt true i think, but now... im in the national team of holland they think i play awesome and think im the best player of nl.. i dont want to brag or something but.. its pretty cool.. i know u all hate me like the devil himself, and i know im not getting unbanned either but its just i missed u guys u know .. if any1 wants to speak to me mail me @ the_side_up@hotmail.com, btw .. alias time is over .. maybe ill return to ss2 and play for FUN =) ut2k3 is my game now... anyway i better be going now my parents are pissssed , one more thing, i didnt send u all viruses and didnt hacked ur emailz.
have a nice life @ gm ..

-slayer a.k.a the chosen one

01-10-2003, 07:15 PM
Spoke to him the other day on MSN - first time in yonks. Looks like it may have triggered some fond (and others not-so-fond) old memories.

I know the guy is abhored, but i quite like the kid, and he has always been most respectful to me personally. Sue me. Uh, how many chances does one get again? [tip-toes]

Please don't hurt me, Machine. :P

01-10-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Pathos@Jan 10 2003, 11:15 AM

Please don't hurt me, Machine. :P
:rofl: :rofl:

Dick Steel
01-10-2003, 07:23 PM
Slayer should come back!!!!!!!!!!
He is maybe the best after me B)

01-10-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Dick Steel@Jan 10 2003, 01:23 PM
Slayer should come back!!!!!!!!!!
He is maybe the best after me B)
I think maybe he is you.

Dick Steel
01-10-2003, 07:25 PM

01-10-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Dick Steel@Jan 10 2003, 02:23 PM

He is maybe the best after me B)

I would like to see him back. :angel:

01-10-2003, 07:38 PM
When I get home I'll post the email he sent to me just before XMas. He hasn't changed.

01-10-2003, 08:12 PM
He's always been fine with me , never a cross word, always friendly so i,ve treated him with the same respect :thumbs:

Good to hear you are still around

01-10-2003, 08:22 PM
I dont know him, but he is only 13 (or 14 whatever) How much maturity do we really have at that age? Everyone acts stupid bandhead and makes mistakes. If he screws up again cant he just be re-banned for good?

01-10-2003, 08:32 PM
If alot of people would like him unbanned we could always put it to a vote.

01-10-2003, 09:47 PM
I would unban him. Ive been takling to him on msn and he seems like a good guy so far. He told me what he said and I understand why he got banned, but let him back. You guys gave shotgun maniac (gladiator) like 3 chances, so give slayer another chance.

Dark Reign
01-10-2003, 10:25 PM
So that will be (if I'm not mistaken) his 3,452th chance right? I highly doubt he has really changed at all. We gave Shotgun another chance because he deserved another chance. Slayer does not deserve another chance.

01-10-2003, 11:36 PM
Yeah the guy had another chance with T4M it didnt work, another chance with DOA, didnt work. Another chance with DWF didnt work. Thats 3 times. And dint he send all you guys viruses?

01-10-2003, 11:43 PM
He states he did not send the worms to us but I have alot of trouble believeing that.

01-10-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by _Sepra_@Jan 10 2003, 03:22 PM
I dont know him, but he is only 13 (or 14 whatever) How much maturity do we really have at that age? Everyone acts stupid bandhead and makes mistakes. If he screws up again cant he just be re-banned for good?
you dont mean to say all 13 year olds a retards do you? :thumbs: j/k (im 13 btw ;) )

01-11-2003, 02:12 AM
well w/e. Why not let him back then if he screws up again ban him again and make that permanent. He says he changed and believe me he has.

01-11-2003, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by Strider@Jan 10 2003, 09:12 PM
well w/e. Why not let him back then if he screws up again ban him again and make that permanent. He says he changed and believe me he has.
Like I said I do not trust him.
If he is allowed back in then thats fine by me but I say NO!

