View Full Version : Some games of the evening.

04-20-2004, 11:29 AM
number 1
Dangerous wolf entered and made a run :bandhead: and won
Any one knows him??

04-20-2004, 11:30 AM
number two

It took a while before players entered, fun with the puppers :rofl:
GG all :wave:

04-20-2004, 11:33 AM
number three

The last one :blink:

Fun game :wave:

04-20-2004, 11:37 AM
none and less then none owned the arena of the hole. watched the demo, they didn't shoot each other, but doubled on every one that entered.

got the impression that "i don't see my chainsaw" was part of the plot.

entered late in this game. :rofl: :wave:

04-20-2004, 07:28 PM
Yeah! is a player of UT, :thumbs:

GG Black, and all! :thumbs:

04-20-2004, 07:49 PM
Nice games.


04-21-2004, 06:10 AM
gg :jammin:

Asian Invasian
04-21-2004, 12:33 PM
GG's DI i haveno clue who black wolf is but he rocks i remember playing him before he is unstoppable :thumbs:

Black Rose
04-22-2004, 07:24 AM
GG´s :thumbs:

Dangerous wolf is not the same guy like Black Wolf.. I think.
Black wolf = DS Black Wolf or Hairy wub a famous player :wootrock: