View Full Version : Need Help Deciding

04-10-2004, 03:39 AM
thats okay...i got em both... :rolleyes:

i like em both for sperate reasons...Spellforce b/c its a hybrid game (RTS and RPG) where your character gets level ups and gains exp, but also can command an army and bulid a base like in warcraft or command and conquer...ohhh and you can switch from first persone view to third person at anytime...BUT you HAVE to go through the tutorial...and its 2 HOURS LONG :wacko:

Empires is just GORGEOUS...not only did they make the water look good but they also made and show you the things underthe water (coral and things of that nature), but the game is VERY slow paced...and i havnet found a way to change that as of yet. Also the screen shakes when you are playin...VERY annoying till u get used to it