View Full Version : Crimes in RED / in review

05-13-2004, 08:49 PM
If you all have not been catching "Crimes in RED" then maybe some of you have been snoozing :P

"Crimes in Red" by written by da mega presario aka Scorch, is deffinitely a first class third person shootah :oooo:

It goes well beyond the usual "finite" single story sentiments or the ever popular trilogy for that matter.

This episodal story, "Crimes in RED" sews some how and who? into a " testicular " web of mystery, trechery and mayhem that takes the reader, near (closer than some readers ever imagined) and further than ever (some would have) dared to go before!! :w00t:

This lot of heros, villians and somewhat seedy characters bare somewhat more than a mere resemblance to some major playah's! It is in this reviewers opinion that there is more here or there than meets the usual yet casual readers eye :devil:

I will close this writers short review in summation, that it is a must read that only by each individuals take, can one apprecitate the depth of this writers take for the most part on all previously unwritten worldly characters, or the authors uncanny and yet uncommon sensitise!!

So the intrigue and story continues.......... :thumbs:

Crimes in RED (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18901)

05-13-2004, 09:22 PM
Man Crimes in Red is brilliant to say the least...it makes me laugh and i have read it several times..it just get better...Scorch you are my hero :thumbs: :rofl: :thumbs: