View Full Version : Free stuff

Caged Anger
05-11-2004, 02:26 AM
Human nature, if its free, be wary but investigate. Well, seeing how gamemeccians seem to have a nose for sniffing out good stuff for completely no charge, I think it would be great if there was a free stuff thread where you guys can post where to get helpful, crazy, fun, pointless....whatever stuff for free. Make sure to give a link and let's see what interesting things you all have found in your many years of internet surfing :thumbs:

I'll start it off with my 3 favorite downloads.
Free pop-up stopper Panicware Free Pop-Up Stopper (http://panicware.com/product_psfree.html)
An easy download that's jus as good as the professional.

Free Spyware/Adware Remover Spybot S&D From Panicware (http://panicware.com/process_download.html?prdid=PSPYWAREREMOVER)
Another good one that easily eliminates spyware.

Tweaknow Regcleaner Free Registry Repair Program (http://download.com.com/3000-2094-10281433.html?tag=lst-0-1)
Another small but helpful utility for removing bad or obsolete registry entries

There you have it, my free finds. Have fun with them but as always, be wery of anything that doesn't come with a price :jammin: :wootrock: ;)

05-11-2004, 03:05 AM
I have a couple:

RAM monitor: FreeRAM (http://www.yourwaresolutions.com)
It puts a little system tray that tells you how many free Megs of RAM you have, it'll Auto clean up if you get too low, and you can always tell it "Attempt to clean up xx% of my RAM". This is great for using right after playing a game, as the game often doesn't clean up it's RAM mess very well - I usually recover like 50 meg of RAM if I run it after playing UT2004!

A great program for Gamers: I Hate This Key (http://www.bytegems.com)
Stops the STUPID windows key from minimizing your game. Awesome program!

Caged Anger
05-11-2004, 04:08 PM
Like the ram one, but the I hate this key isn't free... :lol: whatever, they look cool

05-11-2004, 05:56 PM
i hate this key looks cool, but its not for free
Spybot S&D is very good prog to find spyware and avoid some of virus attacks

05-12-2004, 01:19 AM
Um...there&#39;s a free version...I&#39;m running it...

Wow...Um...Load this page (http://www.bytegems.com/ihatethiskey.shtml) and click download now... :lol:

05-12-2004, 02:14 AM
Google toolbar is the greatest free download ever.


Caged Anger
05-12-2004, 02:21 AM
spybot picks that up as spyware, so I deleted it. All those search toolbars are.

05-12-2004, 05:04 AM
For Microsoft customers. 1 free year of EZ Armor Security Suite. This is a Computer Associates product. It includes anti-virus and firewall. I haven&#39;t tried it but hey it&#39;s a &#036;50 value.

EZ Armor Security Suite (http://www.my-etrust.com/microsoft/)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
05-12-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by BobtheCkroach@May 11 2004, 05:19 PM
Um...there&#39;s a free version...I&#39;m running it...

Wow...Um...Load this page (http://www.bytegems.com/ihatethiskey.shtml) and click download now... :lol:
Thanks Bob......that key has been driving me nuts&#33;&#33; :thumbs:

05-12-2004, 03:30 PM
No Prob Camper - I HATE that key (as the title suggests...). It got me the most when I was playing diablo, and went to push alt to see what Items were lying around..."And lets see what goodies the baddies left arou - DAMN&#33;"

Caged Anger
05-12-2004, 04:20 PM
which key are you guys talking about? I&#39;m afraid I&#39;ve never run into problems with keys, except when I play quake in a window, the mouse moves off screen and presses the X button every so often. Greatly disturbing, but don think that program is for that button...

05-12-2004, 04:29 PM
On a windows keyboard, between the "CTRL" and the "ALT" on the left side of the keyboard, there&#39;s a key w/ a flag on it. Pressing this pops up the start menu. If you&#39;re in a full screen game and you press it by accident, it will minimize your game and pop up the start menu. It&#39;s incredibly annoying.

Caged Anger
05-13-2004, 03:21 PM
wow, i try doing that [urposefully so I cvan check on other things, never works. Guess I don&#39;t need that download then :lol:

Don&#39;t end this thread guys, I know your computers and brains are full of free things you&#39;ve found.