View Full Version : E mail forwarding gone too far

solid snake295
04-13-2004, 10:07 PM
this is just stupid.

"Cecelia Zhang-A young Canadian, a bright student, what went wrong? 5 months ago, Cecelia Zhang was found missing from her very own bedroom. Her parents called the police and put up $50,000 as an award to find her. No one replied to the generous offer of the 50 grand.

On Sunday March 28th, 2004, Cecelia Zhang was found. Her remains were cut into portions and scattered among Mississauga, Eglinton. This day we remember Cecelia Zhang and hope that her killer is found. This is the day to honour, respect and remember Cecelia Zhang. "

then theres some pictures and crap of the little girl.

this is the part that got me:

"Send it to:

0 people-you have no feelings about a child getting kidnapped and being grusemly slaughtered

2-5 people- you don't really care and are too lazy

6-10+- may God bless you for spreading the word and making people aware of the situation "

so pretty much if i dont forward this to 6 or more people i dont give a **** about this girl being kidnapped and murdered??? :WTF:

who ever started this Email is a dumbass.... have some respect.

(sorry just had to blow off some steam)

04-13-2004, 10:34 PM
Wow that person has no respect at all.

04-13-2004, 10:41 PM
Same, I get chain letters in my yahoo alot with Yahoo gonna delete account, that bullsh*t pisses me off, cause yahoo has to msg you for it, and they record when you get on, so its nonsewnce bs, chainmail/letters is 100% bull****

04-13-2004, 10:42 PM
:blink: Wow.. I had to check to see if that was a hoax but IT'S TRUE (http://www.ceciliazhang.org/contact_en.html)

wtf is the matter with some people?? :bandhead: :bawling:

04-13-2004, 10:45 PM
I dont have no black heart, its just that I dont give a **** bout much if chain mail

04-13-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by FlameRush@Apr 13 2004, 06:45 PM
I dont have no black heart, its just that I dont give a **** bout much if chain mail
oh, me either...all that crap ends at my address !! :thumbs:

I meant, I really thought this was some urban legend or something from TruthorFiction.com but damn... this actually happened !! That's what's upsetting... :(

04-13-2004, 10:58 PM
So the story is true, but this M0T#&RF***&R used it for a chain e-mail!?!?!? :bandhead: :bandhead: :bandhead: He is such an @$$#0L&!!!!!! He should be the one caring about the poor girl's murder and not be sending it out like it's some kind of F***!NG joke! It's heartbreaking. :bawling:


04-13-2004, 11:17 PM
did the person who sent it to you do it as spam or was it someone you know

if it is someone you know, you need to power bomb their mail server for 1 week after you give them a warning. i use to have friend sthat would send me these dumb chain letters and now i don't have too many friends :angel: .

04-14-2004, 01:56 AM

Fred Bear
04-14-2004, 06:32 AM
looks like a cry for help if you ask me. Maybe they want to spread the word so the killer can be caught. I hate those emails too. But this one seems like someone needs help.