01-11-2003, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Strider@Jan 10 2003, 08:12 PM
well w/e. Why not let him back then if he screws up again ban him again and make that permanent. He says he changed and believe me he has.
he said that same sh1t before!!!! yada yada yada :bandhead:

01-11-2003, 03:51 AM
:WTF: ok I understand why you guys dont want him back I know how he use to act. nuff said. new topic :thumbs: :wootrock:

01-11-2003, 04:24 AM
Well everyone I understand how you all feel about him. I heard he did write to Salvation which wasn't all that good but he is mad and miss playing and being apart of this place but I know that isn't an excuss for what he said. Salvation I understand and at times you have always never let anyone get to you at all which is cool about you and I would understand if you didn't want him back.

Now I just want to make it clear to everyone. Everyone hear knows how I feel about Slayer and he is very close to me and he means a lot to me.
I miss having him around and ever since he was ban, I don't hear from him as much as I use to and I miss that very much. He was there for me all the time and he never lied to me and at times I would get mad at him but I was always able to forgive him as he has for me.

I strongly feel that he should come back and I know how everyone must think that I favor him a lot and that maybe true but I also understand that I respect you all very much and I ask this one favor to all to consider. I know it's a lot to ask and I know that I would do the same for every one here because I do care for all of you and I only wish that the past would just go alway.

Please everyone consider ok and if not I do understand but remeber many of us make mistakes and sometimes more then others and I have always been the type of person to forgive and for some reason I seem to be able to communicate with players and try so hard to make peace.

I hope that I have not offended anyone here but as you all know I care for Gamemecca and it means a lot to me this community and would like to see players together playing and exchanging ideas.

Thank you all for listening.

SAS :angel:

01-11-2003, 04:30 AM
Sas I can respect how you feel but as I have stated I can't trust him.
If the Members of Gamemecca choose to allow him back in that I will agree.
But my vote will be no.
I at this point do not have any proof that he was not the one that send the worms to us.
until I have rock soild proof that tells me other I will stick with my vote.

01-11-2003, 04:32 AM
uh...I dont care really. And holland has a national sam team? Or did he mean UT2k3? Anyhow. I dont care. I just want to read the e-mail he sent sal.

01-11-2003, 04:35 AM
Well you all probably know my answer already. The way he treated me and spoke about me at the end. Was totaly a stab in the back. I gave him his last chance when he left DOA. This kid has had so many chances its not even funny. I went to bat for him many of times. I took up for him even when he was wrong. And i made several members mad at me for that. And for him to talk about me the way he did,i will not never forget nor forgive. We are fine here at gamemecca without him. SAS what you replyed is a slap in the face to me dude. You of all people know how i fell about this punk. And for you to say you would like to see him unbanned,huh. I tell you what SAL you put it to a vote or do what ever you want to do. But i promise you this,if you want to get read of me. Then that is the way to do it. In other words he comes back IM GONE. Simple as that. I will not be treated and talked about like that again. Exspecialy by the same person. Sorry DOA|MH but that is my final word. Some of you may not understand what happend but i do and so do some of you all too. I have made mistakes before too and have appologized for them. But i have never repeatally commeted them over and over.

01-11-2003, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by LaSH@Jan 10 2003, 11:35 PM
Well you all probably know my answer already. The way he treated me and spoke about me at the end. Was totaly a stab in the back. I gave him his last chance when he left DOA. This kid has had so many chances its not even funny. I went to bat for him many of times. I took up for him even when he was wrong. And i made several members mad at me for that. And for him to talk about me the way he did,i will not never forget nor forgive. We are fine here at gamemecca without him. SAS what you replyed is a slap in the face to me dude. You of all people know how i fell about this punk. And for you to say you would like to see him unbanned,huh. I tell you what SAL you put it to a vote or do what ever you want to do. But i promise you this,if you want to get read of me. Then that is the way to do it. In other words he comes back IM GONE. Simple as that. I will not be treated and talked about like that again. Exspecialy by the same person. Sorry DOA|MH but that is my final word. Some of you may not understand what happend but i do and so do some of you all too. I have made mistakes before too and have appologized for them. But i have never repeatally commeted them over and over.
Well if that is how you feel then we forget about this subject and continue as we have so far.

