View Full Version : President Bush

04-12-2004, 05:42 PM
Hey !! It's been 5 days since a post !! I must say the flame spewing has simmered down since a few months ago. When people are asked to back up their hate, there are fewer posts.

Bush/Cheney '04 :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by PimpDaddy@Apr 12 2004, 01:42 PM
Hey !! It's been 5 days since a post !! I must say the flame spewing has simmered down since a few months ago. When people are asked to back up their hate, there are fewer posts.

Bush/Cheney '04 :thumbs:
Could it be the holiday weekend???

Kerry/anyone 04 :thumbs:

Ventura 08 :thumbs: :thumbs:

04-12-2004, 07:14 PM
:hmmm: found this interesting,
Making America Pay: The $24 Billion Bush-Cheney Gas Tax

The Bush Administration's failed policies have created record high prices for gas. Americans are paying 12% more for gas since former oil industry executives Bush and Cheney took office on the pledge that their ties to the oil industry would lead to lower gas prices. Instead of helping consumers who will pay $24 billion more for gas this year, Bush and Cheney are aiding oil companies' record profits and increasing American dependence on foreign countries.

Bush Gas Tax Hike Costs Americans $24 Billion More.

* Economist David Rosenberg told CNN’s Lou Dobbs that “pain at the pump has wiped out more than $20 billion of the coming $40 billion in tax refund checks.” How? On January 5, consumers paid $1.51 for an average gallon of gas. As of today – less than three months later – they’re paying $1.75 per gallon, a 24 cent increase since January. According to the Wall Street Journal, “every penny increase in a gallon of gas costs consumers $1 billion a year.” That’s a $24 billion gas tax hike this year alone.
* But that’s not all: nationwide gas prices have risen 12% since 2000, and are expected to skyrocket upward to $1.83 a gallon this summer – a 17% increase since Bush took office.
* Guy Caruso, the administrator of the Energy Information Administration told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that an average family will spend about $1,700 for gas in 2004. At today’s gas prices, this means that an average family will spend over $300 more for gas than they would have if prices were at the level they were the week Bush took office.

[Sources: David Rosenberg, CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, 3/22/04; Energy Information Association, http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/ftparea/wogir...pswrgvwnus.xls; (http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/ftparea/wogirs/xls/pswrgvwnus.xls;) AAA, http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/index.asp; Wall Street Journal, 3/24/04; Reuters, 3/9/04, via CNN Money; Energy Information Administration, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/txt/ptb0522.html; Guy Caruso, Testimony before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, 3/4/04; Energy Information Administration data]

Candidate Bush Said Clinton Should “Jawbone OPEC” to “Open [the] Spigots” – But the Bush Administration Now Refuses to “Beg OPEC for Oil.”

* During a Republican primary debate in Manchester, New Hampshire in January 2000, Bush said, “What I think the president ought to do is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots. One reason why the price is so high is because the price of crude oil has been driven up. OPEC has gotten its supply act together, and it's driving the price, like it did in the past. And the President of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price.”
* But this year, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said the United States has made it “very clear we are not going to beg OPEC for oil,” in response to the current run-up in crude oil, gasoline and other energy prices.

[Sources: The New York Times, 9/29/00; George Bush, Republican Primary Debate, Manchester, NH, 1/26/00; Reuters, 2/27/04 and 3/23/04]

Cheney Sponsored a Bill to Keep Oil Prices High – And Met with Energy Executives Behind Closed Doors.

* On October 9, 1986, as a member of the House of Representatives, Dick Cheney introduced a bill to establish a $24-per-barrel price floor on imported crude oil – a mandatory minimum price, indexed to inflation, that today would reach as high as $36.12 per barrel. If Cheney’s bill had passed, consumers would have paid over $1.2 trillion in increased gas prices since 1986, with $600 billion going to oil companies.
* In 2001, as Vice President, former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney lead an energy task force that met with energy industry officials in closed meetings. These meetings led to the administration’s energy policy. The administration has refused to release detailed records of the meetings to the General Accounting Office, the investigative branch of Congress. The secrecy surrounding the meetings is so unusual that the Supreme Court will hear arguments that the records for the meetings should be opened on April 27th. Cheney is still receiving $180,000 annually in deferred compensation from Halliburton as part of his $40 million retirement package.

[Sources: Energy Security Policy Act of 1986 (H.R.5667), introduced 10/9/86, 99th Congress 2nd Session, 132 Cong Rec E 1350, Vol. 132, No. 139; National Journal, 2/14/04; Washington Post, 4/16/01; Washington Post, 3/19/04; GAO Energy Task Force Report, http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdfs_108/p...ug_2003_rep.pdf (http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdfs_108/pdf_inves/pdf_energy_cheney_gao_aug_2003_rep.pdf)]

John Kerry: Real Solutions to Lower Gas Prices and Fuel the American Economy

While families are paying record prices at the pumps, oil industries are bringing in record profits. For example, Exxon’s after tax profits for 2003 were over $20 billion dollars. George Bush and Dick Cheney are siding with big oil executives and their contributors. The centerpiece of the Administration’s energy policy -- drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- will damage the environment without providing meaningful protection from high oil and gasoline prices. Also, the special interest-laden energy bill that the Bush Administration supports is so inadequate that even its own Energy Information Administration agrees it will have a “negligible impact” on gasoline prices in either the short or long term.

