View Full Version : Kill Bill 2

04-16-2004, 03:11 AM
How does this NOT have a thread going yet?!

This is the follow up to the second best movie of last year (you can't be LOTR)! If you did not see Kill Bill one - change that NOW!!!! You're running out of time! Kill Bill 2 starts tomorrow! This is the best day EVER - Kill Bill 2 and classes end all in one freakin' day!

Anyways, so yeah, I love Kill Bill. It's one of my fav movies ever. It's Tarantino, it's smart, it's funny (obviously, and subtlely), it's incredible to watch, it's everything you could possibly want in a movie, including Lucy Liu's Hilariously sarcastic speech to her minions!

So I'm a huge huge fan and decided that an event like this could not go unposted.


Kill Bill 2! :jammin: :thumbs: :wootrock:

Gun Element
04-16-2004, 04:25 AM
meh, its an ok movie

04-16-2004, 09:09 AM
:jammin: (in germany it starts one week later :( )

04-16-2004, 12:34 PM
Kill Bill ROCKED!!! KB2 is a must see if you like violence, plot and have a twisted sense of humor :w00t:

04-16-2004, 06:56 PM
I just bought volume 1 on DVD, yes it is amazing, tarantino is a GENIUS and Uma Thurman is fantastic.
I wouldn't recommend it to your yonger audience, but like btck said its got humor, blood and guts galore, and a pretty sweet story!
PS is Vol2 the last one?

04-16-2004, 07:25 PM
saw it wednesday (1) with fs..
going tonite or tomorrow for fix number 2 !!

I love the spray it does when they sever limbs :rofl: :rofl: :jammin:

04-17-2004, 06:39 AM
Watch 1 after work went and just saw # 2 it was good and very funny i wont spoil it for those that will go see but it is well worth it... :thumbs:

04-19-2004, 11:44 PM
i liked first volume... that pretty little fair japan girl... so cute&#33;&#33; wub :P :P
k gonna search for vol2 now. i know its out on cinemas now

04-20-2004, 03:33 AM
well, i gots to say that kill bill 2 was pretty good, much better IMO than kill bill 1.
hardly realistic, especially with the grave scene, but much more realistic than emptying a room of 100 people.
some nice twists in this one.... yup, taratino does have a wicked sense of humor....

04-20-2004, 08:28 AM
well thats cool. first vol was very good too, so better if better lol :P

04-22-2004, 02:36 PM
Vol 2 hardly felt like 2hrs plus. Much more Tarantino-esque as far as the setups went (particularly the dialogue), with the action much more restrained, in length if not gore. And that is of course without taking anything away from the first film.

Ie, i loved them both, if in completely disparate ways. I was actually PLEASED (and admittedly surprised) with the palpable tonal difference, and yet with no loss in quality&#33; Indeed my girlie for one, not being a martial arts/western/comic/horror fan (ie, a small portion of what the preceeding volume offered), flat out despised the first (yes she actually used that word - i would have dumped the heretic if not for her cunning, well structured negative arguments - that bitch&#33;), and yet... she REALLY enjoyed the follow up, with sentiments echoing my thoughts above.

Women&#33; [wink]

Seriously though, it will be interesting to see how this beast "flows" once the films are inevitably joined at some later (read sooner) date.

And of course I&#39;m hopping from foot to foot in dribbly anticipation of the deleted fight sequence between Michael Jai White and Bill&#33; AKA the obligatory See&#33;-Bill-IS-a-total-badass&#33; Told-you-so-motherf*ckers&#33; scene. Mmm... that should be tasty.

Did that sound gay? [limp-wristed giggle]

In any event, Vol 2&#39;s Pai Mei training scene was freakin&#39; hilarious. [twirls goatee and laughs forcefully] As a huge fan of chop-socky flicks, that sequence was a woody-inducing orgy of master-&-apprentice homaging cliche&#39;s&#33; [sated chuckle]

Can&#39;t wait for a second helping. [licks fingers clean and smiles happily]

04-22-2004, 03:17 PM
LOL...Good review, Pathos :thumbs:

04-22-2004, 04:18 PM
not enough blood :rofl:

04-22-2004, 07:06 PM
The soundtrack was also REALLY good IMO&#33;

Sour Grapes
04-23-2004, 10:58 AM
Good reviews everyone&#33;

I really had a good time, especially with this second movie. Really funny stuff.