LaSh I understand and you must understand how I feel about giving people chances. You know in my nature is to forgive not to hurt people and you know me most because we always talk together almost everyday. But if you really feel that way then I decline what I said and will not let it go my friend but remeber this ok, that I would not disrespect you LaSh but only show you what a true friend is to you and would only respect your wishes.

Slayer if you are reading this please forgive me but right now LaSH made a good point in keeping the peace for the DOA|MH clan and I have always said to you that if I must keep DOA|MH alive then I would sacrifies what needs to be done for my members which is many and my responsibility is to the clan members which I must hold true too.

I am sorry that I have offended LaSH or anyone and that I will not ever bring this subject again.

This battle is lost and there is no other way but to respect everyone by not letting it go any futher.

Once again I do apologies to all and especially Salvation and to LaSH.

Let's forget what has been said and continue the what we have build and enjoy our fun.

SAS :angel:

01-11-2003, 04:47 AM
Lets all calm down. Lash and Slik are right!!! How many chances do we give a person who will decieve you in a heartbeat???
The only people that are sticking up for this kid is Sas who is very kind hearted IMO and a few, yes I said few of the newer members that really don't know what this kid is about and what he did to the community.
SORRY Sas I and this is my own opinion but we're better off without him.

01-11-2003, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS $pike@Jan 10 2003, 11:47 PM
Lets all calm down. Lash and Slik are right!!! How many chances do we give a person who will decieve you in a heartbeat???
The only people that are sticking up for this kid is Sas who is very kind hearted IMO and a few, yes I said few of the newer members that really don't know what this kid is about and what he did to the community.
SORRY Sas I and this is my own opinion but we're better off without him.
I understand and what's really bothers me is what I said and now I might have lost a friend name LaSH because he is very angry at me and I understand him and I made a mistake and I want LaSH to know that he means a lot to me and I will never bring this subject again.

Jesus I didn't know how hard it was but I have never taken anyone too far when mad and I always for get about it in time because I don't take people to insult me seriously or keep it inside long but that is me and I can't speak for everyone because like I said I am a forgiving person and at times it gets me in trouble with good friends Like LaSh which I would hope to patch things up with him. It will take time for him to forgive me but I am willing to wait as long as it takes for him to forgive me.

Dam sometimes it doesn't paid to be kind hearted because at times it gets me in trouble.

I am really sorry to LaSh and I wanted to make it public for everyone to see and hear.

As for Salvation, I am sorry too my friend and to everyone.


01-11-2003, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS $pike@Jan 11 2003, 04:47 AM
Lets all calm down. Lash and Slik are right!!! How many chances do we give a person who will decieve you in a heartbeat???
The only people that are sticking up for this kid is Sas who is very kind hearted IMO and a few, yes I said few of the newer members that really don't know what this kid is about and what he did to the community.
SORRY Sas I and this is my own opinion but we're better off without him.
Thank you SPIKE. You was their when it all went down you understand. And i am greatfull for you backing us up. IMO we are doing just fine with out him. I see nothing he could bring to Gamemecca that can make it eney better than what it already is.

01-11-2003, 05:03 AM
Let's just let it be.
It was an idea that did not work
So let's move on to better things.

Lash you and Sas go way back.
Don't let this destroy a good friendship.

01-11-2003, 05:06 AM
SAS i think our confersation from here needs to be in PRIVATE. As for kind hearted thing. I am,i gave him several chances and you seen the result i got. Put yourself in my shoes bro. I admire you for your kind heart and dedecation to DOA|MH. So from here what you have to say please PM it. This subject has already gone to far. Would someone please delet or lock this thread.

01-11-2003, 05:07 AM
Locked as per your request Lash.