View Full Version : Practice tonight 8:30

05-25-2004, 09:08 PM
Practice will be open to all GM tonight. If you need a server pass pm me :thumbs:

A reminder for all DS members

I only see the same people @ practice every week. Good job! Those of you that dont show just a little reminder.

Mission statement

{DS} has the following mission:

Provide a home for motivated gamers regardless of connection speed, location or playing ability.

Cultivate superior players through internal training and self-review.

Act as an example for other clans, guilds, groups and online gaming teams.

Win battles fought against these other clans, guilds, groups or online gaming teams.

1:In {DS} you will be treated like an adult and are expected to act like one; Cheating, lying, hacking, piracy, harassment or general rudeness is unacceptable.

2:If you would like help, please ask {DS} members will do their best.

3:Keep All {DS} Private information to yourself, including discussions in our private forums, server passwords, and any other passwords we know that enable us to play on other clans private servers.

4:Take pride in your clan and try to improve it.

5:Trainies are expected to attend four practices a month, ladder members are expected to attend two. Non ladder players practice once a month.
6:Be kind to newbies.

7:Wear your tag at all times, remembering your actions towards others online will reflect upon the clan.

8:Only high-ranking {DS} members are able to speak for or act on behalf of the clan.

9:Being a team player is more important than being a skilled player.

10. The use of extreme rude, racial or sexual words in your name is forbidden, under penalty of suspension.

11:Keep it fun.

Those of you that are in a different time zone and or work schedule will have to hook up with other players in your time slot. It would be nice to see someone step up and lead and coordinate these players so maybe we can scrimmage you guy's some week end :thumbs:

Support your Clan. :thumbs:

05-25-2004, 09:44 PM
I will be there for part of it, but have a ladder match at 9:00pm est :thumbs:

05-26-2004, 01:20 PM
You guys have a lot of rules! :D

I'm not even sure what the rules for GB are other than "you must be 18".

Anywho, I was at a graduation last night. Tonight is an all video game night and Im looking to get some 1v1's and some CTF in. Anyone that would like to help me practice up for 1v1 is more than welcome to look me up on xfire and grab me.

username is smoothgummibear


05-26-2004, 03:04 PM
This is also for tonight's practice!

But, Twitch and I have a match at 7:00pm est, so sever may be closed until 8:15.

If you see us on TS between 6:45, and 8:15, please stay off of the channel, we face {dks} for PG ladder match. :blink:

05-26-2004, 07:57 PM
i am going to try to show up :wave:

05-26-2004, 08:04 PM
its called school and its gettin in the way :wave: :thumbs:
also its summer..............almost

05-27-2004, 12:13 AM
probably wont be there.