[Source: Summary Impacts of Modeled Provisions of the 2003 Conference Energy Bill, February 2004, Energy Information Administration Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting]


* Candidate Bush Promised to Arm-Twist OPEC. “Governor George W. Bush and others are deriding the Clinton administration for not arm-twisting OPEC into increasing production.” [Source: “Ignore gas price quick fixes,” The Dallas Morning News, 3/19/2000] “I would hope the administration would convince our friends in OPEC to open the spigots.” [Source: “OPEC Boost In Output Won’t Cut Gas Prices,” Los Angeles Times, 6/22/2000]
* George Bush Has Broken His Promise. On February 10, 2004, OPEC announced an agreement to cut its output quotas by 1 million barrels per day, starting in March. By March 17, crude oil prices in New York reached a 13-year high of $38.18 per barrel. George Bush’s silence on OPEC decisions has sent the signal that prices are not a concern. [Source: “Oil prices rise to 13-year high, threaten economy,” Washington Times, March 18, 2004]
* John Kerry Believes Immediate Pressure on OPEC Is Necessary. OPEC is meeting this week in Vienna and Kerry believes action is necessary. A Kerry Administration would act immediately to exert pressure on OPEC to abandon its cut in output quotas and instead increase oil supplies. As President, John Kerry will engage in diplomacy to ensure that US consumers are not held hostage to price fixing by OPEC. During the last year of the Clinton Administration, effective diplomatic pressure resulted in OPEC responding proactively to reduce prices.

04-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Bush said that is favourit childbook was the small catterpillar.....

BUt this book was written when Bush left the college!

So I think bush is an incompetent President who is lead by his father...
WHo uses lies to confirm a war!

04-13-2004, 03:08 PM
* John Kerry Believes Immediate Pressure on OPEC Is Necessary. OPEC is meeting this week in Vienna and Kerry believes action is necessary. A Kerry Administration would act immediately to exert pressure on OPEC to abandon its cut in output quotas and instead increase oil supplies.

Mar 31, 4:02 PM (ET)

VIENNA, Austria
Most OPEC members are taking advantage of the current high prices by pumping as much oil as they can. Excluding Iraq, which doesn't participate in the group's quota agreements, OPEC is already exceeding its existing target by an estimated 1.5 million barrels.

Although he foresees a short-term rise to $40 per barrel, Leo Drollas of the London-based Center for Global Energy Studies said he believed that prices would eventually fall to around $28.50 in the second quarter because producers would continue pumping oil in excess of their quotas.

John Waterlow of Wood Mackenzie Consultants in Edinburgh, Scotland, said prices would probably remain high for several weeks but could fall to $28 or less during the summer.

In the United States, high oil and gasoline prices have become an issue in the presidential campaign.

Democratic contender Sen. John Kerry said that as president he would stop pumping oil into the nation's emergency stockpile until prices fell and would pressure OPEC to provide more oil. A White House spokesman declined to comment on OPEC's decision but said the Bush administration would remain in close contact with oil producers.


" A Kerry Administration would act immediately to exert pressure on OPEC to abandon its cut in output quotas and instead increase oil supplies"
Oh I can believe that !!!! He's flip flopped on every single issue that has ever been brought up - how can anyone possibly believe he wouldn't flip flop on this too ?
Also note in the article that the Bush administration "would remain in close contact with oil producers" Meaning that his administration DOES talk with OPEC. They just don't beg them - READ that as bribe them billions like other administrations might have done.


04-13-2004, 05:21 PM
Wow !! There is soooo much love in the Democratic Party. Why don't we just shoot any Republican ?


Campaign 2004 turns extreme in Florida with the placement of a newspaper ad calling for physical retribution against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld!

"We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say 'This is one of our bad days,' and pull the trigger," the ad reads.


The call-to-arms fundraising ad, placed by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club in the current issue of the GABBER, a local St. Petersburg paper, asks readers to make an urgent donation to the John Kerry campaign.

Club Vice President Edna McCall told the DRUDGE REPORT Tuesday morning: "We want to get our country back. In Iraq, we're in deep trouble. If we don't try to get this situation cleared up, we are finished."

When asked if the ad was a challenge to inflict violence on Rumsfeld, McCall explained: "'Pull the trigger' means let Rumsfeld know where we stand, not to shoot him!"

"We are getting raped, and they are planning to steal the election again."

McCall said her club is in direct contact with John Kerry campaign.

"We're all working together."

The publisher of the GABBER says running the ad with the passage "pull the trigger" was a mistake that "slipped through" during the editing of this week's edition.

Yeh, right.

04-13-2004, 06:59 PM
:rolf1: :rolf1:

<---- Not a Republican, Not a Democrat, just a American http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/flagwaver.gif

04-13-2004, 11:18 PM

<------------- not a republcrat or a demlican either :thumbs:


04-14-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Apr 7 2004, 12:45 PM
are we really accomplishing anything that will last
more than a couple of years after we leave the country?
No one here can answer that.

In fact, no one here has more than a slight understanding of what&#39;s going on, what happened, I really don&#39;t think anyone here can fully appreciate the depth of the situation.

Only select people know our exact intentions in Iraq, whether Iraq had any ties to Al Queda (and if they did, how deep they run). It seems like everything in this thread is based on assumptions.

It will be a long time before we leave Iraq. We *still* have bases in Germany and Japan, and World War II ended in 1945.