View Full Version : Observers on outaws

04-12-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by <Asian - Invasian>@Apr 8 2004, 02:23 PM
Ok. Ths is really making me mad i cant even play my game anymore till i get cable i am giving up hopefully cable will coe my way son.
My story: ok well i have been f9ed from everygame in outlaws today about 12 games and i cant seem to finish one i actually finished one though.thats besides the point though. THe last game i just played there was an observer in the outlaws i really dont care 1 or 2 key bnds but you know what after that i asked for them to stop and well the person jdt kept on binding over and over and i couldnt do anythin i got so pissed i couldnt say anything because of the lag spikes that put me up to 3000 ping so i had to leave this is really angering me&#33; :bandhead: Its really not ath funny to do that. :(
That sucks, though Im lucky I have T1

04-12-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Sauron@Apr 8 2004, 02:43 PM
It&#39;s the SEC guys Because whenb lamer @ work was in server he spammed bindings
yes he does it alot, way too much
i say ban the sucker