View Full Version : Painkiller MP Impressions

OUTLAWS high ping camper
04-10-2004, 12:16 AM
Well, I bought it. It won't install on my athlon64 FX-51\windows XP Pro pc...but it did install on my Pent4 2gig\windows 2000 pc.
I sent the error message into the tech support team...I saw that someone else had the same error message as I (when I checked out the Painkiller forums) so I'm certain there's an answer/solution out there. :)
I'd much rather play the game on my "gaming" system. ;)

Oh...yeah...the game rocked! I only played multiplayer FFA (free for all). I don't know what you guys are talking about, when you say there's problems with the netcode.....I thought the game kicked arse.......well at least the map/server I was on did.

I wouldn't hesitate to recomend this game to anyone. :thumbs:

04-10-2004, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Apr 9 2004, 08:16 PM
Well, I bought it. It won't install on my athlon64 FX-51\windows XP Pro pc...but it did install on my Pent4 2gig\windows 2000 pc.
I sent the error message into the tech support team...I saw that someone else had the same error message as I (when I checked out the Painkiller forums) so I'm certain there's an answer/solution out there. :)
I'd much rather play the game on my "gaming" system. ;)

Oh...yeah...the game rocked! I only played multiplayer FFA (free for all). I don't know what you guys are talking about, when you say there's problems with the netcode.....I thought the game kicked arse.......well at least the map/server I was on did.

I wouldn't hesitate to recomend this game to anyone. :thumbs:
:) I'm gald ur enjoyign it, i'm having some probs with the game all the sudden, it wont launch at all :unsure:
The minor netcode bugs are nothing comapred to ssam, but if they're fixed more people will play more. Hope to cay on the servers HPC once i get the game working again. :wave:

04-12-2004, 11:07 PM
Voosh is fun as hell, but I can't hit crap with the shotgun. The netcode really does need some work for the higher ping people. The best server I can find pings at 150 for me, so hopefully they'll figure out how to smooth it out a little. I can't really see myself putting up with it for very long if they can't improve on it.

04-13-2004, 01:02 AM
Still playing the demo and waiting on the Multi-player demo before I buck up.

04-14-2004, 05:48 AM

its been worth the wait (although maybe rushed to the public a little too early).

multi is pretty fun almost feels like q3 on speed (no squatting)hehe.

sp is pretty good with a good story line and lottsa enemies to shoot.

its going to be fun watching this game grow.

mod :wave:

04-14-2004, 07:32 AM
Brian Gladman (head marketing guru at DreamCatchers) said at www.PKeuro.com:

The Painkiller 1.1 update is expected to pass QA and be released this Monday, April 19. The update will add a number of features, particularly for enhancing the multiplayer experience. Along with a new map ("DM_Cursed"), the 1.1 update will add Spectator mode, Demo recording and a call-vote system. There are also several minor fixes for bugs and exploits uncovered since the game's launch However, in response to the confusion caused by the vague "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000142). Click on OK to terminate the application error" error, we'll be releasing a Quick Fix hopefully within the next 24 hours to address that..

04-14-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Titanium@Apr 14 2004, 03:32 AM
Brian Gladman (head marketing guru at DreamCatchers) said at www.PKeuro.com:

The Painkiller 1.1 update is expected to pass QA and be released this Monday, April 19. The update will add a number of features, particularly for enhancing the multiplayer experience. Along with a new map ("DM_Cursed"), the 1.1 update will add Spectator mode, Demo recording and a call-vote system. There are also several minor fixes for bugs and exploits uncovered since the game's launch However, in response to the confusion caused by the vague "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000142). Click on OK to terminate the application error" error, we'll be releasing a Quick Fix hopefully within the next 24 hours to address that..
:thumbs: Great news!

04-14-2004, 07:58 PM
christos[DC] has posted from dreamcatcherinteractive.com:

Painkiller CD Fix Now Available

When attempting to launch Painkiller, some users might encounter a problem with the CD not being read properly. If the program is generating an error message similar to “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000142). Click on OK to terminate the application” or if the CD spins in the drive and does not launch the game, please download the file below:

Painkiller CD Fix (http://www.painkillergame.com/media/PK_CD_Fix.zip)

To install the Painkiller CD Fix, please unzip the file to a known location on your computer (i.e. Desktop, My Documents, etc.) and run the executable. This file will update the Painkiller launcher and should correct or better identify the problem that you are experiencing